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Program Information
State Of The City reports
Bristol MSF Doctor returns from Anglo Zionist Empires Fourth Reich Genocide in Gaza
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
March 29, 2024, midnight
– Dr. Chris Hook, who’s been working in Gaza hospitals for MSF , joins Tony and Martin. He works in the emergency department at Bristol Royal Infirmary (BRI),
– Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur, on how it is genocide in Gaza. The kinds of injuries Chris was seeing in Gaza. Charities people can support to help Gazans.
– Bristol Transformed – Apartheid Free Zone – covers Gaza too. What is Bristol Transformed? Bristol Transformed is a grassroots and volunteer-led festival of radical politics,
– Médecins Sans Frontières: While most of our Palestinian colleagues have moved to the south of the Strip, a handful of our doctors and nurses have chosen to remain
– What is MAP doing to help Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank? MAP’s team in Gaza were among the first to respond to the current emergency
– Reverend John Angle on The Lighthouse School that he and The Hope Christian Trust started in Gaza – what is left of it now? ‘Why bomb schools?’
– Dia Moodley, Pastor at Spirit of Life Church, Lockleaze, on why he was assaulted,then arrested (but not charged).
– “850 babies a day now murdered by abortion” Bristol press ignore Pastor Dia Moodley ASSAULTED BY FEMALE STUDENTS THEN ARRESTED preaching outside University
– CIA Kills 137 In Moscow Theatre; Anglo Zionist Empires Fourth Reich Genocide in Gaza
– Warren Thornton, ex British Army sniper and now journalist – – joins Tony and Martin. His ex army contacts wanted an outlet for their stories.
– Fact checkers. Stella Assange on why Julian should be freed now. The Assange Hearing Permission Appeal Judgment: Mad and Bad. by former British ambassador Craig Murray
– Cash For Honours Now ‘The Norm’! £3m+ buys you a knighthood! £5m Tory donor given a knighthood by Rishi.
– 1947 Israeli attempt to assassinate British Foreign Secretary Bristolian Ernest Bevin. BBC documentary ‘Document: A Date with Bevin’ by Mike Thompson 2007
– ‘Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews’ book by Alan Hart. Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews, Volume 3 War Without End by Alan Hart Conflict Without End,
– ‘The Hunt for Martin Bormann’ documentary by Mark Felton – ‘Bormann’s skull’ which was even ‘DNA positive’ was very obviously tampered with.
– 135 killed in attack on Crocus Theatre in Moscow – what Warren Thornton’s sources have let him know. Russia to probe possible US links to terror attacks
– Alistair Crooke detailing The West being behind Crocus Theatre attack. Victoria Nuland – influence and connections, husband is editor of the Washington Post Robert Kagan.
– Katharine Gun, former GCHQ whistleblower, on interference in UK elections by Israel. Bristol MPs that are part of Labour Friends of Israel
– Kees van der Pijl, West’s return to Fascism: Gaza, Ukraine, States of Emergency, Pandemic of Angst
– author of ‘States of Emergency’, on how CIA terrorism is used for political change, and the documents which show this
– Haiti – what’s happening, transitional government forming? ­ Anti – Israel swithing off bank cards in Gaza at present
– Baltimore – ship destroys bridge – ship turns with no power (lights out) but engines on full power to go head on exactly at bridge support. Could it be an Israeli hack….
– Patrizia Opulenza poem on Gaza/Israel war and Easter.
– Good Friday NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling

