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Program Information
State Of The City reports
Tony Greenstein, Jewish anti Zionist, author of ‘Zionism During the Holocaust’, on the genocide in Gaza
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
April 19, 2024, midnight
– Squatted pub in Camden turned in to a pro Palestinian cafe – ‘The Camden Arts Cafe – now evicted? It turns out no! Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay’s squatters
– Rishi Sunak on his plan to get disabled back to work, by cutting benefits. Mark Menzies resignation. Plan to get rid of Rishi. Meg Hillier, Public Accounts Committee, on big wastes of public money
– Infected blood scandal of 1970s and 80s – ‘Blood Money’ documentary to be shown in Wales – final report due soon. ‘In Cold Blood’ documentary.
– Infected blood scandal: Children were used as ‘guinea pigs’ in clinical trials – The true scale of the number of medical trials using infected blood products on children
– ‘Cold Case Hammarskjold’ – Dagmar murder – British in charge of SAIMR – HIV deliberately injected into the black population by white supremacists to kill them
– Adam Bolton, Times Radio, interviews Jennifer Robinson, lawyer for Julian Assange. Craig Murray: Julian Assange and the Farce of Diplomatic Assurances
– Tony Greenstein, Jewish anti Zionist, author of ‘Zionism During the Holocaust’, on the genocide in Gaza, Iran’s attack on Israel, Zionism in the Unions,
– Censorship of documentaries – Banning an Anti-Racist & Anti-Fascist Film (On Resistance Street) is the Last Straw –
– MI5 Director General Ken McCallum Manchester Arena bombing MI5 ‘profoundly sorry’, in 2023, attack was not stopped
– MI5 director general Ken McCallum says he is “profoundly sorry” the secret service did not prevent the attack at Manchester Arena in 2017.
– First Post India – Manchester bombings – first time MI5 to be sued. Injured survivors from Manchester Arena bombing suing MI5
– Dawn Waddy – her witness statement of DIFFERENT Manchester bomber – suspicious lady. ShowSec Security and operators SMG Events both ignore Dawn Waddy’s warning
– Opening a New Front, Did Iran’s Strike on Israel Benefit Netanyahu? US Bases Threatened Next
– Emergency UNSC meeting – Guterres calls for de-escalation after Iranian strike on Israel. Patrick Henningsen on Iran attack. Russian Ambassador to Iran on attack.
– Former British ambassador to Iran Sir Richard Dalton says he would “rather” British forces hadn’t taken part in defending Israel from Iran’s attack,
– Al Jazeera, Inside Story – Mohammed Marandi on attack. What are the implications of Iran’s missile attack on Israel?
– Martin Summers – the Israel / Gaza conflict, history of the area, the Iranian strike on Israel, MI5 being sued over Manchester bombings – history of Libya/Britain. BBC – families of Israeli hostages protest in Tel Aviv.
– James O’Brien, LBC, interviews Sophia, a young Israeli who refused to join IDF. Israeli woman explains why she went to prison instead of joining the IDF | LBC
– Is Michael Gove at the heart of an anti-British, neo-Conservative coup? Larry Johnson, ex CIA, on the hostages families protest. Peter Oborne, ‘The Fate of Abraham’ book,
– Alan Hart – ‘Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews’ book. Former BBC and ITN correspondent Alan Hart delivers a powerful speech on why Zionism is not only the enemy
– ‘My loyalty is to Israel’ 2017 interview with Jacob Rothschild about Israel on the centenary of the Balfour Declaration. Backroom deals, betrayal, and a 100 year war
– Rick Wiles on the rigin of the rapture and Christian Zinoism Darby’s 1909 Scofield Bible – roots of Christian Zionism Antichrist HERESY. Rick Wiles Exposes the Golden Calf – Christian Zionism
– NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
Part One – Local and National News Review

