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State Of The City reports
NATO/Ukrainian drones sink FIFTEENTH of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet warships, Sergey Kotov
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
March 8, 2024, midnight
Tony is accused, along with a former NUJ president and former BBC Middle East correspondent Tim Llewellyn, of antisemitism by the UK Campaign against antisemitism.

– Ani Stafford Townsend, Green Councillor for Bristol central ward, joins Tony, Martin and Joe Banks. Greens in charge of Bristol next
– Joe Banks, journalist, who has looked extensively in to planning in Bristol, asks Ani questions about planning. Bristol Monitoring Officer Tim O’Gara
– The Budget – Jeremy Hunt’s former failures. Bristol Post – some Bristol planning decisions put under Central Government control. St. Mary le Port planned development.
– Dan Akroyd in Council meeting on Yew Tree Farm planned development – Council doesn’t listen. Joe Banks on Substack –
– Yemen expert Dr. Judith Brown, ex-UN aid worker, researcher and academic, joins Tony and Martin, Judith’s upcoming Substack ‘
– Rishi Sunak’s speech after George Galloway won Rochdale. Galloway on what he thought of Rishi’s speech on Sky News.
– Galloway on Labour Friends of Israel – why aren’t there ‘Friends of’ groups for other Countries?
– What do Middle East Countries think of Gaza war? The Middle East Accords. Caroline Elkins book – ‘Legacy of Violence: History of the British Empire’.
– Gen. Frank Kitson died in January – author of ‘Low Intensity Operations’ and ‘Gangs and Counter Gangs’ books on war crime soldiering and dirty tricks.
– Former British Army General Frank Kitson dies at age of 97 British Army officer was in command of Parachute Regiment on Bloody Sunday
– Head of IRA internal security, Stakeknife, who decided which leaders died or rose to the top, worked for the British Army.
– Now he’s dead the truth can come out! The Nutting Squad and Stakeknife. Caroline Elkins ‘Britain’s Gulag: The Brutal End of Empire in Kenya’.
– Agence France Press (AFP) is world’s largest Orwellian ‘fact checker’ – manipulation of fact checkers.
– Democracy Dies in Darkness – Could Google rankings skew an election? New group aims to find out.
– When Israel was being accused of genocide in Gaza in Court – Israel accuses UNRWA of having Hamas staff – actually only 12 out of thousands.
– CNN insider dealing before October 7th attack. US Aid dropped in Gaza – 5 killed. US to build pier in Gaza to bring Aid in. .
– NATO/Ukrainian drones sink FIFTEENTH of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet warships, Sergey Kotov. Al Jazeera report on drone warfare in Ukraine.
– Iraq Veteran Mike Pysner’s rousing speech against war in Iraq. Mike Prysner describes a mission he took part in which his unit forced Iraqis out
– ‘Investigating Diana’ documentary – Richard Tomlinson, former MI6 officer, says Diana died in similar way to an MI6 plan he’d seen.
– The Big Breach : From Top Secret To Maximum Security – Richard Tomlinson was recruited by MI6, the British foreign intelligence service,
– King Charles whe wife murderer? Evidence Diana was assassinated by MI6, the 1999 affidavit of MI6 officer Richard Tomlinson: ‘Later in 1992, as the civil war...
– Biden boo-boos – says Ukraine twice instead of Gaza. Biden’s State of the Union address – inaccuracies and hypocrisies. Biden’s Nazi comparison
– George Galloway MP’s Workers Party present Their Budget 2024 1, deputy leader Chris Williamson: former Labour MP,
– George Galloway MP’s Workers Party present Their Budget 2024 2, sociology professor Steve Hall: member of Workers Party, gives his opinion on The Budget.
– Patrizia Opulenza our resident poet, on The Budget.
– John Harris' new book: Conspiracy, Calamity, and Cover-Up: The Truth Behind the Rudolf Hess Flight to Scotland, May 10th 1941
– David Sorenson Stop World Control dot com Zionist Plan to make Jerusalem the capital of a one world government, The Mystery of Israel
– NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
Part One – Local and National News Review

