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Program Information
State Of The City reports
Royalist author on 'bad apples' Mountbatten and Edward VIII
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
March 22, 2024, midnight
– Holy Land Hell Easter Massacre? UN Green Lights Israel’s Rafah ‘Human Sacrifice’ This Passover, Easter, Ramadan
– NHS dentist fund underspent by £25m. Dido Harding – track and trace. Steven Hester’s remarks about Diane Abbot. House of Commons Health Select Committee –
– Hedley Rees, Substack, Pharmaceutical Quality Control Consultant – Covax, Welcome Trust, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, gene therapies for cancer serious side effects.
– Marvin Rees acceleratinist final speech finds slave trading Merchant Venturers better than Black Lives Matter and far right Tommy Robinson better than statue toppling Colston 4!
– Bristol in English civil war talk. Sieges of Bristol in the English Civil War 1642-46 – Bristol in the Civil War Bristol was attacked twice during the English Civil War
– Dav, from protest camp outside Elbit HQ, weapons manufacturers, in Bristol, on why he’s there. Genocide in Gaza – UK sells weapons to Israel. Palestine Action blockade
– Chris Cole, from Drone Wars UK, on autonomy coming in for drones. Gaza – Israel hits 100 targets a day The Next Wave: the emergence of drones at sea
– George Galloway MP, Workers Party, in the House of Commons. George Galloway on the lions of Britain’s armed forces and the donkeys in charge of them.
– Plus 972 magazine journalist– systematic censorship in Israel & Gaza by IDF, spiking over 100 and redacting over 1000 articles, means it cannot claim to be a democracy
– Al Jazeera documentary ‘October 7: Forensic analysis shows Hamas abuses, many false Israeli claims Investigation draws up a list of those killed in Hamas attack
– Peter Oborne article on Oct 7th in Middle East Eye – Peter Oborne – War on Gaza: Al Jazeera tells the 7 October story that British media will not
– IMMEDIATELY REMOVED BY FACEBOOK: October 7th Was An Inside Job’ documentary ‘October 7 Was An Inside Job’ – documentary (2024) – by John Hankey
– 2014 ASSASSINATION? Brother to Queen Camilla, Mark Shand, died of head wound. Deaths of those close to the Royal Family.
– Cory Morningstar on The Green ‘New Deal For Nature’, privatising nature, on digitising nature and a plot behind the green mask.
– ‘Climate: The Movie’ new documentary by Martin Durkin, who made ‘The Great Global Warming Swindle’, which was proved to be controversial
– Lord Bathurst explains why he will now charge for entrance to Cirencester Park. Hundreds gather for mass trespass demo at Lord Bathurst’s Cotswolds estate:
– Russian elections. Kate has cancer – chemo. UN vote for a ceasefire in Gaza – US agrees finally – but Russia and China don’t!
– Netanyahu’s government plan to get all Palestinians out of Gaza. Netanyahu says they will attack Rafah. Israel bombed 400 health facilities
– Palestine’s civil police chief in charge of Aid Convoys covertly assassinated by IDF at Al Shifa hospital
– Russia knocks out power stations in Ukraine. Russia targets Ukraine’s power facilities with wave of missiles, drones.
– 2014 Hampstead SRA scandal – Sabine McNeill, miscarriage of justice? who was jailed for claiming there was a Satanist ring in Hampstead abusing children, gives her version
– 2014 Hampstead SRA scandal – Sabine McNeill, miscarriage of justice? Christ Church Primary School, Hampstead –
– In 2014, a leaked video depicted two children, explaining in detail the horrific abuse that they had been exposed to at Hampstead Christ Church Primary School in London England
– Mountbatten biographer says Government spied on him during his £450k battle to see personal diary of royal who inspired King Charles and ‘had perversion for young boys’
– David Livingstone on the difference between Luciferians and Satanists as well as a critique of Thule Society occult Nazi literature and Benjamin Netanyahu's father.
– NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
Part One – Local and National News Review