Part One – Local and National News Review

Dr. Chris Hook, who’s been working in Gaza hospitals, joins Tony and Martin. He works in the emergency department at Bristol Royal Infirmary (BRI), and also went out to work in the Gaza genocide recently as part of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). Why the junior doctors went on strike. Chris explains what it was like being a doctor in war torn Gaza, the situation on the ground, and how ordinary people are suffering the most, not the military leaders. ‘Nothing short of hell’: UK doctors describe horror in Gaza’s collapsing hospitals “Those who’ve been killed have had more mercy,” one doctor tells ITV News. Whilst reporters are still denied access to report from Gaza, the first-hand testimony from those bearing witness to what is going on inside the war-torn territory is even more crucial. For a special eyewitness report on the desperate state of hospitals in Gaza, ITV News spoke to three senior British and American doctors who have just returned from the war zone and told of the appalling scenes they saw unfold around them. They have all previously worked in conflict zones across the world, yet they all describe the situation in the hospitals in Gaza as the worst they’ve seen. They described resuscitating Palestinian children on the brink of death, and how one held the hand of a fatally injured young man as he died on the ground. One observed that after two weeks of working inside the emergency rooms, those who were killed seem to have had more mercy bestowed on them than those who are surviving.

Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur, on how it is genocide in Gaza. The kinds of injuries Chris was seeing in Gaza. Charities people can support to help Gazans. UN Special Rapporteur Outlines How Israel Is Committing Genocide in Gaza – On Tuesday, UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese accused Israel of committing acts of genocide. She spoke in Geneva about her major new report. Francesca Albanese: “Following nearly six months of unrelenting Israeli assault on occupied Gaza, it is my solemn duty to report on the worst of what humanity is capable of and to present my finding, ‘The Anatomy of a Genocide.’ History teaches us that genocide is a process, not a single act. It starts with the dehumanization of a group as other and the denial of that group’s humanity, and ends with the destruction of the group in all or in part. The dehumanization of Palestinians as a group is the hallmark of their history of ethnic cleansing, dispossession and apartheid.”

Bristol Transformed – Apartheid Free Zone – covers Gaza too. What is Bristol Transformed? Bristol Transformed is a grassroots and volunteer-led festival of radical politics, arts and culture: bringing together activists, trade unionists, leading thinkers and anyone interested in left-wing politics. We’re creating the space to discuss the most important issues facing us, equipping us with the skills and knowledge to transform Bristol and the world. Our socialist education runs all year round – book launches, workshops, reading groups, social events, and more. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to see what’s coming up, and join our Discord server or the BT Brain Trust on Facebook to share educational content and ask all your questions in a friendly socialist space. What do we mean by radical economics? What would it mean to age well under socialism? Why does the West support Israel? How can you unionise your workplace? How do we counter common arguments against socialism? Learn about all this and more – and how to transform our world. Bristol Transformed is BACK on 18-19th May 2024 for a weekend packed with debates, arts, workshops, and socialism!

Médecins Sans Frontières: While most of our Palestinian colleagues have moved to the south of the Strip, a handful of our doctors and nurses have chosen to remain in northern Gaza. They continue to offer their support to the wounded, including in some MSF-supported facilities and in collaboration with local healthcare staff. As of 11 March, we have colleagues providing care in three hospitals: Al Aqsa hospital, Rafah Indonesian Field Hospital, and Al-Emirati Maternity Hospital. We are also working in one general healthcare facility, Al-Shaboura clinic, and two health posts in Al Mawasi, in the Rafah area. Most of our teams are in the South of Gaza, while we are still supporting Al-Awda Hospital in northern Gaza. Our teams provide surgical support, wound care, physiotherapy, outpatient consultations and mental health services. On 14 November, a new MSF team of 15 people – composed of surgeons, anaesthetists and intensive-care specialists, with some coordination and logistical support – entered southern Gaza via the Rafah crossing from Egypt. People in the team come from different countries from all over the world. Our staff were forced out of Al-Shifa hospital on 18 November due to repeated attacks by Israeli forces. Two nurses returned to the premises to assist with medical procedures on a voluntary basis, before leaving in early February as strikes approached the hospital again. Some medical activities resumed on 6 January, with three operational theatres. Two UN convoys, carrying our international staff, reached the hospital on 22 January and 11 March to provide fuel and medical supplies. A few our staff have been providing dressings care at our former MSF clinic since January.