Squatted pub in Camden turned in to a pro Palestinian cafe – ‘The Camden Arts Cafe – now evicted? It turns out no! Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay’s squatters say they’re going nowhere: Pub occupants vow to stay put despite court order telling them to leave TV chef’s £13m London pub Lawyers for Gordon Ramsay secured a court order against the pub’s squatters The squatters claim they have an agreement with the building’s owners Squatters have vowed to remain inside a Gordon Ramsay pub in London, claiming to have reached an agreement with the building’s owner. The group shut themselves in the York & Albany near Regent’s Park, north London, last week. Lawyers for Gordon Ramsay Holdings International Limited (GRHI) secured a High Court order for the possession of the premises on Thursday, which had appeared to pave the way for enforcement officers to retake the Grade II listed building. On Saturday, court orders taped to the doors of the premises had been torn down and a squatter said the group would be staying put. ‘We’ve made a deal With the owner, not Ramsay.’ He said: ‘We’re still here, and we’re going to carry on staying here. We’re going to be security for him.’ The former pub and hotel building in Camden is on the market for £13 million, after a protracted legal battle between Hell’s Kitchen presenter Ramsay and film director Gary Love. In 2007, Mr Love purchased the freehold of the premises, before leasing the pub to Ramsay on a 25-year term for an annual rent of £640,000. The celebrity chef attempted to free himself from the lease in 2015 but was unsuccessful in the High Court. On Thursday, lawyers for GRHI were granted an order by Judge Simon Brown to retake the property. Some of the squatters initially said they would comply with the ruling, leading to a steady stream of people leaving on Friday. However, a number of those who left have since returned and it is unclear how many people remain inside the building. Banners which had been draped from the balcony, reading ‘whatever they say, squatters will stay’ and ‘squat the lot’, have been removed by the occupants. A man, who said he was a friend of one of the squatters, entered the York & Albany briefly on Friday and said afterwards those inside had no intention of leaving. ‘They’re going to wait for the bailiff. That’s basically what they’re going to end up doing.’ The friend, who would not give his name but said he is a former squatter himself, added that those inside the building were young, homeless and had been squatting in various locations for a long time. The squatter group ran a cafe out of the building last week, handing out free food and drink to ‘the people of Camden who have been victims of gentrification and parasitic projects like HS2’. On squatter said: ‘We’re not bad people. I pay my taxes, I’ve got a job, I work in a pub.’ He added: ‘We just need a place to stay, that’s it. We’re trying to do a good thing here.’

Rishi Sunak on his plan to get disabled back to work, by cutting benefits. Mark Menzies resignation. Plan to get rid of Rishi. Meg Hillier, Public Accounts Committee, on big wastes of public money in recent years. Sunak’s plan to tackle sick note culture labelled hostile assault on disabled The prime minister said it was a ‘moral mission’ to reform the welfare system Rishi Sunak’s plans to slash the spiralling costs of “sick note” benefits have been met with a barrage of criticism from mental health experts and others. The prime minister said it was a “moral mission” to reform the welfare system, as he warned the number of young economically inactive people in Britain was a “tragedy”. But he was forced to deny his proposals – which include removing benefits entirely from fit people who refuse to work after 12 months – were about cost-cutting and lacked compassion as he faced accusations of “hostile rhetoric” and a “full-on assault on disabled people”. Since Covid the number of people out of work due to long-term sickness has risen significantly, reaching 2.8 million people in February. At £69bn, Britain is now spending more on benefits for people of working age with a disability or health condition than “our entire schools budget”, Mr Sunak warned in a speech. Setting out his reform plans he announced that benefit payments could be withdrawn from some people with mental health problems, who would be offered treatment instead. Charities slammed the proposal pointing out that 1.8 million people are already waiting for mental health treatment on the NHS. Doctors’ leaders accused the PM of “hostile rhetoric on sicknote culture” and criticised long NHS waiting lists, saying Mr Sunak should “focus on removing what is stopping patients from receiving the physical and mental healthcare they need, which in turn prevents them from going back to work”. The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy also warned waiting times have seen “too many people.. forced out of work”. Mental health charity Mind said the PM’s rhetoric was “insulting to the 1.9 million people on a waiting list to get mental health support, and to the GPs whose expert judgement is being called into question”. While the MS Society for multiple sclerosis warned the reforms “risk pushing even more disabled people into poverty”. That was echoed by the poverty charity Joseph Rowntree Foundation which warned of an “irresponsible war of words on people who already aren’t getting enough support”. Labour accused the government of lacking “concrete answers” to the problem, while Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey described Mr Sunak’s speech as “desperate” at a time when millions are unable to access NHS hospitals, GPs or mental health support. Richard Kramer, chief executive at charity Sense, said: “The government’s ongoing onslaught on disabled people is hard to watch… This rhetoric is unbelievably damaging and unhelpful, presenting disabled people as ‘shirkers’ who don’t want to work. But this isn’t the case – while employment isn’t right for everyone, many disabled people do want to work.” He added: “We’d urge the government to tackle these issues and offer better support as a priority, instead of focusing their time on scapegoating disabled and sick people.”