NHS dentist fund underspent by £25m. Dido Harding – track and trace. Steven Hester’s remarks about Diane Abbot. House of Commons Health Select Committee – NHS dentists. Botched Tory NHS dentist ‘rescue plan’ may end up with fewer patients being seen Patients and dentists staged a protest over dental treatment at Westminster yesterday, as Dentistry Minister Andrea Leadsom prepares to be grilled by MPs today The Tory dental recovery plan could lead to fewer patients being seen on the NHS, experts have warned. No10 claimed it will result in 2.5 million more appointments being delivered yet has refused to publish the modelling behind this. But it was yesterday revealed the botched reforms come with no new funding. The British Dental Association survey found 43% of dentists said the rescue plan will result in fewer appointments, while just 3% believe it will create more. Patients and dentists staged a protest at Westminster yesterday, as Dentistry Minister Andrea Leadsom prepares to be grilled by MPs today. The BDA’s Shawn Charlwood, who will also give evidence before the Health Select Committee, said: “Check ups are hard to come by, but it will prove much harder for ministers to find a dentist who backs their outlandish claims. Empty soundbites won’t stop queues outside practices or call time on DIY dentistry.” Dentists for All campaign – Save NHS Dentistry petition – Sign our petition to save NHS dentistry and make it fit for the 21st century – – 1) Everyone should have access to an NHS dentist 2) More than 12 million people were unable to access NHS dental care last year – more than 1 in 4 adults in England. At the same time 90% of dental practices are no longer accepting new NHS adult patients. Data from the House of Commons Library showed 40% of children didn’t have their recommended annual check-up last year. 3) Restore funding for dental services and recruit more NHS dentists

Hedley Rees, Substack, Pharmaceutical Quality Control Consultant – Covid vaccines, Welcome Trust, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, gene therapies for cancer serious side effects. Hedley Rees – A critical thinker on the medicines, medical devices, diagnostic tests, and any other allegedly therapeutic products, that you, your loved ones, friends and colleagues may be offered or exposed to. Seeker of unfettered access to facts, evidence and education relating to the pharmaceutical industry, because you can’t find it anywhere else. Willing to take time to dig beneath the surface of MSN propaganda, to spread the word that the C19 medicinal products broke the rules for the sake of Want to see a better future for your children, where medical interventions begin with ‘Do no harm’ and ‘Informed Consent’. I have been screaming out (inside pharma) for it to get it’s act together since 2011, when I wrote Supply Chain Management in the Drug Industry: Delivering Patient Value for Pharmaceuticals and Biologics, Wiley, 2011. What I didn’t know, until C19 hit, is that evil forces were behind all the shoddy goings on and bad practices. I’m now dedicating myself to sharing what I know with the good people who want to see an end to all this, and return to the days when physicians developed medicinal products, not greedy scientists.

Marvin Rees interviewed by David Olusoga at Bristol Beacon – he finds slave trading Merchant Venturers better than Black Lives Matter and far right Tommy Robinson better than statue toppling Colston 4 – Marvin’s experience as a black man. Marvin’s Dad, Valentine Walker. Marvin on advice from Rockefeller Foundation in NYC. “My experience in the city through the prism of race and class has left me with a greater sense of belief in the authenticity of some of the Merchant Venturers than in some of the noisiest anti-racism and social justice activists,” he said. The Society of Merchant Venturers is a local charity dating back to the 13th Century which had slave trader Edward Colston among its members. “It’s left me feeling a greater sense of connection with the Cenotaph counter-protestors than I do with the Colston Four,” Mr Rees said. Marvin Rees says Bristol has ‘debilitating cynicism’ in final speech Bristol’s mayor said the city has a “lack of self-belief” and “debilitating cynicism” in his final speech. With fewer than 50 days left in office, Marvin Rees gave new housing as one of his best achievements but criticised a lack of progress on mass transit plans. Speaking at the Bristol Beacon on Wednesday he also explained how he sympathised with the Cenotaph counter-protesters more than the Colston Four. Mr Rees was first elected as Bristol’s Labour mayor in 2016.

