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Program Information
State Of The City reports
Tough questions from Tucker in wide-ranging Putin interview
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
Feb. 9, 2024, midnight
– Joe Banks, freelance journalist, joins Tony and Martin. Joe has done intensive investigations in to the planned development at St.Mary le Port, Castle Park, Bristol.
– Planning Corruption at the Heart of Bristol, Joe Banks on St Mary Le Port private equity development
– The Story of St Mary le Port: short(ish) version by Joe Banks – Political interference, specialists sidelined and developer power:
– Office block scheme at the historic heart of the city reveals important insights into Bristol’s planning and development regime – Joe Banks
– Laura Trott, Chief Secretary to the Treasury, and it’s worrying how little she knows. Laura Trott accused of not knowing ‘basic facts of her job’ after questions over debt
– Dr David Miller court victory: Anti-Zionism now a ‘protected characteristic’ under UK hate crime law
– David Miller, journalist and former Professor of Sociology at Bristol University, joins Tony and Martin. David Miller has won his court case against claims he was anti-Semitic
– Anti-Zionist views protected after tribunal makes landmark ruling in favour of sacked professor Dr David Miller Anti-Zionism is a legally protected characteristic
– Professor David Miller successfully claimed discrimination based on his philosophical belief that Zionism is inherently racist
– Retired US General Wesley Clarke explains US doctrine of ‘escalation dominance’ and why US has to strike Iran.
– Gen. Wesley Clark many years earlier in 2007 – Project for the New American Century and their plan to attack 7 countries in 5 years to clean up old Soviet client regimes.
– Matt Campbell needs donations for the inquest in to his brother’s death in 9/11 attack – Crowd Funder We are the family of Geoff Thomas Campbell — our beloved son and brother
– And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his demons were cast out with him. Revelation 12:9
– Tough questions from Tucker Carlson in wide-ranging Putin interview
– Alex Krainer, author of ‘Grand Deception: the Truth About Bill Browder, the Magnitsky Act, and Anti-Russian Sanctions’, joins Tony and Martin online from Monaco to discuss
– Clear and present danger: wars incubate fascism War and preparations for war are extremely toxic to society. These are times to be brave. The war drums in Europe and in the Middle East
– David Halpin, former surgeon, on King Charles’s prostate problem and what cancer he thinks he has. Prostate examination may have revealed King Charles had rectal cancer
– NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
Part One – Local and National News Review

Joe Banks, freelance journalist, joins Tony and Martin. Joe has done intensive investigations in to the planned development at St.Mary le Port, Castle Park, Bristol. He has found the planning system to be lacking and corrupt in many ways, particularly the way professional planners critical of the scheme have been pushed out of their jobs by a pro-developer ‘clique’ appointed by outgoing Labour mayor Marvin Rees. History of Bristol. Post war rebuilding of Bristol poor. Marvin’s influence on Bristol’s planning. Power and money of planning. Federated Hermes developer of Castle Park. Which local Councillors voted for scheme and why. Influence of Freemasonry? Design West. The Friends of Castle Park. Nicola Beech central to proposal. Joe’s articles on the subject – the long and the short version – Joe’s other articles