Tony is accused, along with a former NUJ president and former BBC Middle East correspondent Tim Llewellyn, f antisemitism by the UK Campaign against antisemitism. “It’s like them versus us”: Six Jewish members resign from National Union of Journalists citing intimidation and anti-Israel bias Campaign Against Antisemitism has spoken to Jewish members who have resigned from the National Union of Journalists (NUJ), one of the largest trade unions for journalists in Britain, in recent months owing to its alleged anti-Israel bias. We are aware of at least six Jewish members who have handed in their NUJ cards since 7th October. Those who spoke to us have told us that there is an anti-Israel bias in the Union, leading to a culture that leaves its Jewish members feeling ostracised. According to the International Definition of Antisemitism, “Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis” is an example of antisemitism. Numerous posts from the private NUJ Facebook group, in which only Union members are allowed to post, accuse Israel of committing genocide. The group is supposedly moderated by admins. However, one comment by journalist Tony Gosling which, at the time of writing has been allowed to remain, referred to “the coming WWIII being cooked up between China and the Anglo-Zionist Empire”. … In 2019, Mr Gosling’s radio programme was reported [by Israeli state backed UKLFI] to Ofcom for antisemitic conspiracy theories, although the complaint was not upheld. Mr Gosling has also appeared as a guest on PressTV, an Iranian state-owned news network whose British broadcasting licence was revoked by Ofcom in 2012…. Concerningly, Mr Gosling “spent a year on the National Executive of the NUJ and eight years as Secretary, then Vice-Chair of the Bristol branch of the [NUJ] until the 2009 AGM when he resigned from the Bristol executive”. Between 2021 and 2023, he was elected to sit on NUJ’s Appeals Tribunal and Professional Training Committee…. In November 2023, the NUJ London Freelance branch hosted a webinar arranged by the group Jewish Network for Palestine which comprised three speakers; journalist Tim Llewellyn, outspoken activist Ghada Karmi and Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi, one of the founders of Jewish Voice for Labour (JVL), the antisemitism-denial group and sham Jewish representative organisation…. Mr Llewellyn, who for ten years served as the BBC’s Middle East correspondent, said in 2012 that “pro-Israel Zionists” are “scattered at strategic points throughout the British establishment, throughout British business and among the people whose voices are respected”…. In 2021, Dr Karmi accused Sir Keir Starmer of using the “label of antisemitism as a weapon”. She further described allegations of antisemitism as a “smear accusation” which was being used as a “weapon” to suspend and expel members of the Labour Party…. Ms Wimborne-Idrissi was expelled from the Labour Party, apparently in relation to her involvement with the far-left “Resist Movement”, “Labour in Exile Network” and antisemitism-denial group “Labour Against the Witchhunt”….

Ani Stafford Townsend, Green Councillor for Bristol central ward, joins Tony, Martin and Joe Banks. Greens in charge of Bristol next? Ani on the complaint about her in Council. Stakeknife in N. Ireland – story this week. Hikes to allotment fees. Tessa Price in Council on unfairness of allotment fees hike. Councillor to sue Bristol Labour for defamation after meeting boycott – The chair of one of the council’s planning committee is fundraising to take the ruling Labour group to court One of the leading councillors at City Hall has started an online fundraiser to help take legal action to sue Bristol’s ruling Labour Party for defamation after a row about the end of a meeting late last year. Cllr Ani Stafford-Townsend (Green, Central) is the chair of one of Bristol City Council ’s two planning committees, and is threatening to take the ruling Labour group at City Hall to court for defamation in statements made after a meeting that took place in November. If you can survive 1 minute in this game, you will play it all night long. Play for free.Combat Siege The row follows a contentious meeting at which councillors voted to allow the expansion of the South Bristol Crematorium onto land that has been farmed as part of Yew Tree Farm – a controversial decision which saw the heckling of councillors from members of the public. After the meeting on the last day of November, the Labour Group at City Hall issued a statement saying they were going to boycott all future planning meetings under Cllr Stafford-Townsend claiming their members didn’t ‘feel safe’, and had been on the receiving end of racial and religious abuse – a claim vehemently disputed by other councillors and members of the public who had attended the meeting.

Joe Banks, journalist, who has looked extensively in to planning in Bristol, asks Ani questions about planning. Bristol Monitoring Officer Tim O’Gara is not following the law. How planning system works in Council. Council short of money from Central Government – not enough for disabled SEND children. Asher Craig in Council on deficit in school grants. Bristol City Council’s top lawyer apologises over misconduct cases advice Tim O’Gara has changed his stance over the appointment of independent advisers assigned to examine complaints against councillors Bristol CIty Council’s top lawyer appears to have backtracked over how independent advisers are assigned to examine misconduct complaints against elected members. Director of legal and democratic services Tim O’Gara last week denied the authority had broken the law over the appointments. Answering a question from resident and democracy campaigner Mike Oldreive, he told a council meeting on Monday, October 9, that there was no requirement in legislation for the “independent persons”, who have an advisory role in investigations against councillors, to be voted in at full council. But Mr O’Gara, the monitoring officer who ensures the authority complies with the law, now says they do need the approval of a majority of members and that this is due to take place next month. Own A Barrel Of Whisky. How To Invest In Whisky.British Investing At last week’s values & ethics sub-committee, Mr Oldreive asked whether the appointments had been made “unlawfully”, arguing that the Localism Act required a full council decision, which is common practice in many other local authorities. Mr O’Gara replied that this was a “complete misreading” of the law and that such a vote was not necessary. However, in an email to the resident, who was one of those whose complaints against councillors were not upheld, he now seems to have reversed his position and apologised for the “confusion”. The officer wrote on Friday, October 13: “Having reviewed the relevant legislation, I would like to clarify the position for you. “The recent recruitment process for Independent Persons will require the ratification of those appointments by full council and it is anticipated that this will be at the next ordinary meeting of full council on November 14. This is not the position that was outlined in the meeting….