Bristol in English civil war talk. Sieges of Bristol in the English Civil War 1642-46 – Bristol in the Civil War Bristol was attacked twice during the English Civil War. This tour will trace the course of the first attack, by Prince Rupert and his Royalist forces, in July 1643. There is a surprising amount of extant evidence hiding in plain sight and the route will trace the course of the defences as we cover the fast-moving events of the day. – Bristol should have played a key part in the English Civil War due to the importance of the port to both the Royalists and Parliamentarians. However, it did not meet its expectations as a strategical key due to the population’s reluctance to participate in the war. Bristol’s governing body initially wanted to keep the city neutral, with a request being made in 1642 for Parliamentarian Thomas Essex to not occupy the city. Despite this, Essex’s forces managed to enter Bristol with little resistance due to its weak defences. For the duration of the war, the Royalists utilised Bristol as a receiving point for reinforcements from Ireland. Bristol Castle, as well as the Frome and Avon rivers, meant the town was well defended against attack, but the population of Bristol were largely unenthusiastic in fulfilling the expectations of such a large and rich port town. The Royal Fort House, designed by Dutch military engineer Sir Bernard de Gomme, acted as one of Bristol’s strongest defences, as it was one of the only purpose-built defensive works of the era. The fort was made to be the western headquarters of the Royalist army, but it was demolished in 1655.

Dav, from protest camp outside Elbit HQ, weapons manufacturers, in Bristol, on why he’s there. Genocide in Gaza – UK sells weapons to Israel. Palestine Action blockade Elbit’s Bristol HQ – Activists from Palestine Action are blockading the Bristol HQ of Israel’s largest weapons firm, Elbit Systems. By attaching themselves to each other using lock ons, they are preventing access into the central hub of Elbit’s lethal business. Using Elbit’s weaponry, Israel is committing a genocide in Gaza [1]. Most recently, the occupiers have begun massacring Palestinians in Rafah, where 1.5million Palestinians were told to go in order to be safe [2]. Over the past few months, over 28,000 Palestinians have been killed, more than 12,000 of whom are children [3]. Elbit Systems produces military drones, munitions, combat vehicles, missiles and other Israeli weaponry [4]. The majority of their arms are marketed as “battle-tested”, as they’ve been developed by conducting bombardments of the Palestinian people [5]. The Israeli weapons firm is crucial to the ongoing genocide in Gaza, as claimed by Elbit’s CEO [6]. The owners of Elbit’s Bristol HQ, Somerset Council, were recently targeted by locals who crashed their executive meeting in order to call for the council to terminate the lease with Elbit [7].

Chris Cole, from Drone Wars UK, on autonomy coming in for drones. Gaza – Israel hits 100 targets a day The Next Wave: the emergence of drones at sea – In recent months maritime drones have hit the news headlines as they are increasingly deployed in conflict hot-spots around the world’s seas. The war in Ukraine, tensions in the ocean around China, and most recently armed attacks on shipping in the Arabian Gulf and Red Sea have all been characterised by the use of various types of drones – uncrewed aircraft, drone boats, unpowered marine ‘glider’ craft, and underwater vehicles. Our new study, ‘The Next Wave’, investigates the development and use of maritime drones and the likely future implications of their use in combat. While uncrewed boats have long been used in warfare – with the US Navy first using uncrewed underwater vehicles (UUVs) for mine clearance in the 1990’s – today, maritime drones are used by an increasing number of states and non-state groups. This study reviews the reasons why, summarizes developments by the major military powers and the UK, and examines a set of case studies to identify how drones have been used during different types of conflict at sea.