What is MAP doing to help Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank? MAP’s team in Gaza were among the first to respond to the current emergency and remain one of the only international organisations working to provide humanitarian and medical services, including in the north. While our emergency response is mainly focused on Gaza, we are also supporting medical services in the occupied West Bank, amid a significant escalation of Israeli military and settler violence against Palestinians. In Gaza we have: provided more than $570,000 USD worth of pre-positioned stocks of drugs, medical disposables, and other humanitarian supplies held in our warehouses, to hospitals and shelters sourced more than $1.8 million USD worth of humanitarian supplies from the local market, which have been distributed to hospitals and shelters. This includes medicines, disposables and lab reagents for hospitals, and hot meals, mattresses, blankets and hygiene kits for thousands of people displaced from their homes procured $1.5 million USD worth of drugs and medical supplies for hospitals in northern Gaza, including for Shifa Hospital which has come under two significant Israeli military attacks and invasions, and warm clothes and hygiene kits for more than 21,000 people driven from their homes in the north

Reverend John Angle on The Lighthouse School that he and The Hope Christian Trust started in Gaza – what is left of it now? ‘Why bomb schools?’ Gaza families have no safe space amid Israeli attacks Residents across the Gaza Strip have sought shelter in UN-run schools. But schools too have been targeted by Israel. Gaza City ­ Jamal Al Zinati is in a state of shock and disbelief. The 33-year-old is a perfume dealer, but today, it’s the stench of death and destruction that’s overpowering ­ in his neighbourhood and all of the Gaza Strip. Jamal is sheltering in a classroom of a school run by UNRWA ­ the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East ­ after his entire neighbourhood was blown up by Israeli missiles. As the war between Israel and Hamas rages for a fourth straight day, once-vibrant neighbourhoods in central Gaza City now lie in ruins. Amid the unrelenting explosions, thousands of people have been left with no choice but to seek shelter in overcrowded public spaces and schools, hoping for relative safety. In addition to Israel’s air-tight blockade, the destruction wrought by the bombing has further shrunk the space available for them to live, to survive, to breathe. Entire families find themselves homeless, their neighbourhoods flattened. Across the Gaza Strip, plumes of smoke haze the skyline. “When we ran out the door, all we thought was Israel probably would just threaten us to leave to push fear in our hearts,” Jamal says. “I did not believe they would air strike the whole area and leave it in black ruins.”

Dia Moodley, Pastor at Spirit of Life Church, Lockleaze, on why he was assaulted,then arrested (but not charged). “850 babies a day now murdered by abortion” Bristol press ignore Pastor Dia Moodley ASSAULTED BY FEMALE STUDENTS THEN ARRESTED preaching outside University Police admit attempt to ‘silence’ Christian street preacher for criticising other religions and atheism was ‘disproportionate’ as they back down in free speech row. A police force last night admitted its attempt to ‘silence’ a Christian street preacher for criticising Hindus, Muslims and atheists was ‘disproportionate’. Avon and Somerset Police tried to prevent Bristol-based pastor Dia Moodley from ‘passing comments on any other religion or comparing them to Christianity’. It also sought to stop him displaying ‘graphic material’. The Evangelist fundamentalist had become known to the police after holding up signs saying ‘abortion is murder’ and mocking followers of other religions for failing to acknowledge ‘God’s truth’. On other occasions the creationist held up signs that read ‘all lives matter’, ‘evolution is a lie’ and ‘God created them man and woman’ – leading to a hostile reaction from passers-by. Mr Moodley, who belongs to the Spirit of Life church, had arranged a meeting with the local policing team after claiming officers had ‘done nothing’ when members of the public ‘spat’ at him and ‘destroyed’ his signs.

Tweets by ThorntonWa47373

Warren Thornton, ex British Army sniper and now journalist – www.the – joins Tony and Martin. His ex army contacts wanted an outlet for their stories. Misinformation, Disinformation and Malinformation explained. The latter is information which is true but the authoritarian authorities don’t want you to know, eg about their Nazi collaboration and war crimes.Warren’s Twitter Account.