The Budget – Jeremy Hunt’s former failures. Bristol Post – some Bristol planning decisions put under Central Government control. St. Mary le Port planned development. 28 story student accommodation planned development. Councillors are not getting the information they need to make decisions on planning and scrutinise. Land banking: development land left empty for years to inflate the market. Green Party policy on empty homes. Every household in the Bristol region will see their council tax bills go up in April – Rising demand for social services combined with high inflation and cuts to government funding has left most councils needing to find extra cash – Every council in the Bristol region has now set its budget for the upcoming year – which includes a hike in council tax bills by the maximum amount for every household in April. Bristol City Council, South Gloucestershire Council and Bath and North East Somerset Council have all agreed to increase bills by 4.99 per cent – which is the highest allowed without a referendum. For Bristol households, council tax bills for band D households will rise by more than £115 from April. Annual charges will increase from £2,345.24 to £2,460.42, while those for band B properties are going up by £89.52, from £1,824.08 to £1,913.60. Band A bills will rise by £76.71, from £1,563.49 to £1,640.20 , while band B’s increase is £89.52 to £1,913.60. Charges for band C households will go up by £102.31 to £2,186.96 and band E from £2,866.40 to £3,007.34, a rise of £140,94. Band F residents will pay £3,553,80, £166.23 more than now, band G is up from £3,908.73 to £4,100.53, with people living in the highest band H forking out an extra £230.16, with bills for 2024/25 at £4,920.64. Rising demand for social services combined with high inflation and cuts to government funding has left most councils in England needing to find extra cash. In Bristol other measures introduced in the budget include new parking charges in district car parks, which are expected to raise £150,000 a year, from 2025. Allotment rents will see massive increases in both 2025 and 2026, with the cost of a medium plot rising from £70 currently to £113 in 2025, and then £156 in 2026. In South Gloucestershire parking charges are now set to be introduced at many council car parks across the district, which are currently free. The changes are hoped to raise £1.5 million a year for the cash-strapped council, to help pay for rising costs of providing services like social care. Fees for having a garden waste bin collected will also double, from £30 to £60, to help balance the books.

Dan Akroyd in Council meeting on Yew Tree Farm planned development – Council doesn’t listen. Joe Banks on Substack – various articles, including the long and short version of his investigation in to Bristol planning. Mayor Rees new job with UN Habitat? Bristol Clean Air Zone – working? Carla Denyer – Green MP for Bristol? Bristol Green Party candidate says government is ‘complicit’ over Gaza killings – The Bristol councillor and party co-leader is calling for more sanctions to be put in place against Israel – Bristol Green Party candidate Carla Denyer is demanding the UK scale up action against the Israeli government over the Gaza conflict. The Greens are calling for an end to all arms sales to Israel, prosecutions of war criminals and sanctions on Israel’s leaders. The Green Party co-leader, who will stand in Bristol Central, has called for the UK to suspend arms export licences to Israel and to take measures such as excluding Israel from music and sporting events. Pensioners born before 1967 may now be eligible for new hearing aidsBest Hearing Aids Ms Denyer said: “It is clear that the Israeli government is refusing to heed warnings about the catastrophic implications of an all-out attack on Rafah. The UK government must now demand that Israel stop the killing, calling for an immediate ceasefire. Hamas must also agree to this ceasefire of course, and release all hostages. “Decisions made by the UK government – above all its failure, month after month, to call for an immediate ceasefire – have made them complicit in the killing of almost 28,000 people to date, 12,000 of whom are children.
Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard | Tony on Brexit & The Traitors of Arnhem | Evolution | War between God & Lucifer | Plan for three World Wars | Armageddonists I have known: Nick Land (1975-8) | George Monbiot (1995-8) | Aanirfan | Manna for the Revelation Generation: CONSPIRACY CLASSICS, longer interviews/lectures
Part Two – International news review, Accelerationist, Armageddonist reports and investigations

Yemen expert Dr. Judith Brown, ex-UN aid worker, researcher and academic, joins Tony and Martin, Judith’s upcoming Substack ‘ Control of Information’. Houthis attacking ships in Red Sea. Middle East Eye – did Houthis cut cables in Red Sea? Are Houthis proxies for Iran? Rubymar sinking: Did Houthi ship attack sever Red Sea internet cables? Damage to fibre optic cables in the Red Sea has laid bare how vulnerable global internet traffic is to disruption, and the lack of alternative routes through the Middle East Following the Houthi attack on British-owned vessel Rubymar off the coast of Yemen, three internet cables were cut. It has caused the submarine cable industry to scramble to re-route internet traffic, with over 90 percent of all Europe-Asia capacity running through the Red Sea. Fifteen cables run through the Red Sea making it highly strategic, as well as vulnerable to disruption. It is not yet clear what caused the damage to the three cables – EIG, Seacom, AAE-1 – which carried an estimated 25 percent of Red Sea traffic. “I don’t think anyone commenting on this really knows the cause of the outage, and I want to reiterate that a direct attack on the cables is unlikely. Accidental damage is far more plausible,” said Paul Brodsky, senior analyst at telecommunications research firm TeleGeography in Washington. “There’s nothing to panic about at this point, but there is concern as the Red Sea is such an important cables location.” There is speculation that the anchor of the Rubymar, which was hit by a missile on 18 February, damaged the cables as it drifted northwards before sinking on 2 March. 