George Galloway, Workers Party, in the House of Commons. George Galloway on the lions of Britain’s armed forces and the donkeys in charge of them. The politicians who are stuck in the 19th century and don’t realise the empire can now strike back. Lord Cameron urged to heed calls to answer questions directly from MPs – Lord Cameron must answer questions directly from MPs about turmoil across the globe, or risk appearing to hold the elected Commons in disregard, ministers have heard. The Foreign Secretary, who sits in the House of Lords, faces regular scrutiny from peers about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the conflict in Gaza, and other international issues. But MPs from across the Commons have called for him to answer questions directly from them, the elected House of Parliament, rather than unelected peers. George Galloway, the MP for Rochdale, told the Commons: “War everywhere. Foreign Secretary nowhere. Nowhere at least that he can be questioned by the people in this country who are elected to question him. “That is the point. It is our duty to hold ministers to account, but by definition in this situation, we cannot.” While Mr Galloway, who represents the Workers Party of Britain, said he did not doubt Lord Cameron’s diplomatic skills, he added: “Our problem is as a country – who are forever lecturing other people on the quality of their democracy – now have an unelected head of state, an unelected Prime Minister, and an unelected Foreign Secretary, the second most important piece on the Treasury bench.” The Commons Procedure Committee has proposed several ways in which MPs could question Lord Cameron, including via a special committee. A report by the cross-party group of MPs also suggested he could be called to the bar of the House, a line beyond which only MPs are supposed to cross, to answer questions. SNP MP Patrick Grady (Glasgow North), a member of the committee, told MPs it was “particularly important” that the Foreign Secretary answered questions from the elected chamber because “we are living through times of significant global turmoil”.

Plus 972 magazine journalist in Israel – systematic censorship of journalism in Israel and Gaza by the military, spiking over 100 and redacting over 1000 articles, means it cannot claim to be a democracy. American Prestige Special – The 2023 Gaza War, Ep. 17 w/ Haggai Matar from +972 Magazine – +972 Magazine is an independent, online, nonprofit magazine run by a group of Palestinian and Israeli journalists. Founded in 2010, our mission is to provide in-depth reporting, analysis, and opinions from the ground in Israel-Palestine. The name of the site is derived from the telephone country code that can be used to dial throughout Israel-Palestine.

Al Jazeera documentary on ‘October 7th’ – October 7: Forensic analysis shows Hamas abuses, many false Israeli claims Investigation draws up a list of those killed in Hamas attack, but also finds certain claims repeated by Israeli politicians untrue. Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit (I-Unit) has carried out a forensic analysis of the events of October 7, when Hamas fighters launched an incursion into Israel that has transformed the politics of the Middle East. October 7 reveals widespread human rights abuses by Hamas fighters and others who followed them through the fence from the Gaza Strip and draws up a comprehensive list of those killed. But the investigation by the I-Unit, which examined hours of footage from CCTV, dashcams, personal phones and headcams of killed Hamas fighters, has also found that many of the stories that came out in the days following the attack were false. These include claims of atrocities such as the mass killing and beheading of babies as well as allegations of widespread and systematic rape – stories that were used repeatedly by politicians in Israel and the West to justify the ferocity of the subsequent bombardment of the Gaza Strip, which has so far killed nearly 32,000 people.

Peter Oborne article on Oct 7th in Middle East Eye – Peter Oborne – War on Gaza: Al Jazeera tells the 7 October story that British media will not New documentary reveals how false and inflammatory allegations made their way into the journalistic mainstream Forensic. Sober. Clear-sighted. Scrupulous. Al Jazeera’s investigative unit has produced a film that tells the story of what really happened on 7 October. This authoritative documentary does not flinch from detailing the atrocities and war crimes carried out by Hamas. But it shows beyond reasonable doubt that many of the lurid accounts that emerged from Israeli sources were false. Deeply inflammatory stories, whether concerning allegations of mass rape or the beheading and burning of babies, were either unsupported by evidence or straightforward lies. Yet, they prepared the way for the murderous savagery of the ensuing Israeli assault on Gaza, which has been described by the International Court of Justice as a plausible genocide. Al Jazeera painstakingly analyses how these accounts entered the public domain. This involves a sustained look at Zaka, Israel’s emergency response unit of trained paramedics who handle terrorist episodes and homicides.