Fact checkers. Stella Assange on why Julian should be freed now. The Assange Hearing Permission Appeal Judgment: Mad and Bad. by former British ambassador Craig Murray The latest judgment by the High Court in the Assange case achieved completely the objectives of the UK and US states. Above all, Julian remains in the hell which is Belmarsh maximum security prison. He is now safely there alone and incommunicado, from the authorities’ point of view, for at least several more months….The absence of the death penalty assurance should end the extradition process. But the hearing would see the prosecution argue that it is not necessary, as there are no capital charges currently and none are likely to be added. The judges could go with this, given the undisguised bias towards the United States throughout. The state will again kick in with its iron resolve to crush Julian. I don’t think that the United States will be able, for the reasons I have given, to provide assurances on the nationality and First Amendment rights, but I think the court will nonetheless order extradition. The United States will argue that it is a free country with a fair trial system and independent judges and that Julian will be allowed to make the argument in court that he should have First Amendment rights. The UK court should accept that the US judge will come to a fair decision which protects all human rights considerations. They will say that it is perfectly reasonable and normal for states to treat citizens and foreign nationals abroad in different ways in different contexts, including consular protection. A justice system which is capable of ruling that a person should be handed over to his attempted kidnapper, because then the kidnapper does not have to kidnap him, and ruling that the clauses of the very treaty under which somebody is being extradited do not apply, is capable of accepting that the ability to argue in court for a First Amendment defence is sufficient, even if that defence is likely to be denied. There is, however, plenty of meat in those questions that would allow another adjourned hearing, another long delay for a judgment and plenty of leeway to get past the November election for Genocide Joe. ….

Cash For Honours Now ‘The Norm’! £3m+ buys you a knighthood! £5m Tory donor given a knighthood by Rishi. Rishi Sunak hands knighthood to Tory mega-donor who gave party £5 million Billionaire Mohamed Mansour, who is a Conservative Party treasurer, was among those given gongs in a surprise honours list snuck out by Downing Street before the Easter weekend Rishi Sunak has handed a knighthood to a Tory mega-donor who gave the party £5million last year. Egyptian-born billionaire Mohamed Mansour, who is a Conservative Party treasurer, was among those given gongs in a surprise honours list snuck out before the Easter weekend. Mr Mansour, a former minister under Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak, gave the Tories their largest donation in 20 years in 2023, in a boost to Mr Sunak after donations dipped following Boris Johnson’s resignation. The Mirror reported last year that he organised cosy, undeclared dinner parties for super-rich VIPs, who were given private access to senior ministers. No money was raised at the closed-door soirees in his house in Belgravia, which took place between 2018 and 2022. In January last year, the Sunday Mirror reported how Mr Mansour had been raking it in from a firm still dealing with warmonger Vladimir Putin’s Russia. Full list of surprise honours announced – from director Christopher Nolan to Tory mega-donor Mr Mansour is worth around $3.2billion (£2.5billion) according to Forbes last year. He was named as a major Tory fundraiser in December 2022, having donated more than £600,000 to the party through his company Unatrac Right-wing Tory MP Philip Davies, whose wife is the Government’s “common sense” minister Esther McVey, was knighted, alongside Farming Minister Mark Spencer. Former sports minister Tracey Crouch and Treasury Select Committee chairwoman Harriett Baldwin were both made dames. Democratic Unionist Party MP Gregor Campbell has also been made a CBE.

BBC documentary ‘Document: A Date with Bevin’ by Mike Thompson 2007 – 1947 Israeli attempt to assassinate British Foreign Secretary Bristolian Ernest Bevin.