Rishi Sunak’s speech after George Galloway won Rochdale. Galloway on what he thought of Rishi’s speech on Sky News. Galloway on Labour Friends of Israel – why aren’t there ‘Friends of’ groups for other Countries? UK: Pro-Palestine groups and politicians hit back at Rishi Sunak’s ‘extremism’ speech – British prime minister earlier warned that Gaza protests indicated ‘mob rule’ was taking over the country’s democracy – Pro-Palestine groups have hit back at UK Prime Minister Rish Sunak after he claimed Gaza demonstrations were indicative of “extremists” undermining British democracy. In an impromptu speech on Downing Street on Friday, Sunak said the UK’s “streets have been hijacked by small groups” that are threatening to “tear us apart”, calling on the police to adopt a tougher stance toward Gaza protests. “We have seen a shocking increase in extremist disruption and criminality. What started as protests on our streets has descended into intimidation, threats, and planned acts of violence,” he said. Earlier in the week, Sunak said that there was a “growing consensus that mob rule is replacing democratic rule”, in reference to the protests in the UK. He said “this situation has gone on long enough”, in reference to protesters, with a direct message that “threats of violence and intimidation are alien to our way of doing things”.

What do Middle East Countries think of Gaza war? The Middle East Accords. Caroline Elkins book – ‘Legacy of Violence: History of the British Empire’. Britain culpable for mess in Israel/Palestine. Legacy of Violence: A History of the British Empire – Caroline Elkins – From the Pulitzer Prize-winning historian: a searing study of the British Empire that interrogates the country’s pervasive use of violence throughout the twentieth century and traces how these practices were exported, modified, and institutionalized in colonies around the globe. Sprawling across a quarter of the world’s land mass and claiming nearly five hundred colonial subjects, Britain’s twentieth-century empire was the largest empire in human history. For many Britons, it epitomized their nation’s cultural superiority, but what legacy did the island nation deliver to the world? Covering more than two hundred years of history, Caroline Elkins reveals an evolutionary and racialized doctrine that espoused an unrelenting deployment of violence to secure and preserve the nation’s imperial interests. She outlines how ideological foundations of violence were rooted in the Victorian era calls for punishing recalcitrant “natives,” and how over time, its forms became increasingly systematized. And she makes clear that when Britain could no longer maintain control over the violence it provoked and enacted, it retreated from empire, destroying and hiding incriminating evidence of its policies and practices. Drawing on more than a decade of research on four continents, Legacy of Violence implicates all sides of Britain’s political divide in the creation, execution, and cover-up of imperial violence. By demonstrating how and why violence was the most salient factor underwriting Britain’s empire and the nation’s imperial identity at home, Elkins upends long-held myths and sheds new light on empire’s role in shaping the world today.

Frank Kitson died in January – author of ‘Low Intensity Operations’ and ‘Gangs and Counter Gangs’ books on war crime soldiering and dirty tricks. Seven year investigation in to British spies in Northern Ireland complete – Controversial Troubles Army chief dies at the age of 97 – Counter insurgency expert’s methods made him a hate figure for nationalists and republicans – General Sir Frank Kitson, the architect of the Army’s response to terrorism during the Troubles, has died aged 97. Kitson was an expert in counter insurgency operations and his controversial methods led to him becoming a hate figure for republicans. Kitson won a Military Cross and bar in Kenya and Malaya, and received a CBE in 1972 for “gallant and distinguished” services here. He was commander of the 39th Air Portable Infantry Brigade in Belfast in 1970, ordering his men to take republican ‘no-go’ areas. He promoted the use of ‘counter gangs’ to tackle terrorism, and helped develop psychological operations, propaganda, subversion and undercover units. One of the battalions under his command, 1 Para, was responsible for the killing of 14 civil rights demonstrators on Bloody Sunday in January 1972. Nicknamed ‘Kitson’s private army’, 1 Para was also involved in the killing and wounding of a large number of civilians in Ballymurphy six months earlier.

Former British Army General Frank Kitson dies at age of 97 British Army officer was in command of Parachute Regiment on Bloody Sunday One of the most notorious British Army officers of the Troubles has died. General Frank Kitson has died at the age of 97. He led British military operations in the north at the beginning of the Troubles, and went on to become a hate figure for nationalists and republicans. General Kitson oversaw operations of the 1st Battalion Parachute Regiment, which opened fire on civil rights marchers in Derry in on Bloody Sunday, where 13 people were shot dead in January 1972. The same battalion was involved six months earlier when 10 people were killed in west Belfast in the wake of an Army operation in Ballymurphy… Tony Doherty, Chair of the Bloody Sunday Trust, said there will be no sadness at the passing of Frank Kitson in Derry. Ballymurphy or in any other community where he “plied his evil trade, leaving a trail of devastation behind”. Mr Doherty, whose father was killed on Bloody Sunday, said: “Kitson, in his blind pursuit of defending the crown’s interests, made no distinction between civilian and combatant as he honed his skills in applying torture, internment and death from Kenya, to Aden and then to Ireland. “Here in the north, he invested heavily in the Parachute Regiment as the crack troops of the empire and, in doing so, was responsible for the Ballymurphy Massacre and Bloody Sunday and the torture of innocent people in RUC and British army barracks. Indeed, after Bloody Sunday and the murder of 14 innocent men and boys, he berated Colonel Derek Wilford for not going far enough into the Bogside, presumably to murder more.