IMMEDIATELY REMOVED BY FACEBOOK: October 7th Was An Inside Job’ documentary ‘October 7 Was An Inside Job’ – documentary (2024) – by John Hankey March 2024 – Israel was behind the attacks of October 7. Hamas is run by Israeli Secret Intelligence, the Mossad. The fact that the Mossad supplied Hamas with billions of dollars in cash is NOT in dispute. ALL sources say that the Israeli military stood down (was completely absent) for 6 hours. The best evidence indicates that 94% of the civilians were killed by the military, to justify the genocide in Gaza. Israeli veterans say so. 50 minutes…

2014 ASSASSINATION? Brother to Queen Camilla, Mark Shand, died of head wound. Deaths of those close to the Royal Family. Kate Middleton believes she has cancer. 2014 ASSASSINATION? Queen Camilla’s Brother Mark Shand Dies In New York After Head Injury April 23, 2014 NEW YORK (CBSNewYork/AP) ­ The brother-in-law of the Prince of Wales died Wednesday after falling outside a Manhattan hotel bar and suffering a head injury, police said. Mark Shand, the brother of Prince Charles’ wife, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, was in New York for Sotheby’s Faberge Egg Final Auction. The event was raising money for Elephant Family, an organization Shand co-founded to help save the endangered Asian elephant, CBS 2’s Hazel Sanchez reported. Shand, 62, attended an after-party at the Diamond Horseshoe nightclub and then continued his night out at the Gramercy Park Hotel’s Rose Bar, arriving with a relative just before 1 a.m. Wednesday, police said. Around 2:30 a.m., he went outside to smoke a cigarette and fell backward as he tried to re-enter through a revolving door, police told The Associated Press. He was taken to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead at 11:25 a.m., police said. The cause of his death will be determined by the medical examiner’s office. NYPD detectives were at the Gramercy Park Hotel on Wednesday afternoon, taking a look at the locations of security cameras. A worker at a building across the street said detectives had asked if the building had any security video, which it didn’t. A call to the hotel’s representatives was not immediately returned. Shand was known for his work as a travel writer and conservationist. He was the author of several books including “Elephant Tales” and “River Dog: A Journey Down the Brahmaputra.”

Cory Morningstar on The Green ‘New Deal For Nature’, privatising nature, on digitising nature and a plot behind the green mask.
‘Climate: The Movie’ new documentary by Martin Durkin, who made ‘The Great Global Warming Swindle’, which was proved to be controversial, with incomplete information. The film that lifts the lid on the climate alarm, and the dark forces behind the climate consensus. Written and directed by Martin Durkin. Produced by Tom Nelson.

– link to article by Martin Durkin.

Lord Bathurst explains why he will now charge for entrance to Cirencester Park. Hundreds gather for mass trespass demo at Lord Bathurst’s Cotswolds estate: Huge crowds descend on Cirencester Park in ‘right to roam’ protest over plans to introduce entry fees for the first time in 326 years Cirencester Park in Gloucestershire has been free to enter for 326 years Hundreds of ‘right to roam’ protesters have gathered for a mass trespass demonstration at Cirencester Park in Gloucestershire today, after the Bathurst Estate introduced entry fees for the first time in 326 years. The historical park has been owned by the Bathurst family since 1695 and has always been free for the public to enter. But Lord Bathurst – a close friend of King Charles who lives nearby in Tetbury – claims he now needs to introduce charges to pay for the upkeep of the 3,000-acre estate. Electric gates have been installed on the four main entry points requiring a pass to enter or a fee of £4 a day. Regular visitors can pay £30 for an annual pass. Access will be free to anyone living in the local GL7 postcode but a £10 deposit will be charged for the entry card. The plans have angered many local residents, who have enjoyed unrestricted access to the open space around the town for generations. Hundreds of Right to Roam protesters have gathered for a mass trespass demonstration at Cirencester Park in Gloucestershire today. Pictured is a protester holding a sign which reads ‘I want my countryside back, right to roam’ They chanted ‘Whose park? Our park’, with some holding placards reading ‘The peasants are revolting’ and ‘Nature should be for everyone, not just for those that can afford it’.