‘Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews’ book by Alan Hart. Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews, Volume 3 War Without End by Alan Hart Conflict Without End, Volume III of Hart’s multi-volume work, ZIONISM, THE REAL ENEMY OF THE JEWS takes the story from the 1967 war and the creation of Greater Israel to the present and the question: Will President Obama be allowed to deliver an acceptable amount of justice for the Palestinians in order to achieve peace for all, and, if he can’t deliver, is a final round of Zionist ethnic cleansing inevitable? Chapter 2, The Liberty Affair – “Pure Murder” on a “Great Day”, tells the incredible but true story of Israel’s deliberate attack on the American spy ship and how the truth was covered up, allowing the Israelis to get away with the cold-blooded murder of American service personnel. Chapter 3. Goodbye to the Security Council’s Integrity, contains the key to understanding everything that has happened since the 1967 war. By allowing Israel to violate international law and settle the occupied territories, the major powers, led by America, effectively created two sets of rules for the behaviour of nations­one for all the nations of the world minus only the Zionist state of Israel and the other exclusively for it. This third volume includes insights Hart gained while acting as the linkman in a secret and exploratory dialogue between PLO chairman Yasser Arafat and Israel’s Shimon Peres who, at the time, was the leader of the main Conflict Without End, Volume III of Hart’s multi-volume work, ZIONISM, THE REAL ENEMY OF THE JEWS takes the story from the 1967 war and the creation of Greater Israel to the present and the question: Will President Obama be allowed to deliver an acceptable amount of justice for the Palestinians in order to achieve peace for all, and, if he can’t deliver, is a final round of Zionist ethnic cleansing inevitable? Chapter 2, The Liberty Affair – “Pure Murder” on a “Great Day”, tells the incredible but true story of Israel’s deliberate attack on the American spy ship and how the truth was covered up, allowing the Israelis to get away with the cold-blooded murder of American service personnel. Chapter 3. Goodbye to the Security Council’s Integrity, contains the key to understanding everything that has happened since the 1967 war. By allowing Israel to violate international law and settle the occupied territories, the major powers, led by America, effectively created two sets of rules for the behaviour of nations­one for all the nations of the world minus only the Zionist state of Israel and the other exclusively for it.

‘The Hunt for Martin Bormann’ documentary by Mark Felton – ‘Bormann’s skull’ which was even ‘DNA positive’ was very obviously tampered with. ‘OPJB’ book by Christopher Creighton . A feature-length episode combining my original five episodes on Bormann to create, for ease of viewing, the omnibus edition! What happened to Hitler’s sinister private secretary, the head of the Nazi Party Chancellery Martin Bormann? Did he manage to escape from Berlin in May 1945 and live out the rest of his life in hiding in South America? This programme will answer those questions. Op JB by Christopher Creighton (1996) and Martin Bormann Nazi In Exile by Paul Manning – The two big books on Ian Fleming, the Furth Reich and the Nazi Treasurer Martin Bormann’s rescue by Winston Churchill’s private secretary Desmond Morton at the end of WWII and how Bormann created the 4th Reich.

Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard | Tony on Brexit & The Traitors of Arnhem | Evolution | War between God & Lucifer | Plan for three World Wars | Armageddonists I have known: Nick Land (1975-8) | George Monbiot (1995-8) | Aanirfan | Manna for the Revelation Generation: CONSPIRACY CLASSICS, longer interviews/lectures

Part Two – International news review, Accelerationist, Armageddonist reports and investigations

135 killed in attack on Crocus Theatre in Moscow – what Warren Thornton’s sources have let him know. Russia to probe possible US links to terror attacks A complaint filed last week by lawmakers has been deemed credible enough for a formal inquiry The Russian Investigative Committee has launched a probe into allegations that Ukraine and its Western backers are involved in terrorist activities on Russian soil. It follows complaints from MPs and public figures last week. The law enforcement body announced on Monday that it was moving forward with the procedural investigation after reviewing the initial accusations. The initial claim, which the Committee confirmed receiving last Wednesday, identified the US and its allies as allegedly driving a string of attacks on Russian soil. The agency is looking into the purported “organization, financing and conduct of terrorist acts” by those nations. Nikolay Kharitonov of the Communist Party, one of the MPs who filed the original notice, insisted that Western nations have “benefited” from the terrorist attack on the Crocus City Hall outside Moscow earlier this month. Russia’s geopolitical opponents stood to gain from the tragedy, and counted “on their inaccessibility and impunity.” A total of 12 people – including the four gunmen, believed to be radical Islamists – have so far been arrested in connection to one of the deadliest terrorist attacks in the country’s history. Over 140 people were killed in the shooting spree and arson attack just outside of Moscow. The Afghanistan-based offshoot of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) has claimed credit for the strike. However, Russian officials claim to have uncovered evidence of possible Ukrainian involvement, contrary to US assurances that Kiev could not have been behind the attack. “The US and its allies are today conducting terrorist acts on Russian territories with the hands of ISIS and Ukrainian special services,” Kharitonov claimed on Telegram last week. “We demand that the political leadership of the US and Ukraine, as well as the intelligence services of these countries, be held criminally liable for organizing, financing, and conducting terrorist operations directed against Russia and the entire modern world.”

