This panel explores the crises that have transformed the daily lives of Americans both economically and personally. Existence is now precarious on every level. The panelists use New Marxian analyses to explore where the crises originated, how they function and how they can be a force in transforming America.
Recorded and edited by Wilton Vought (last name rhymes with thought) of Essential Dissent.
If you broadcast this audio, please:
1. Credit Essential Dissent. 2. Notify Wilton via the Contact Contributor button.
Follow the Essential Dissent podcast on iTunes:
Does not include the Q&A. You can hear that on my YouTube channel.
00:00:00 Robert K. Drinan 00:05:12 Richard Wolff 00:29:10 Hariet Fraad 00:49:24 Kimberly Westcott
There are 2 edits* (Unsanitized, Sanitized) of this Left Forum panel on the R4A server, and 2 versions of each edit:
Unsanitized: Includes the following naughty words: shit (14:00); horseshit (23:47). The FCC may rain fire and brimstone upon your head if you broadcast these words before 10 PM.
Sanitized: Omits those words in case your audience is a Boy Scout convention.
1. Unsanitized, -24 LUFS (Loudness Units Full Scale), 192 Kbps Mp3, suitable for RADIO PLAY if you don't mind a little horseshit, but you may want to add an intro etc.
2. Unsanitized, -19 LUFS, 64 Kbps Mp3, FOR INDIVIDUAL USE. A smaller (more compressed) file suitable for downloading onto a mobile device by the end user.
3. Sanitized, -24 LUFS, 192 Kbps Mp3, suitable for RADIO PLAY (No shit!), but you may want to add an intro etc.
4. Sanitized, -19 LUFS, 64 Kbps Mp3, FOR INDIVIDUAL USE. A smaller (more compressed) file suitable for downloading onto a mobile device by the end user.
* On 2/14/2020 I added Versions 5 & 6, 58 minute edits that include an intro/outro etc, and no naughty words.
Version 5 (-24 LUFS) is a RADIO READY edit.
Version 6 (identical content to Version 5, but -19 LUFS) is more suited for downloading onto a computer or mobile device for INDIVIDUAL USE
DISCLAIMER: By downloading my audio for broadcast, you agree and acknowledge that it is solely your responsibility to ensure your uses of it comply with all FCC regulations.
Left Forum 2019 - Double Jeopardy
For RADIO PLAY - Unsanitized -24 LUFS 192 Kbps Mp3