Patrizia Opulenza poem on Marvin Rees.

Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard | Tony on Brexit & The Traitors of Arnhem | Evolution | War between God & Lucifer | Plan for three World Wars | Armageddonists I have known: Nick Land (1975-8) | George Monbiot (1995-8) | Aanirfan | Manna for the Revelation Generation: CONSPIRACY CLASSICS, longer interviews/lectures

Part Two – International news review, Accelerationist, Armageddonist reports and investigations

Russian elections. Kate has cancer – chemo. UN vote for a ceasefire in Gaza – US agrees finally – but Russia and China don’t! Netanyahu’s government plan to get all Palestinians out of Gaza. Netanyahu says they will attack Rafah. Israel bombed 400 health facilities Israeli Minister Says Israel Will Invade Rafah No Matter What the US Thinks Ron Dermer, a former ambassador to the US, says Israel will take control of the city ‘even if the entire world turns on Israel, including the United States’ Israeli Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer has vowed that Israel will invade the southern Gaza city of Rafah even if it causes a rift with the US, The Times of Israel reported Thursday. Any Israeli attack on Rafah would incur huge civilian casualties since 1.5 million Palestinians are packed into the city, which has a pre-war population of 275,000. Israeli officials claim they have a way to protect civilians, but the US has said Israel has not presented any plan. “We’re quite confident that we can do this in a way that would be effective ­ not only militarily, but also on the humanitarian side. And they have less confidence that we can do it,” Dermer, an American-born former Israeli ambassador to the US, said on the podcast Call Me Back With Dan Senor. “It will happen even if Israel is forced to fight alone. Even if the entire world turns on Israel, including the United States, we’re going to fight until the battle’s won,” Dermer added.

Palestine’s civil police chief in charge of Aid Convoys covertly assassinated by IDF at Al Shifa hospital – Most successful deliverer of aid to besieged Gaza civil police chief Faiq Mabhouh, deliberately targeted and assassinated by IDF storming Al Shifa hospital on Sat 16 March 2024 – The real reason Israel stormed al-Shifa Hospital yet again – Israel’s latest attack on al-Shifa Hospital and the successful delivery of food aid to northern Gaza are connected. Here’s how. Regardless of the veracity of the speculation, what has become clear is that Israel’s genocidal war has taken on a new dimension ­ it is encouraging societal collapse in Gaza. Its engineering of famine and the enablement of lawlessness is simply a continuation of its military campaign through other means. And when members of the civilian government attempt to ameliorate the famine or try to work to restore social order, Israel launches a war against them, too.

Russia knocks out power stations in Ukraine. Russia targets Ukraine’s power facilities with wave of missiles, drones. Attacks leave more than one million people without power as Zelenskyy renews pleas for Western air defence systems.

2014 Hampstead SRA scandal – Sabine McNeill, miscarriage of justice? who was jailed for claiming there was a Satanist ring in Hampstead abusing children, gives her version of the story, after a recent documentary and articles cast her as a villain. Sick troll Sabine McNeill who accused Hampstead mothers of running satanic child abuse ring still pleads her innocence and compares her ‘suffering’ to Jesus Christ – A sick troll who accused mothers in Hampstead of running a satanic child abuse ring is still pleading her innocence and has compared her ‘suffering’ to Jesus Christ as she said she ‘cannot accept the verdict’. Two young siblings aged eight and nine accused parents – including their own father – and teachers at their North London primary school of being a part of a satanic paedophile ring involving horrendous ritual abuse in 2015. Their mother, Ella Draper, shared the false accusations online and Sabine McNeill – a virulent conspiracy theorist, since dubbed Britain’s worst online troll – released videos of the children making these accusations online, alongside personal details of 175 people allegedly involved. It went viral and led to death threats, harassment and abuse against the falsely accused parents, which four mothers have spoken out about in Channel 4’s new documentary Accused: The Hampstead Hoax. McNeill, Draper’s unqualified ‘legal adviser’, was one of the central figures in attempting to legitimise the conspiracy. She was put on trial for stalking, harassment and breaching a restraining order and was jailed for nine years in 2018, of which she served four. The German-born pensioner, who has since fled to Germany, said: ‘I didn’t accept any of the charges, I didn’t accept the verdict, I cannot accept the verdict. All I can do is suffer. Suffer it, like Jesus Christ did.’