Head of IRA internal security, Stakeknife, who decided which leaders died or rose to the top, worked for the British Army. Now he’s dead the truth can come out! The Nutting Squad and Stakeknife. Caroline Elkins other book – ‘Britain’s Gulag: The Brutal End of Empire in Kenya’. Houthi attacks on ships in Red Sea – 40% more miles travelled by ships now. NY Times – journalists don’t want to write about rapes by Hamas on October 7th due to lack of evidence Stakeknife: seven years and £40m later, how did inquiry fail to deliver justice? Report into British agent in the IRA has not resulted in prosecutions but families hope it can at least shed light on his actions After seven years, 1,000 witness statements, 50,000 pages of evidence and £40m, the police inquiry known as Operation Kenova has resulted in zero prosecutions. That blunt fact hangs over the publication of the inquiry’s long-awaited interim report into Stakeknife, the codename of a top British agent in the IRA who was responsible for multiple murders during Northern Ireland’s Troubles. Having failed to deliver justice to victims’ relatives, the question is whether the report can at least shed light on the dark life of Freddie Scappaticci, the man widely believed to be Stakeknife, and his tangled relationship with Britain’s intelligence services. In one of the most disturbing chapters of the Troubles, it is alleged that state representatives let Scappaticci, an IRA commander, orchestrate dozens of murders of fellow republicans from the 1970s to the 1990s. To his comrades the Belfast native was the feared head of the “nutting squad”, an IRA internal security unit that hunted and executed suspected informants. To his British handlers Scappaticci was the “golden egg” who produced priceless counter-terrorism intelligence that helped to neuter the IRA and save lives.

Agence France Press (AFP) is world’s largest Orwellian ‘fact checker’ – manipulation of fact checkers. Democracy Dies in Darkness – Could Google rankings skew an election? New group aims to find out. A researcher who long has argued that rankings on Google and other search engines can skew elections will announce plans on Tuesday to establish a global monitoring system to detect and counter the political effects of such alleged bias. Robert Epstein, a former editor in chief of Psychology Today and co-founder of a behavioral research institute in California, has won several converts through a series of experiments since first raising his concerns in 2013. Though Google has challenged his research, Epstein’s latest initiative includes the public support of 12 academics in four countries, from institutions such as Stanford University, the University of Maryland and the University of Amsterdam. The global monitoring system Epstein envisions, called the Sunlight Society, would involve people from various nations conducting searches and transmitting the resulting rankings and links to a central office, where they could be analyzed for signs of bias. This would resemble a system that Epstein and several colleagues used to track alleged bias throughout the 2016 presidential campaign, during which they recruited 95 monitors in 24 states who ultimately captured more than 13,000 sets of search rankings and the 98,000 pages to which they linked. In that election, Epstein said searches related to the election were more likely to produce links to Web pages offering a favorable impression of Democrat Hillary Clinton than to ones favorable to Republican Donald Trump.

When Israel was being accused of genocide in Gaza in Court – Israel accuses UNRWA of having Hamas staff – actually only 12 out of thousands. Sky Report on company charging Gazans 5000 Dollars to be taken to Egypt. Middle East Eye with same story – War on Gaza: Charity says Egypt intelligence-linked firm charging $5,000 to get aid over border EXCLUSIVE: NGO provides MEE with first testimony that indicates Egyptian officials are profiting from humanitarian situation in Gaza An international charity with extensive experience in providing emergency aid in wars, famines and earthquakes throughout the Middle East and in Afghanistan is being forced to pay $5,000 a truck to a company linked to Egypt’s General Intelligence Service (GIS) to get aid into Gaza. The charity, which does not want to be named to avoid obstruction to its relief efforts in Gaza, spoke to Middle East Eye in outrage at having to pay what it openly describes as a bribe to a state-linked agent. A spokesman for the charity said: “We have worked around the world in times of war, earthquakes and other disasters, but we have never been treated like this by a state who is profiteering from the dispatch of humanitarian goods. It’s draining a lot of our resources and the bribe being paid is per truck.” The charity said the money is being paid in the form of a “management fee” to a company affiliated with the Sons of Sinai, a construction and contracting firm owned by the Sinai businessman, Ibrahim al-Organi, and part of his Organi Group. He heads the Tarabin tribe in the Sinai desert bordering Israel and owns a company that is a joint venture with two companies owned by the GIS.