The Story of St Mary le Port: short(ish) version by Joe Banks – Political interference, specialists sidelined and developer power: office block scheme at the historic heart of the city reveals important insights into Bristol’s planning and development regime – Joe Banks – Two significant things are set to happen in Bristol in 2024: Mayor Marvin Rees departs City Hall in May and construction work will begin on a major new development at the historic heart of the city. If one of the enduring legacies of Rees’ time in office will be a wave of crass buildings across the city, the imminent scheme at St Mary le Port may well stand as the most totemic example. The office block development was approved by a council planning committee in December 2021, got held up by an unsuccessful appeal to the Secretary of State from the Bristol Civic Society, and finally received planning permission in September 2022. Nothing has happened on site yet but I’ve been assured by the developer’s PR consultants that work will start this year. The story of its journey through the planning system exposes many of the features of the current planning and development regime that has incited recent public anger: political interference from the Mayor’s Office, disdain for transparency and due process, the sidelining of the council’s own placemaking specialists, and the green light given to developers to create bland, poorly designed places. The remains of St Mary le Port church sit on the western edge of Castle Park, surrounded by three derelict office buildings from the 1960s and 70s. This is where the city began, by the crossing of the Avon where Bristol Bridge stands today. The area around the ancient crossroads of High Street, Wine Street, Broad Street and Corn Street was the heart of the city from its early beginnings in late Saxon times to the devastation of the Second World War. The Bristol Blitz of November 1940 saw the entire quarter of tightly-packed streets on the eastern side, then the city’s bustling shopping and entertainment district, sent up in flames. What little survived was later demolished and the area was turned into Castle Park in the late 1970s.

Evan Davis BBC interviews Laura Trott, Chief Secretary to the Treasury, and it’s worrying how little she knows about government debt. Laura Trott accused of not knowing ‘basic facts of her job’ after questions over debt – A Treasury minister has been accused of not knowing “the basic facts of her job” after struggling to answer questions about the rise in national debt. Labour said it was “terrifying” that Laura Trott is in charge of the country’s finances after she was challenged for repeatedly claiming that debt is falling as a proportion of GDP. Ms Trott, the chief secretary to the Treasury, said she had “different figures” when she was presented with the latest official projections from the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR), which suggest an increase in debt over the next five years. According to the fiscal watchdog’s November outlook, debt is forecast to climb as a percentage of national income from 89% in 2023/24 to 92.8% in 2028/29. Appearing on BBC Radio 4’s PM programme, Ms Trott was asked how the government can afford potential tax cuts ahead of the next election, given that one of Rishi Sunak’s five key pledges is to reduce national debt. She said: “The central pledge… is that debt needs to be falling over the five-year fiscal forecast as a percentage of GDP, which it is.” Presenter Evan Davis, a former economist, interjected, telling her the debt is set to be “higher in five years than now” and pointing to the latest projections. She maintained debt is falling as a percentage of GDP, but when challenged again, Ms Trott appeared to start saying “I’m not sure”, to which Davis replied: “This is really basic… I’m amazed that you don’t know that debt is rising.” The minister said: “I think I need to have the figures. I’ve got different figures which… I think we just need to… yeah.” She did not specify which figures she meant.

David Miller, journalist and former Professor of Sociology at Bristol University, joins Tony and Martin. David Miller has won his court case against claims he was anti-Semitic. Hooray!! He will get a pay out, but probably not get his job back at Bristol University. Why people should be able to complain about Zionism. The international definition of anti Semitism claims anti Zionism is the same – this may have to changed after court case. Israel’s expansionist agenda and US sponsoring them. Genocide in Gaza. Spiritual aspect – Jews have a right to live in their no.1 religious area. David’s legal case, and how he got funding. David’s show on Press TV, ‘Palestine Declassified’. Why did David choose sociology? David on twitter X – tracking_power. Please donate to David to help pay for the court costs – fighting General Wesley Clark on C4 News – US must use escalation dominance and hit Iran hard.