2014 Hampstead SRA scandal – Sabine McNeill, miscarriage of justice? Christ Church Primary School, Hampstead – In 2014, a leaked video depicted two young children, explaining in detail the horrific abuse that they had been exposed to at Hampstead Christ Church Primary School in London England. Scenes of satanic rituals, sexual abuse, infant murder and cannibalism were described in vivid detail by the children, causing the video to become viral. Among the alleged perpetrators was the children’s biological father, Ricky Dearman, as well as a number of staff members and parents of children at the school. Despite the severity of the case, an adequate investigation into the children’s claims was never carried out. The media and local police seemed to work together to carry out a cover-up and turn the tables on the children’s Mother (Ella Draper) who reported the crimes. After accusing Draper of helping the children fabricate the story she fled the country to avoid arrest and prosecution. Ella has since taken a professional polygraph test which confirmed that she was telling the truth. There has been an information blackout in the UK. Anyone who tries to expose the truth of this case is threatened with fines and jail time. Computers have been confiscated as evidence, and even recently, Sabine McMeill has been sentenced to 9 years in prison for speaking out.

Mountbatten biographer says Government has spied on him during his £450,000 battle to see personal diary of royal who inspired King Charles and ‘had perversion for young boys’ Andrew Lownie, author of ‘The Mountbattens: Their Lives and Loves’, on how he lost £400,000 in a court case trying to get Southampton University to release the Mountbatten diaries they’d purchased. He also wrote ‘Traitor King: Edward VIII’ which was made in to a C4 documentary. The Mountbattens: Their Lives & Loves Andrew Lownie (2019) DICKIE MOUNTBATTEN: A major figure behind his nephew Philip’s marriage to Queen Elizabeth II and instrumental in the Royal Family taking the Mountbatten name, he was Supreme Allied Commander of South East Asia during World War II and the last Viceroy of India. EDWINA MOUNTBATTEN: Once the richest woman in Britain and a playgirl who enjoyed numerous affairs, she emerged from World War II as a magnetic and talented humanitarian worker loved around the­ world. From British high society to the South of France, from the battlefields of Burma to the Viceroy’s House, The Mountbattens is a rich and filmic story of a powerful partnership, revealing the truth behind a carefully curated legend. Traitor King: The Scandalous Exile of the Duke & Duchess of Windsor by Andrew Lownie (2021) Traitor King, by Sunday Times bestselling author Andrew Lownie, looks at the years following the abdication of Edward VIII when the former king was kept in exile, feuding with his family over status for his wife, Wallis Simpson, and denied any real job. Drawing on extensive research into hitherto unused archives and Freedom of Information requests, it makes the case that the Duke and Duchess of Windsor were not the naïve dupes of the Germans but actively intrigued against Britain in both war and peace. It reveals: – the story behind the German attempts to recruit the Duke as a British Pétain in the summer of 1940. – the efforts, by Churchill in particular, to prevent post-war publication of the captured German documents which detailed the Duke’s Nazi intrigues. – the reasons why the Duke, as Governor of the Bahamas, tried to shut down the investigation into the 1943 murder of his close friend Harry Oakes. – the full extent of the feud with the British Royal Family, based on his betrayals going back to his dishonesty about his true financial position at the time of the abdication. – that far from a love story, Wallis felt trapped in a marriage she had never wanted with a pathetic and suffocating husband, one of the reasons she took several lovers, including the gay playboy Jimmy Donahue.