Infected blood scandal of 1970s and 80s – ‘Blood Money’ documentary to be shown in Wales – final report due soon. ‘In Cold Blood’ documentary. Infected blood scandal: Children were used as ‘guinea pigs’ in clinical trials – The true scale of the number of medical trials using infected blood products on children in the 1970s and 80s has been revealed by documents seen by BBC News. They reveal a secret world of unsafe clinical testing involving children in the UK, as doctors placed research goals ahead of patients’ needs. They continued for more than 15 years, involved hundreds of people, and infected most with hepatitis C and HIV. One surviving patient told the BBC he was treated like a “guinea pig”. The trials involved children with blood clotting disorders, when families had often not consented to them taking part. The majority of the children who enrolled are now dead. Documents also show that doctors in haemophilia centres across the country used blood products, even though they were widely known as likely to be contaminated. A shortage of blood products in the UK in the 1970s and 80s meant they were imported from the US. High-risk donors such as prisoners and drug addicts provided the plasma for the treatments that were infected with potentially fatal viruses including hepatitis C – which attacks the liver resulting in cirrhosis and cancer – and HIV. One blood product, known as Factor VIII, was seen to be highly effective for stopping bleeding but also widely known to be contaminated with viruses. A public inquiry is under way into the scandal. The final report is due in May.

White supremecists killing black Afriacns en masse with AIDS injections - ‘Cold Case Hammarskjold’ – Dagmar murder – British in charge of SAIMR – HIV deliberately injected into the black population by white supremacists to kill them through fake vaccines. Danish director Mads Brügger and Swedish private investigator Göran Björkdahl are trying to solve the mysterious death of Dag Hammarskjöld. As their investigation closes in, they discover a crime far worse than killing the Secretary-General of the United Nations. “Cold Case Hammarskjöld” sucks us in, but in a circling idiosyncratic way that only fuels its intrigue. Brügger ­ bald, twinkly, and a tad officious, like the young Donald Pleasance ­ first appears in a hotel room dressed in a white safari uniform. He tells us that the villain of his story is, yes, a man in a white safari uniform, and that there’s only one photograph of him in existence. (He shows us the photo.) Brügger, a filmmaker with a prankish reputation but, in this case, a deadly serious agenda, may be toying with the audience, but we go with him, because he seems to be in earnest, and he plants the seeds of a criminal enigma that turns out to have shockingly far-reaching implications.

Adam Bolton, Times Radio, interviews Jennifer Robinson, lawyer for Julian Assange. Craig Murray: Julian Assange and the Farce of Diplomatic Assurances The United States has now, on the face of it, produced the Diplomatic Note giving the two assurances required by the High Court to allow the extradition of Julian Assange to proceed. The assurance that Julian Assange will be allowed to rely on the First Amendment in his defence is a blatantly weak piece of sophistry…. …On 20 May there will be a hearing to determine whether this non-assurance is adequate to protect Julian Assange from discrimination on grounds of nationality and permit the extradition to proceed. Now being a reasonable person, you doubtless are thinking that it is impossible that such a flimsy confection of legal sleight of hand could ever be accepted. But if so, dear reader, you have no idea of the corruption of the stool pigeons disguised as British judges. Who would think that they could have ruled that the UK/US Treaty has legal force to extradite Julian Assange, but that Article IV of the Treaty excluding political offences strangely does not have legal force? Who would have thought that they could have ruled that the US government spying on his attorney/client legal conferences and seizing his legal papers did not invalidate the proceedings? Who would have thought they could have ruled that the US government plot to kidnap or murder him is irrelevant, because if he is extradited the US government will have no further need to kidnap or murder him? I could go on. I shall be very surprised if the High Court judges following the 20 May hearing do not rule that the right to ask not to be discriminated against on grounds of nationality (and be denied) is sufficient protection against discrimination by nationality. They really are that shameless.

