With Clips from Saturday Night Live Please Donate to keep CWB Alive! Donate to: CashApp $CWBPodcast & Paypal @CWBPodcast 12 Month Goals: 300 at $5 100 at $10 100 at $20 25 at $21+ Them Trumps is a forgotten SNL skit from the Trump years, I laughed heartily when I first watched them and then again everytime I watched them afterwards. How sad the state of comedy is that this brilliant sketch wasn’t utilized more. That said, it was the perfect set-up for a podcast episode asking and answering the question, “would if those who did (this thing) were black”. No description besides this point is required however I will add this episode does not dive deeply into these answers but skims over them to give the listener a basic overview of what most people instinctively know, if so-and-so were black the ends would be violent and bloody. Music Used in the opening, Curtis Mayfield’s Think, Brandy’s The Definition and Marvin Gaye’s Inner City Blues If you have any questions, comments or concerns please contact me at vphiamer.adis.ogaarwa@outlook.com Follow me on Facebook @ClassWarBattlefieldPodcast, on Twitter @VphiamerAdisOgaarwa