Anti-Zionist views protected after tribunal makes landmark ruling in favour of sacked professor Dr David Miller Anti-Zionism is a legally protected characteristic a tribunal has ruled after it found in favour of a sacked university professor. Professor David Miller successfully claimed discrimination based on his philosophical belief that Zionism is inherently racist, imperialist and colonial. Lawyers representing Prof Miller said the judgment established for the first time that anti-Zionist beliefs are protected in the workplace. Prof Miller was a professor of political sociology at the University of Bristol from 2018 until 2021. In 2019, he sparked anger among Jewish students after describing the “Zionist movement” as one of the “five pillars of Islamophobia.” Since being dismissed, the professor, who works for Iranian state-owned television channel Press TV, has described Israel as “the enemy of world peace”. The professor claimed that he was subject to an organised campaign by groups and individuals opposed to his anti-Zionist views. He also alleged that the university failed to support him and unfairly dismissed him. In a judgment handed down by Judge Rohan Pirani, the Bristol employment tribunal ruled that the professor’s anti-Zionist beliefs qualified as a philosophical belief and as a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010. It found that he was subject to direct discrimination because of his anti-Zionist belief in relation to the university’s decision to sack him. However, it dismissed further claims of indirect and direct discrimination. Zillur Rahman, partner at law firm Rahman Lowe, who represented Prof Miller, said: “This is a landmark case and marks a pivotal moment in the history of our country for those who believe in upholding the rights of Palestinians.” Prof Miller said: “I am extremely pleased that the tribunal has concluded that I was unfairly and wrongfully dismissed by the University of Bristol. I am also very proud that we have managed to establish that anti-Zionist views qualify as a protected belief under the UK Equality Act. “This was the most important reason for taking the case and I hope it will become a touchstone precedent in all the future battles that we face with the racist and genocidal ideology of Zionism and the movement to which it is attached.” The Union of Jewish Students said it was “disappointed” by the decision which could set a “dangerous precedent.”

Retired US General Wesley Clarke explains US doctrine of ‘escalation dominance’ and why US has to strike Iran. President Biden has been meeting members of his national security team to discuss the Jordan attack. The Pentagon said the United States would take “all necessary actions” to protect American troops. Iran has denied ordering the drone strike on a base near the Syrian border which killed 3 US servicemen and injured 34 others, but the White House has blamed what it called “radical Iran-backed militant groups” operating in the area.

Gen. Wesley Clark many years earlier in 2007 – Project for the New American Century and their plan to attack 7 countries in 5 years to clean up old Soviet client regimes. picked up a piece of paper he said I just he said I just got this down from upstairs meeting the secretary defense office today and he said this is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years starting with Iraq and then Syria

Matt Campbell needs donations for the inquest in to his brother’s death in 9/11 attack – Crowd Funder We are the family of Geoff Thomas Campbell ­ our beloved son and brother who perished on 11 September 2001. – Geoff’s first inquest in 2013 wrongly concluded that American Airlines Flight 11 caused the collapse of the North Tower and thus was the cause of Geoff’s death. We are seeking a fresh inquest to prove that the original conclusion is false and to establish that the true cause of Geoff’s death was the explosive demolition of the North Tower. Sadly, the Attorney General for England and Wales has unlawfully refused our application for a second time after withdrawing her first decision last September in response to our legal challenge. (Our full statement about the AG’s decision is here.) We now need to raise £60,000 for barrister’s fees by March 1st so that we can seek judicial review of the Attorney General’s decision in the High Court, where we are confident of prevailing. Our deadline to file for judicial review is April 3rd. Your support will enable us to continue our fight to reopen Geoff’s inquest and prove in the West London Coroner’s Court how Geoff and thousands of others really died on 9/11.

Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard | Tony on Brexit & The Traitors of Arnhem | Evolution | War between God & Lucifer | Plan for three World Wars | Armageddonists I have known: Nick Land (1975-8) | George Monbiot (1995-8) | Aanirfan | Manna for the Revelation Generation: CONSPIRACY CLASSICS, longer interviews/lectures

Part Two – International news review, Accelerationist, Armageddonist reports and investigations

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his demons were cast out with him. Revelation 12:9

Alex Krainer, author of ‘Grand Deception: the Truth About Bill Browder, the Magnitsky Act, and Anti-Russian Sanctions’, joins Tony and Martin online from Monaco to discuss yesterday’s Tucker Carlson Putin interview. Alex, a former hedge fund manager, met Bill Browder, who ran Hermitage Capital Management. Bill Browder is main critic of Putin, and works with Western Secret Services. Alex’s book keeps getting cancelled. Tucker Carlson interviews Putin in Moscow – Nazis in Ukraine and peace talks. Rothschild’s letter real?. Putin on AI, Elon Musk, and Evan Gershowitz journalist in prison. Military and AI. Putin on spirituality and Orthodox Church in Russia. Where is Ukraine war heading? Gaza – October 7th a false flag?