Tony Greenstein, Jewish anti Zionist, author of ‘Zionism During the Holocaust’, on the genocide in Gaza, Iran’s attack on Israel, Zionism in the Unions, censorship of documentaries – Banning an Anti-Racist & Anti-Fascist Film (On Resistance Street) is the Last Straw – Our Branch SE/6246 Has Just Passed a Motion of No Confidence in Unite’s Racist General Secretary Sharon Graham It’s time for the SWP, Socialist Party & Counterfire to break with Graham’s Social Imperialism & Stop Apologising for Her ON RESISTANCE STREET (2023) Trailer On Monday I learnt that Sharon Graham had banned On Resistance Street an anti-fascist and anti-racist film that looks at the role music has played in the fight against fascism and racism. The reasons for the ban were explained by Graham’s sycophantic bag carrier, Sarah Carpenter, who, as Regional Secretary for the South-East, banned another film, Jeremy Corbyn – The Big Lie. Carpenter quoted an Executive Committee resolution of September 2023 that: ‘Unite should not use its premises or resources to show or promote any external films or other content that does not relate to our industrial agenda to support the pay, terms and conditions of our members and/or support existing Unite policies. Leave aside the ‘explanation’ of Carpenter, a bureaucrat without an original idea in her head, or the tunnel vision of Sharon Graham whose ‘industrial agenda’ poses no threat to British capitalism. Graham is either so politically illiterate that she does not understand that historically racism and fascism have been used to divide and weaken, if not destroy the trade union and socialist movement. Or else she does not care. Carpenter’s suggestion that anti-racism and anti-fascism is not part of ‘existing Unite policies’ testifies to her stupidity. Even more worrying, Carpenter also wrote that: In this context the Union should be especially careful to avoid appearing to endorse any material which causes unnecessary offence to members.’ Is she really saying that Unite should not offend racists and fascists? This is very similar to the ‘reason’ that Gail Cartmail gave for the banning of Jeremy Corbyn – The Big Lie when she said that: The General Secretary… is also clear that the Unite position must be that we do not stoke division through anti-semitism and anti-Muslim racism On Resistance Street was shot on location in England, Belfast and New York. It carries an original soundtrack of 20 songs. The film revisits the ‘Rock Against Racism’ movement of the late 70s, noting its influence on future waves of radical artists and political activists. It also shines a light – for the very first time in a film – on a 1950s organisation, ‘The Stars Campaign For Inter-Racial Friendship’ which was founded by a group of famous British jazz musicians and entertainers in the wake of the 1958 Notting Hill riots. It provided venues in West London for black and white youth to socialise together. The film also highlights the crucial role played by punk rock in uniting young people in 1970s’ sectarian Belfast. On Resistance Street tracks contemporary drifts to the right in the West, the weaponization of Black grammatical history, right wing musical cultural appropriation and the role of anti-racist social media groups today. It looks at grime music and the historic role played by Black musicians in British music. This decision is nothing less than shocking. For a trade union to ban an anti-fascist and anti-racist film is a sign of how the Sharon Graham leadership has degenerated politically.

Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard | Tony on Brexit & The Traitors of Arnhem | Evolution | War between God & Lucifer | Plan for three World Wars | Armageddonists I have known: Nick Land (1975-8) | George Monbiot (1995-8) | Aanirfan | Manna for the Revelation Generation: CONSPIRACY CLASSICS, longer interviews/lectures

Part Two – International news review, Accelerationist, Armageddonist reports and investigations

MI5 Director General Ken McCallum Manchester Arena bombing MI5 ‘profoundly sorry’, in 2023, attack was not stopped – MI5 director general Ken McCallum says he is “profoundly sorry” the secret service did not prevent the attack at Manchester Arena in 2017. His statement comes following the third and final report by Sir John Saunders, which found there were missed opportunities to take action against Salman Abedi. ‘Devastating conclusion’ to arena bombing inquiry The third, and final, report from the public inquiry into the deaths of 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert at the Manchester Arena has been released. We heard that security services missed a “significant” chance to take action that may have stopped the attack. Sir John Saunders added that one MI5 officer failed to act swiftly enough, and that the attacker should have been transferred to a counter terrorism programme. Families labelled the findings of the report a “devastating conclusion”. As they gave emotional statements in Manchester, Home Secretary Suella Braverman said she would do “everything possible” to avoid a repeat of the attack. MI5 said it was “profoundly sorry” the attack wasn’t prevented. Today’s coverage was edited by Alexandra Fouché, Nathan Williams and me. It was written by Anna Boyd, Rachel Russel, Heather Sharp, George Wright and Aoife Walsh. Video clips and streaming were produced by James Harness and James FitzGerald.