Alistair Crooke detailing The West being behind Crocus Theatre attack. Victoria Nuland – influence and connections, husband is editor of the Washington Post Robert Kagan.

Katharine Gun, former GCHQ whistleblower, on interference in UK elections by Israel. Bristol MPs that are part of Labour Friends of Israel – wine and dine trips taken to Israel. Katharine Gun on hybrid warfare. The stage is set for Hybrid World War III – That’s how Moscow welcomes you: the undisputed capital of the 21st century multipolar world. President Putin’s address – rather, a civilizational speech – last week was a game-changer when it comes to the demarcation of the civilizational red lines we are all now facing. It acted like a powerful drill perforating the less than short, actually zero term memory of the Collective West. No wonder it exercised a somewhat sobering effect contrasting the non-stop Russophobia binge of the NATOstan space. Alexey Dobrinin, Director of the Foreign Policy Planning Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Russia, has correctly described Putin’s address as “a methodological basis for understanding, describing and constructing multipolarity.” For years some of us have been showing how the emerging multipolar world is defined – but goes way beyond – high speed interconnectivity, physical and geoeconomic. Now, as we reach the next stage, it’s as if Putin and Xi Jinping, each in their own way, are conceptualizing the two key civilizational vectors of multipolarity. That’s the deeper meaning of the Russia-China comprehensive strategic partnership, invisible to the naked eye.

Kees van der Pijl, West’s return to Fascism: Gaza, Ukraine, States of Emergency, Pandemic of Angst – This chapter was added to the Polish translation by Dr Mateus Piskorski of my book with Manchester University Press: ‘Flight MH17, Ukraine and the New Cold War. Prism of Disaster’ (2018), and translated into German, Russian, Portuguese. Because actual war had meanwhile broken out and a longer Dutch version under the title The Tragedy of Ukraine had appeared at De Blauwe Tijger in Groningen, we chose this latter title also for the Polish edition (Wroclaw: Wektory, 2023). Kees van der Pijl, author of ‘States of Emergency’, on how false flag terrorism is used for political change, and the documents which show this – “Kees van der Pijl, an author of distinction, writes that the global ruling class or oligarchy used Covid-19 to seize power by declaring a state of global emergency. He explains that the Information Technology revolution, by creating a global information and communication system, was ushering in a social transformation inimical to the oligarchy’s hegemony over society. In order to stop this transformation, the global elite used lockdowns, mandates, censorship and controlled narratives to seize control over populations… Van der Pijl makes a cogent argument. He shows that the ‘pandemic’ is a political emergency, not a medical one. Its purpose was to suppress populations and transition to an authoritarian state and social structure…” PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS “This is a work of genuine scholarship of the highest order, and to read it closely and with an open mind one can’t help but be convinced of its essential truth… This book should be read by anyone who cares about our world. It is brilliant and extremely timely.” EDWARD CURTIN, author of Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies “In this urgent new study, veteran international relations scholar Kees van der Pijl shows how the ruling groups exploited the covid-19 virus to impose a worldwide state of emergency and a psychosis of fear that allowed them to extend their power and control at a time when global capitalism is beset by crisis. Brilliantly researched, impeccably sourced, the story is told in an engaging style and with great analytical acuity. Here is a dire warning against the slide into authoritarianism to contain the revolt of restive populations who can take no more deprivation. It must be read by the broadest possible public.” WILLIAM I. ROBINSON, Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Global and International Studies, University of California-Santa Barbara