CNN insider dealing before October 7th attack. US Aid dropped in Gaza – 5 killed. US to build pier in Gaza to bring Aid in. . Traders with prior knowledge of Hamas attacks made millions shorting Israel, claims report Suspicious stock market activity suggests more than $100m made betting against Tel Aviv shares prior to Oct 7 massacre Investors with prior knowledge of the Oct 7 Hamas massacre earned at least tens of millions of pounds short-selling Israeli stocks in the days before, according to a report. Traders with potential links to Hamas put huge bets against the Israeli economy in the run-up to the attack and could have made more than $100 million (£79.3 million), said the 60-page study by Robert Jackson Jr, of New York University School of Law, and Joshua Mitts, of Columbia Law School. While the report did not name the investors, the report said they were understood to be “informed traders anticipating and profiting from the Hamas attack”. Mr Mitts told The Telegraph: “It’s not inconceivable that the profits are above $100 million based on the inferences from the current evidence.” The shorts were unusual as they occurred during the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, a very quiet period in Israel both in terms of news events and financial activity. The report also noted similar shorting behaviour around Passover in early April, when a similar attack was being planned but then called off at the last minute, according to confessions by Hamas attackers captured by Israel. Israeli financial authorities said they had launched an investigation into the report, which also noted suspicious trading activity on the US stock exchange shortly before the massacre. Short selling involves borrowing shares and selling them in the hope the share price falls. Investors aim to buy them back at a cheaper price, pocketing the difference. “Days before the attack, traders appeared to anticipate the events to come,” wrote the report’s authors. They noted that interest in shorting the MSCI Israel Exchange Traded Fund “suddenly, and significantly, spiked” on Oct 2, according to data from the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (Finra). “And just before the attack, short selling of Israeli securities on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange increased dramatically,” the authors said. The report said the level of shorting that took place as Oct 7 approached was on a far larger scale than during previous crises faced by Israel – including the Covid pandemic and the 2014 Gaza war. It was in the top one per cent of all transactions since 2009. In the case of Leumi, Israel’s largest bank, unknown investors shorted 4.43 million new shares between Sep 15 and Oct 5, which yielded a profit of around £6 million. There was also some unusual, “risky” trading activity on US stock exchanges before the attack happened, according to the report’s authors. “Although we see no aggregate increase in shorting of Israeli companies on US exchanges, we do identify a sharp and unusual increase, just before the attacks, in trading in risky short-dated options on these companies expiring just after the attacks,” the report’s authors said. “Our findings suggest that traders informed about the coming attacks profited from these tragic events, and consistent with prior literature we show that trading of this kind occurs in gaps in US and international enforcement of legal prohibitions on informed trading.”

NATO/Ukrainian drones sink FIFTEENTH of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet warships, Sergey Kotov. Al Jazeera report on drone warfare in Ukraine. Report on sinking of Russian warships in Black Sea. Russia intercepting conversation between Schultz and military – West troops on ground in Ukraine – missiles fired by West. Russian Black Sea naval fleet is shrinking under NATO attack but still ‘dangerous’: over 30 ships, including submarines, active – The Russian Black Sea Fleet currently has over 30 operational ships, including approximately ten Kalibr missile carriers, three of which are submarines, Ukrainian Navy spokesman Dmytro Pletenchuk stated on national TV on March 7. “Indeed, they are facing serious problems, especially with military logistics,” Pletenchuk said. “As you’ve seen, there’s been virtually no use of these missiles for several months, except for one confirmed case after the sinking of the Caesar Kunikov. Still, we definitely have work to do, which is what we’re doing.” The $65 million Russian Black Sea Fleet patrol ship Sergey Kotov was destroyed by MAGURA V5 maritime drones on the night of March 5 in the territorial waters of Ukraine near the Kerch Strait. The ship sustained damage to the stern, starboard, and port sides in the surface drone attack. As a result of the destruction of the Sergey Kotov, at least 27 Russian occupiers sustained injuries of varying severity, with seven reported fatalities. “This ship was guarding our Kerch Strait, in our territorial waters,” Pletenchuk said. A helicopter might have been on board the destroyed Sergey Kotov, he said on national television on March 5, without identifying the type of helicopter. However, Ukrainian media, citing sources in the Main Intelligence Directorate (HUR), suggest it could have been either a Ka-29 or Ka-27. Ukrainian forces have been regularly destroying Russian Black Sea Fleet ships since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Pletenchuk said on Feb. 15 that only five of the 13 large landing ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet remained.
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Iraq Veteran Mike Pysner’s rousing speech against war in Iraq. Mike Prysner describes a mission he took part in which his unit forced Iraqis out of half a dozen homes, with no compensation, so the US military could use them. “One family in particular, a woman with two small girls, very elderly man, and two middle-aged men—we dragged them from their houses and threw them onto the street, and arrested the men because they refused to leave.” Since he left, he has been plagued by guilt “anytime I see a mother with her children, like the one who cried hysterically and screamed that we were worse than Saddam as we forced her from her home, …anytime I see a young girl like the one I grabbed by the arm and dragged into the street.” Prysner also describes the physical abuse of a wounded prisoner, with a sandbag over his head and his hands tied behind his back. “We were told we were fighting terrorists; the real terrorist was me, and the real terrorism is this occupation.”