Clear and present danger: wars incubate fascism War and preparations for war are extremely toxic to society. These are times to be brave. The war drums in Europe and in the Middle East are growing ever louder and it is clear that the imperial oligarchy desperately needs a big war to shore up their power base and to divert the anger of their populations against an external enemy. In Germany, where the largest protests in history are ongoing and even gaining in size, we suddenly have a leak of secret documents out of the German Defence Ministry that suggest that Vladimir Putin is preparing to attack NATO countries in 2025 and show step-by-step how Russia will escalate the conflict to an all-out war over the next 18 months. UK Defence Minister: the era of peace dividend is over! Recognize the ghouls: the left eye always has a crazy expression. On Monday, 15 January 2024, Britain’s Defence Minister, the “right and honourable” Grant Shapps posted a theatrical video on X, announcing that “we” must prepare for war: “In 2024 Britain Stands at a turning point in our history. … The world’s become acutely dangerous. All around us, our enemies are preparing and we are just seeing the start of tragic consequences. From Ukraine to the Middle East, the South China Sea to North Korea, South America to Africa and new theatres from cyber to space warfare, all of which could have disastrous impact at home. How we respond will define our future. And the choice is clear: the era of peace dividend is over. And now, just like our enemies, we must plan and invest for an era of confrontation…” Whenever they say, “we,” “our enemies,” etc – keep in mind, they mean themselves and the imperial cabal that employs them. They see the rest of us merely as indentured labor, tax donkeys and cannon fodder. But if there’s one comforting aspect to RtHon’s surreal announcement, it’s that after nearly 24 hours, his post only got 938 views. All the same, his words should not be taken lightly as they echo the mindset of the high cabal. NATO is mobilizing Accordingly, NATO has been busy preparing its member nations for war and moving troops and equipment toward Russia’s borders across Poland, across Slovakia and elsewhere. Governments and media in Finland and Sweden are ratcheting up the narrative about the coming war against Russia and the new Polish government just announced a stunning new directive on military draft. It states that if you are called for military service, you must report for duty within six hours. Failure to report is punishable with three years in prison. Avoidance of military service will be punished with a 5-year prison term. War is the perfect smokescreen for totalitarianism Beyond the obvious danger in terms of destruction and loss of life, war and preparations for war are extremely toxic to a society. This is because the perceived emergency and danger from the external enemy creates the psychological smokescreen that enables the nation’s political class to consolidate their hold on power in ways that wouldn’t be possible during peacetime.

Alex’s Twitter X – @nakedhedgy. Alex’s substack – Trend Compass.

David Halpin, former surgeon, on King Charles’s prostate problem and what cancer he thinks he has. Prostate examination may have revealed King Charles had rectal cancer, but that would require an op rather than radiotherapy or chemotherapy However. This week’s announcement may be a cynical PR sympathy stunt in an attempt to boost the King’s and Queen’s flagging public popularity ratings? Patrizia Opulenza poem on King Charles’s prostate problem.
#1 - Complete 3hr 40min show - [right click to download]
Full interviews with...
#2 - Full 3hr 40min show duplicate
#3 – Laura Trott Tory Chief Secretary to the Treasury car crash interview with PMs Evan Davis – 00:08:00
#4 – Dr. David Halpin educated guesswork on King Charles alleged cancer - 00:50:00
#5 - US Gen. Wesley Clarke Retd. Escalation Dominance Irans Mohammed Morandi C4news – 00:09:00
#6 - Tucker Carlson Vladimir Putin Ukraine War Interview – 02:05:00

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