First Post India – Manchester bombings – first time MI5 to be sued. Injured survivors from Manchester Arena bombing suing MI5 The security service has previously apologised for failing to seize on a chance to thwart the attack, which killed 22 people and injured 100 more. The injured survivors of the Manchester Arena bombing are suing MI5, lawyers have said. It comes after the security service’s chief last year acknowledged a “slim” chance of thwarting the attack was missed, with 22 people killed and hundreds injured in May 2017. Relatives of those who were killed in the attack have been critical of MI5, with the father of the youngest victim, Saffie-Rose Roussos, believing she would still be alive “if MI5 did their job”. “Salman Abedi should have been stopped before he got to that arena and that’s MI5’s job,” Andrew Roussos previously told Sky News. Hudgell Solicitors, Slater & Gordon and Broudie Jackson Canter are the three firms leading the legal action at the IPT, which provides the right of redress to victims of unlawful action by a public body. Three legal firms representing more than 250 people have since confirmed action has been submitted to the Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT), but provided no further details, saying it was an “ongoing legal matter”. An inquiry found last March the bombing might have been prevented if MI5 had acted on intelligence received in the months before the attack. Two pieces of information about bomber Salman Abedi had been assessed at the time by the security service to not relate to terrorism, according to the inquiry findings. As a result, MI5’s director general Ken McCallum made a rare public statement apologising for the failings identified and insisted improvements had been made.

Dawn Waddy – her witness statement of DIFFERENT Manchester bomber – suspicious lady. ShowSec Security and operators SMG Events both ignore Dawn Waddy’s warning of a suspicious foreign woman ‘fiddling with bag, ‘looking toward where bomb went off’ ‘smirking’ ‘not interested in concert’ before the Manchester Arena bomb Eyewitness Dawn Waddy sat next to suspicious foreign woman before Manchester Arena bombing Was bomber’s accomplice in the crowd on night of attack? Concertgoer tells of ‘suspicious woman smirking to herself’ at Ariana Grande concert A mother who was in the crowd with her daughter saw a suspicious woman The woman ‘was alone and kept looking at where the explosion later happened’ A mother has told of a suspicious ‘smirking’ woman at the Ariana Grande concert who disappeared moments before the bomb went off, killing 22. Dawn Waddy twice reported the woman to security after she sat on her own looking in the direction of where the explosion later happened. The claims emerged as police carry out a series of raids as they try to track down any accomplices of suicide bomber Salman Abedi. Ms Waddy, who was at Monday night’s concert with her daughter Holly and a friend, said her friend first became concerned about the woman’s behaviour. She told Sky News: ‘I got suspicious myself and my friend, who was sat next to her told me; “I don’t like this”. ‘She was fidgeting with her zips and had her hands in her jacket and it put you on edge. ‘I told security and they informed a high security. They were up and down the stairs where she sat discreetly looking at her.’ Ms Waddy said the woman became more agitated during the evening and left shortly before the bomb went off.

Emergency UNSC meeting – Guterres calls for de-escalation after Iranian strike on Israel. Patrick Henningsen on Iran attack. Russian Ambassador to Iran on attack.

The British Ambassador to Iran, Richard Dalton on Iran’s attack. “This is not our quarrel”. Former British ambassador to Iran Sir Richard Dalton says he would “rather” British forces hadn’t taken part in defending Israel from Iran’s attack, and that British and American facilities and troops might be “in the line of fire” if the conflict were to escalate.

Al Jazeera, Inside Story – Mohammed Marandi on attack. What are the implications of Iran’s missile attack on Israel? | Inside Story –For the first time ever, a direct Iranian attack on Israel – a barrage of drones and missiles fired in retaliation for a strike on the Iranian consulate in Syria. Most were shot down – but the world watches with deepening concern. Who’ll be saying what to whom – to try to bring calm? Presenter: James Bays Guests: Mohammad Marandi, Professor at the University of Tehran Yossi Mekelberg, Associate Fellow at the British think tank, Chatham House. Akbar Shahid Ahmed is Senior Diplomatic Correspondent at Huffpost in Washington DC.

Martin Summers – the Israel / Gaza conflict, history of the area, the Iranian strike on Israel, MI5 being sued over Manchester bombings – history of Libya/Britain. BBC – families of Israeli hostages protest in Tel Aviv.