‘Investigating Diana’ documentary – Richard Tomlinson, former MI6 officer, says Diana died in similar way to an MI6 plan he’d seen. Unprecedented access to Britain’s Metro Police, who conducted a secretive operation into how Princess Diana died, and the French police investigating her death in 1997, this documentary dives into the case’s truths, lies and conspiracies. Investigating Diana: Death in Paris – Was Princess Diana’s death in 1997 an accident or was she murdered? This in-depth series examines the full story of two police investigations into her demise. In the aftermath of the car crash that killed Diana, Dodi Al-Fayed, and their driver Henri Paul, France’s elite detectives encounter false leads, bad witnesses, and countless conspiracy theories Episode 1 – Following Diana’s death, French cops navigate numerous false leads and conspiracy theories Episode 2 – French police call Diana’s death an accident. But pressure builds for a UK inquiry. Episode 3 – British police investigate Diana’s death, and all kinds of conspiracy theories Episode 4 – An inquest declares Diana’s death a simple accident. But the conspiracy theories continue. First shown: Sun 21 Aug 2022 | 47 mins

The Big Breach : From Top Secret To Maximum Security – Richard Tomlinson was recruited by MI6, the British foreign intelligence service, during his senior year at Cambridge University. He quickly gained the trust and confidence of one of the world’s most effective intelligence organisations. MI6 relied on Tomlinson to smuggle nuclear secrets out of Moscow, to run an undercover operation in Sarajevo while the city was under siege, and to infiltrate and dismantle a criminal group that sought to export chemical weapons capabilities to Iran. Four years after joining MI6, Tomlinson’s career was abruptly terminated for reasons that are still unclear. When he tried to fight the unjust dismissal, government accused him in breaching the Official Secrets Act and imprisoned him in one of the Britain’s toughest maximum security prisons. Following his release, MI6 kept up its pressure, hounding Tomlinson, launching a smear campaign in the international press, and pressuring its allies around the world to illegally arrest and expel him. The British intelligence service has used threats of legal action to force publishers in several European countries to abandon plans to publish this book.

Evidence Diana was assassinated by MI6, the 1999 affidavit of MI6 officer Richard Tomlinson: ‘Later in 1992, as the civil war in the former Yugoslavia became increasingly topical, I started to work primarily on operations in Serbia. During this time, I became acquainted with Dr Nicholas Bernard Frank FISHWICK, born 1958, the MI6 officer who at the time was in charge of planning Balkan operations. During one meeting with Dr Fishwick, he casually showed to me a three-page document that on closer inspection turned out to be an outline plan to assassinate the Serbian leader President Slobodan Milosevic. The plan was fully typed, and attached to a yellow “minute board”, signifying that this was a formal and accountable document. It will therefore still be in existence. Fishwick had annotated that the document be circulated to the following senior MI6 officers: Maurice KENDWRICK-PIERCEY, then head of Balkan operations, John RIDDE, then the security officer for Balkan operations, the SAS liaison officer to MI6 (designation MODA/SO, but I have forgotten his name), the head of the Eastern European Controllerate (then Richard FLETCHER) and finally Alan PETTY, the personal secretary to the then Chief of MI6, Colin McCOLL. This plan contained a political justification for the assassination of Milosevic, followed by three outline proposals on how to achieve this objective. I firmly believe that the third of these scenarios contained information that could be useful in establishing the causes of death of Henri Paul, the Princess of Wales, and Dodi Al Fayed. This third scenario suggested that Milosevic could be assassinated by causing his personal limousine to crash. Dr Fishwick proposed to arrange the crash in a tunnel, because the proximity of concrete close to the road would ensure that the crash would be sufficiently violent to cause death or serious injury, and would also reduce the possibility that there might be independent, casual witnesses. Dr Fishwick suggested that one way to cause the crash might be to disorientate the chauffeur using a strobe flash gun, a device which is occasionally deployed by special forces to, for example, disorientate helicopter pilots or terrorists, and about which MI6 officers are briefed about during their training. In short, this scenario bore remarkable similarities to the circumstances and witness accounts of the crash that killed the Princess of Wales, Dodi Al Fayed, and Henri Paul. I firmly believe that this document should be yielded by MI6 to the Judge investigating these deaths, and would provide further leads that he could follow.