David Livingstone on the difference between Luciferians and Satanists as well as a critique of Nazi literature and Benjamin Netanyahu. David Livingstone explains that, contrary to the title of his book Clarke tries to prove the Nazis were NOT an occult organisation despite Himmler’s Hitler-worshipping SS obviously being. David also explains that Netanyahu’s father Benzion was private secretary to far-right Zionist maniac supremacist Ze’ev Jabotinsky. The Thule Society – Pan-Turkism venerated an ancient homeland called Ergenekon, which corresponded to the legend of Agartha, also venerated by the Thules. The Thule Society identified the Germanic people as the Aryan race, the descendants from Thule, and sought its transformation into a super-race by harnessing the power of Vril. Inspired by Greco-Roman geographers who located the mythical land of “Ultima Thule” in the furthest north, Nazi mystics identified it as the capital of ancient Hyperborea, a lost ancient landmass supposedly near Greenland or Iceland, and the land of the super-race who inhabited the Hollow Earth. The Ancient Greeks wrote not only of the sunken island of Atlantis, but also of Hyperborea, a northern land whose people migrated south before it was destroyed by ice. In the late seventeenth-century, Swedish author Olaf Rudbeck located Hyperborea at the North Pole and several other accounts related that before its destruction, it broke into the islands of Thule and Ultima Thule.
INTERVIEWS [right click to download]
#1 - Complete 3hr 10min show - [right click to download]
Full interviews with...
#2 - Marvin Rees Beacon Centre speech Wed13Mar24 - 01:10:00
#3 - Richard Stride Bristol Sieges of the English Civil War BGAS 18Mar24 - 01:00:00
#4 - Dav PSC Occupying Israeli Drone Manufacturer in UK Elbit Systems HQ - 00:07:00
#5 - Lord Bathurst and John Moses Cirencester Park Right To Roam BBCTWTO 18Mar24 - 00:09:00
#6 - George Galloway MP on Gaza and Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron Wed20Mar24 - 00:10:00
#7 - Chris Cole Drone Wars UK Ramstein use in Ukraine Gaza ethics autonomy - 00:35:00
#8 - October 7 - Al Jazeera Investigates documentary (2024) - 01:00:00
#9 - October 7 Was An Inside Job - documentary (2024) - 00:55:00
#10 - Climate, The Movie (2024) - 01:20:00
#11a - Hedley Rees GSK Rolled Out CoVax Jabs and Pharmaceutical Corner Cutting, Dire Quality Control - 00:49:00
#11b - Andrew Lownie Mountbatten Diaries Legal Battle w Southampton Uni + Edward VIII - 00:25:00
#12a - Sabine McNeill Hampstead SRA Case right of reply - UK is world centre for Satanic RItual Abuse 20Mar24 - 00:40:00
#12b - Sabine McNeill - The Imagination S4E51 Whistleblower of Hampstead Whistleblower Kids On Satanic Pedo Ring Cover-Up - 02:00:00
#13 - David Livingstone Zionism Luciferian Kaballah Gnostics and thr Nazis Gaza Hamas Controlled Opposition - 01:15:00

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03:20:00 1 March 22, 2024
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 00:35:00  64Kbps mp3
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03:20:00 1 March 22, 2024
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 01:00:00  64Kbps mp3
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03:20:00 1 March 22, 2024
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 00:55:00  64Kbps mp3
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03:20:00 1 March 22, 2024
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10   01:20:00  64Kbps mp3
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03:20:00 1 March 22, 2024
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11   00:40:00  64Kbps mp3
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03:20:00 1 March 22, 2024
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11   00:25:00  64Kbps mp3
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03:20:00 1 March 22, 2024
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12   00:40:00  64Kbps mp3
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03:20:00 1 March 22, 2024
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12   02:00:00  64Kbps mp3
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03:20:00 1 March 22, 2024
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13   01:15:00  48Kbps mp3
(MB) None
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