Haiti – what’s happening, transitional government forming? ­ Anti – Israel swithing off bank cards in Gaza at present

Baltimore – ship destroys bridge – the ship seems to turn with no power (lights out) but engines on full power to go head on exactly at bridge support. Could it be an insurance job? Could it be an Israeli hack….? Monday 14:30 US refuses to veto UNSC Gaza ceasefire motion. Tuesday 05:30 GMT major US bridge is destroyed stopping mobility of US Navy ships. Call me potty but looking at the full vid of the Baltimore bridge collapse and container ship crunch it turns gently to starboard under power and rams the pillar almost exactly in the middle. “Huge Problem”: Pentagon’s Rapid Wartime Response Cargo Ships Trapped In Baltimore After Bridge Collapse Two high-speed military cargo ships are stuck in the Port of Baltimore following Tuesday morning’s collapse of the 1.6-mile-long Francis Scott Key Bridge. The major US East Coast port has been paralyzed for several days as the bridge collapse prevents inbound and outbound vessel traffic along the harbor’s channel. Using the automatic identification system, or AIS, data that tracks commercial vessels, three bulk carriers, two general cargo ships, one vehicle carrier, one tanker, and four Ready Reserve Force vessels (RRF), along with the container ship Dali that struck the bridge, are trapped in the harbor, according to the shipping blog gCaptain. The US Maritime Administration (MARAD) Ready Reserve Force vessels include: The Cape Washington, a Cape W Class roll-on/roll-off vessel. The Gary I. Gordon, a Gordon-class roll-on/roll-off vessel. The SS Antares (T-AKR-294), a Algol-class fast sealift vehicle cargo ship. The SS Denebola (T-AKR-294), another Algol-class fast sealift vehicle cargo ship. According to the military blog The War Zone (TWZ), Algol class vessels are “some of the fastest cargo vessels of their general size anywhere in the world.” These ships are part of the RRF, a subset of vessels within MARAD’s National Defense Reserve Fleet (NDRF) that provide surge sealift capability to the Pentagon for overseas conflicts. The three bulk carriers include: The Liberian-flagged JY River, owned by JIADE INTERNATIONAL SHIP and managed by WAH KWONG SHIP MANAGEMENT HK of Hong Kong. The Thailand-flagged Phatra Naree, owned by PRECIOUS STONES SHIPPING LTD and managed by PRECIOUS SHIPPING PCL of Thailand The Portuguese-flagged Klara Oldendorff, owned and managed OLDENDORFF CARRIERS GMBH & CO of Germany.

Patrizia Opulenza poem on Gaza/Israel war and Easter.
INTERVIEWS [right click to download]
#1 - Complete 3hr 30min show - [right click to download]
#2 - Pastor Dia Moodley arrested at Bristol Uni preaching on abortion press ignore story - 00:20:00
#3 - Rev John Angle IDF Attack Gaza Lighthouse School Hope Christian Trust - 00:30:00
#4 - Francesca Albanese UN says yes its genocide Special Rapporteur on occupied Palestinian territory - 00:55:00
#5 - Zionist terrorists 1946 plot to assassinate UK Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin.Mike Thomson BBC Document 11Apr07 - 00:30:00
#6 - Martin Bormann Hunt for Nazi Party Chief Mark Felton - 01:15:00
#7 - Alastair Crooke on Neapolitano Is Europe Preparing for War - 00:35:00
#8 - Katharine Gun China history Israel interfering in UK elections and cyberwar role of GCHQ - 00:35:00
#9 - Kees van der Pijl on Wests return to Fascism Netanyahu's 76 Years Planning For Gaza Genocide States of Emergency Pandemic of Angst - 01:05:00 

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