Biden boo-boos – says Ukraine twice instead of Gaza. Biden’s State of the Union address – inaccuracies and hypocrisies. Biden’s Nazi comparison will annoy Putin – In his State of the Union address, he referred to Hitler being “on the march” in 1941 in Europe and then said that the Russian leader was “on the march” himself, warning that Russian aggression would not stop at Ukraine. Foreign policy figured highly in Joe Biden’s annual address to Congress, which highlighted US involvement in conflicts around the world. So how was his speech received in those places? It was notable that the president chose to begin his State of the Union by discussing Ukraine. He later went on to spend a few minutes on the Israel-Hamas war and finished by talking about “standing up” to China. A year before the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, President Biden agreed with an interviewer that Vladimir Putin was a “killer”, enraging the Kremlin. Three years later, Mr Biden has now compared him to Adolf Hitler.
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George Galloway MP’s Workers Party present The Budget 2024 1, deputy leader Chris Williamson: former Labour MP, and now part of Workers Party, says what the Workers Party Budget would be like. The Workers Party of Britain is a socialist party but we are not utopian, nor are we bound by abstruse theory. We have a common-sense analysis and a practical mission. The Workers Party is committed to the redistribution of wealth and power in favour of working people. Our analysis recognises that the era of modern capitalism and the international system of capitalist imperialism is not going to be replaced overnight, and that the growth and development of a socialist system of economy is intertwined with the growth and development of working class political power. It may take many years to transform the Britain into a secure democratic socialist state. But it is possible. It is necessary. And some things we can do immediately. We will, for example, increase the personal tax threshold for the poorest paid workers to remove tax entirely from the first £21,200 of wages for two million low paid workers. This alone would increase take-home pay for a worker on the threshold rate by £1,700 per annum. Inflation hurts working people the most. Our policies are based on doing what is required to cut the cost of living and drive sustainable growth. We will re-industrialise the country based on new technology investment, effective and efficient public spending directed at building infrastructures to provide future wealth and an active redistribution of assets to the benefit of the people. 

George Galloway MP’s Workers Party present The Budget 2024 2, sociology professor Steve Hall: member of Workers Party, gives his opinion on The Budget. Ben Bernanke on how you just press a button on a computer to put money in banks. Professor Steve Hall who is an Emeritus Professor of Criminology who has worked at the Universities of Teesside, Northumbria and Durham. He is also co-author of the book published in 2017 ‘The Rise of the Right: English nationalism and the transformation of working-class politics.’ Throughout his career Professor Hall’s main concern has been economic history and its relationship to violence, social unrest and far-right politics. In his presentation, he will explain the current rise of populism throughout the West, and why the MMT movement should see it as an opportunity to attract the popular support it needs to push past the liberal left’s reluctant, moribund political establishment. He will emphasise the need to develop a communication strategy resting on a cluster of clear and easily comprehensible messages about MMT’s ability to provide or contribute to developing solutions to the major issues which weigh heavily on people’s minds – jobs, housing, infrastructural decay, private debt, crime, terrorism, popular sovereignty and mass immigration.

Patrizia Opulenza our resident poet, on The Budget.

John Harris on the mystery of Rudolf Hess coming to Britain. New book: Conspiracy, Calamity, and Cover-Up: The Truth Behind the Hess Flight to Scotland, May 10th 1941 – The Hess affair requires an understanding of a variety of disciplines and practices: Wartime aviation, political history and human psychology to name but three. Harris and Wilbourn have over an extended period tried to learn as much as possible about all relevant aspects of what is in concert a complicated subject, one that has not yet been satisfactorily explained even after more than 80 years. In the past there have been works that have concentrated on single aspects of the affair; usually in great detail, but in Conspiracy, Calamity and Cover-up the authors’ work on the individual components provides the best ever yet plausible explanation of the affair as a whole. Official secrecy on the grounds of ‘National Security’, obfuscation and downright lying have all played a part in preserving the truth behind the flight. Through dogged perseverance and endeavour Harris and Wilbourn now present what they believe is the ultimate truth behind the affair.

David Sorenson on a future One World Government being based in Israel – David Sorenson Stop World Control dot com Zionist Plan to make Jerusalem the capital of a one world government The Mystery of Israel – David Sorenson – STOP WORLD CONTROL – The Mystery of Israel – SOLVED! – The film exposes something so nefarious, so evil, so mind-blowing that many will find it hard to believe. Yet it is true. This film can deliver a fatal blow to the satanic elites, who want to establish a world government to enslave all of humanity. The shocking secrets unveiled by this incredible documentary will shine a blazing light on those who have always been hiding behind the state of Israel.
COMPLETE SHOW AND FULL INTERVIEWS [right click to download]
#1 - Complete 3hr 45min show - [right click to download]
Full interviews with...
#2 - Budget 2024 Chris Williamson Galloway Workers Party 24 election - 00:35:00
#3 - Budget 2024 Steve Hall Euro national debt Balance of Payments Disposable Income and MMT - 00:35:00
#4 - PM Rishi Sunak NIL George Galloway ONE Do I Respect the Prime Minister, I Despise the Prime Minister - 00:20:00
#5 - Investigating Diana superb documentary partial (2022) - 00:45:00
#6 - Biden twice refers to Gaza as Ukraine when announcing US aid for Gaza - 00:00:45
#7 - Tom Cheshire Sky News Ibrahim Organi profiteering from the Plight of Palestinians - 00:10:00
#8 - John Harris Conspiracy, Calamity, and Cover-Up The Truth Behind the Hess Flight to Scotland - 01:00:00
#9 - David Sorensen StopWorldControl dot com Zionist Plan to make Jerusalem the capital of a one world government - 01:00:00

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