James O’Brien, LBC, interviews Sophia, a young Israeli who refused to join IDF. Israeli woman explains why she went to prison instead of joining the IDF | LBC ‘Sofia Orr is the first Israeli woman since October 7th to be jailed for refusing military service. She’s just been released, and tells James O’Brien that she believes it is ‘wrong to take children and make them into soldiers’. Six months on from the start of the war in Gaza, are young Israelis becoming more anti-war? ‘Youth Against Dictatorship’: Meet Israel’s new class of conscientious objectors In a new wave of resistance, 230 young people have signed a “Youth Against Dictatorship” open letter, refusing to serve in the Israeli army: “We truly fear for our own future, and for the future of all who live here. In view of this, we have no choice but to take extreme measures and refuse to serve in the army. A government that destroys the judiciary is not a government that we can serve. An army that militarily occupies another people is not an army that we can join.” Eight new draft refusers speak about the occupation, the anti-judicial reform protests, and conscientious objection as a tool of protest. On Sunday afternoon, hundreds of Israelis gathered outside the Herzliya Hebrew Gymnasium high school in central Tel Aviv for the launch of a new letter by young conscientious objectors under the banner of “Youth Against Dictatorship.” Despite pressure from the far right and the Education Ministry, and despite the decision of the high school’s board to cancel the event, hundreds came to hear the students read out the letter, participate in workshops, and to support the 230 young people who signed the letter and who plan to refuse enlistment into the Israeli army. As opposed to previous so-called “refusenik letters,” the current letter connects opposition to the government’s judicial overhaul to conscientious objection due to the occupation. Signatories +972 spoke with said they had planned to refuse to join the army even before the current government was formed, to protest the occupation. Others decided to do so in recent months, saying that the government, the most extreme in Israeli history, was what tipped the scales and pushed them to refuse. Some of them explained that the presence of the “anti-occupation bloc” at the weekly demonstrations against the judicial overhaul helped them make the decision, and that in today’s public atmosphere, conscientious objection is more widely accepted than in the past, particularly in the wake of mass refusal by army reservists in the wake of the overhaul.

Is Michael Gove at the heart of an anti-British, neo-Conservative coup? Larry Johnson, ex CIA, on the hostages families protest. Peter Oborne, ‘The Fate of Abraham’ book, on Michael Gove’s Zionist views. Peter Oborne has set his sights on Tory wetwipe Michael Gove, claiming he is at the centre of a power-grab by the rich, the press magnates and the think tanks that speak for wealth. In his latest video clip, he says Gove is a neo-Conservative, rather than just a Tory – defined by the central idea that the end justifies the means. He reckons Gove believes that the West (the UK, US and any allies) is involved in an eternal existential conflict with anybody else it fancies having a pop at, and can break any laws it wants in order to win. And he’s Rupert Murdoch’s man in Westminster. This gives him an advantage because Murdoch controls so much of the UK’s media (and he also has support from the Torygraph and the Heil). Murdoch is fanatically anti-Islam and a big supporter of Benjamin Netanyahu’s genocidal Israeli government, according to Oborne. Gove, as a Murdoch man, works with the media to construct Islamophobic narratives, Oborne says. This would mark him out as a sectarian bigot – a racist, in common parlance. If that is true, then he should not be a member of Parliament at all – firstly because the racism would make him unable to carry out his work for the benefit of everybody in his constituency (Surrey Heath), and secondly because his adherence to Murdoch makes him corrupt.

Alan Hart – ‘Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews’ book. Former BBC and ITN correspondent Alan Hart delivers a powerful speech on why Zionism is not only the enemy of the Jews, but of humankind. Alan Hart is a former ITN and BBC Panorama foreign correspondent who covered wars and conflicts wherever they were taking place in the world and specialized in the Middle East. Author of Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews. Alan Hart has been engaged with events in the Middle East and their global consequences and terrifying implications – the possibility of a Clash of Civilisations, Judeo-Christian v Islamic, and, along the way, another great turning against the Jews – for nearly 40 years… As a correspondent for ITN’s News At Ten and the BBC’s Panorama programme (covering wars and conflicts wherever they were taking place in the world). As a researcher and author. As a participant at leadership level, working to a Security Council background briefing, in the covert diplomacy of the search for peace. He’s been to war with the Israelis and the Arabs, but the learning experience he values most, and which he believes gave him rare insight, came from his one-to-one private conversations over the years with many leaders on both sides of the conflict. With, for example, Golda Meir, Mother Israel, and Yasser Arafat, Father Palestine. The significance of these private conversations was that they enabled him to be aware of the truth of what leaders really believed and feared as opposed to what they said in public for propaganda and myth-sustaining purposes. It was because of his special relationships with leaders on both sides that, in 1980, he found himself sucked into the covert diplomacy of conflict resolution… President Carter had been prevented by Prime Minister Begin from involving the PLO in the peace process, an opening made possible because Arafat had signalled, secretly and seriously, that he was ready to make peace with an Israel inside more or less its pre-1967 borders. Carter was in despair and said, in private, that events had once again proved that it was impossible to advance the peace process by institutional diplomacy (because of the pork-barrel nature of American politics and the Zionist lobby’s awesome influence). It was then suggested to Alan that he should undertake an unofficial, covert diplomatic mission to get an exploratory dialogue going between Arafat and Peres, with himself initially the linkman. The assumption at the time was that Peres would win Israel’s next election and deny Begin a second term. The initiative was funded by a small number of wealthy British Jews led by Marcus Sieff (the Chairman of Marks and Spencer) with the approval of Lord Victor Rothschild…. It happened and enough progress was made to get Peres and Arafat into public dialogue in the event of Peres winning the 1981 election. Unfortunately, and against all expectations, he did not.

‘My loyalty is to Israel’ 2017 interview with Jacob Rothschild about Israel on the centenary of the Balfour Declaration. Backroom deals, betrayal, and a war that’s lasted almost a hundred years. This is what happened when the richest family in the world decided to create their own country. In 1917, the Rothschilds, the trillion-dollar family that invented modern-day banking, used their money, power, and influence to strike a secret deal with the British government.

Rick Wiles on Darby’s Scofield Bible – roots of Christian Zionism Antichrist HERESY. Rick Wiles Exposes the Golden Calf – Christian Zionism Here are the other videos of mine that were referred to in this video if you are interested: John Nelson Darby’s Haunted Castle • John Nelson Darby’s Haunted Castle John Nelson Darby, Freemasonry & the Pyramids • John Nelson Darby, Freemasonry & The … Rick Wiles Shares the Reason Dispensationalism was Created – The Scofield Reference Bible, published in the early 20th century, has left an indelible mark on the world of Christian thought, particularly concerning the role of Israel in biblical prophecy and modern geopolitics. Its influence, manifested in the rise of Christian Zionism, has had profound implications not just for the faithful but also for the political landscapes of the Middle East. Through an exploration of its annotations and their ripple effects, this essay seeks to shed light on Scofield’s legacy, its intersection with global events, and the challenges of interpreting ancient prophecies in contemporary contexts. Keywords: Scofield Reference Bible, Christian Zionism, Israel, biblical prophecy, geopolitics, Middle East, dispensationalism, theological interpretation, Mike Pence, interfaith dynamics, ancient prophecies, modern contexts, evangelicalism, eschatology, religious influence, theological divergence. Note: The Epilogue specifically focuses on former Vice President Mike Pence as a Christian Zionist. GPT-4 refused to use the term “ZioNazi” indicative of post-corpus human training

#1 - Complete 4hr 15min show - [right click to download]
Full interviews with...
#2 - BBC Wales Contaminated Blood film Blood Money (2024) 3000 died of AIDS and Hepatitis C 30,000 Incurable when Prof Arthur Bloom ignored the rules - 01:00:00
#3 - ITV Contaminated Blood film In Cold Blood (2022) Biggest UK Medical Conspiracy Before Covid Jabs - 01:20:00
#4 - Cold Case Hammarskjold Mads Brugger discovers racist private army SAIMR Killed UN Sec Gen in 1961 (2019) - 02:00:00
#5 - Jacob Rothschild confesses his loyalty to Israel, centenary of Balfour Declaration (2017) - 00:15:00
#6 - Alan Hart (BBC and ITV) Zionism The Real Enemy of the Jews (2011) - 00:30:00
#7 - John Nelson Darby Plymouth Brethren and Cyrus Scofield Bible, crooked 1880s origin of Christian Zionism dispensationalist heresy with Rick Wiles - 00:10:00
#8 - Richard Dalton UKs ex Iran ambassador on Irans Israel drone missile attack - 00:10:00

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04:15:00 1 April 19, 2024
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 00:30:00  64Kbps mp3
(MB) None
238 Download File...
Download Program Podcast
04:15:00 1 April 19, 2024
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 00:10:00  64Kbps mp3
(MB) None
229 Download File...
Download Program Podcast
00:10:00 1 April 19, 2024
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 00:10:00  64Kbps flac
(MB) None
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