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Program Information
State Of The City reports
Iran President Raeisi Helicopter Crash Assassination? No distress could be suspicious
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
May 24, 2024, midnight
– UK General Election called two days after ICC request Netanyahu, Gallant arrest warrants and on day ICJP asks for five UK ministers to be charged
– Puppet election 2024: “The Goodies Rule – O.K.?” is a Christmas special of the British comedy television series The Goodies.
– Crispin Flintoff, of ‘Not the Andrew Marr Show’, joins Tony and Martin. Not the Andrew Marr Show is a weekly Zoom show
– Why has a general election been called? Andrew Bridgen MP on how Sunak has told the Army Council he ‘doesn’t want to be a war Prime Minister’
– Because UK soldiers are firing Storm Shadow missiles into Russia that Britain is at war with Russia now.
– Behave yourself or die! PM of Georgia Irakli Kobakhidze’s life is threatened over the phone by EU ‘Mafia’ Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi.
– EU official Oliver Varhelyi has claimed that his reference to the assassination attempt in Slovakia was “misunderstood”
– Jeremy Corbyn to run as Independent candidate against Labour. Workers Party. Why didn’t Corbyn win 2017 election?
– Kier Starmer as part of elite Trilateral Commission . Jeremy Corbyn on what he’s achieved in Islington.
– Ann Widdecombe, Reform, on the rise of immigration.General election
– Nicholas Jones, ex-BBC journalist and author, on Wapping strike, newspapers changing from hot metal to digital, and mining crisis.
– The Lost Tribe of Fleet Street – Whatever happened to the labour and industrial correspondents? Edited by Nicholas Jones Published March 2011
– Housing: How will Country fare under Kier Starmer? Wesley Bear, Acorn, on why they’re protesting against TSB.
– Laura, Acorn, on Police liaison. Old guy in bank on how house prices have changed in his lifetime.
– Nick Bano, barrister, and author of ‘Against Landlordism’, at Transformed Bristol conference. Against Landlords: How to Solve the Housing Crisis
– Vote Starmer... get war criminals Blair, Mandelson & Campbell. This time it's not illegal war with Iraq, but WWIII with Russia, Iran... and war on us...
– No Harriers, no Navy, no Civil Defence. The UK population will just be **it in their sandwich, rather like Poland in WWII...
– Alistair Campbell on how to win the election. The man who altered the notorious Iraq war legal advice ‘dodgy dossier’ Alastair Campbell is back
– The message of Israel’s torture chambers [whistleblowers CNN report] is directed at all of us, not just Palestinians By Jonathan Cook
– ‘Black sites’ are about reminding those who have been colonised and enslaved of a simple lesson: resistance is futile
– International Criminal Court say Netanyahu and Gallant are war criminals. Unpacking the ICC arrest warrant bids against Israeli and Hamas leaders – Tim Cohen, author of ‘The Anti Christ and a Cup of Tea’, joins Tony and Martin. As a Christian Zionist hee thinks this is all part of God’s plan.
– Scottish Chief Executive MAP, Melanie Ward, aid worker in Gaza on LBC, is witness to how terrible it is in there.
– 22 charities welcome ICJ order to halt Israel’s military offensive in Rafah, urge UK to uphold its measures
– Iran President Raeisi Helicopter Crash Assassination? No distress call... is suspicious
– President Raeisi of Iran is killed in a helicopter crash – but is this foul play? No distress call, if true, points to foul play,
– These Bell 2-12 choppers are known to be reliable beasts and have a ceiling of 18,000ft which should put them above bad weather and cloud.
– Is anyone in Israel saying ‘God killed Iran’s president’? I bet they’re all thinking it and this spiritual aspect is IMO a major motive
– Ie ‘God is with us’. Even though Mossad MI6 and the CIA are, in fact ‘god’ carrying out overt actions. Welcome to ‘the summer of hate’….?
– China says US should leave Taiwan alone. Klaus Schwab retiring – our great technical future. Slovakia. Georgia, Estonia.
– China has escalated the scale of its military exercises in the Taiwan Strait over the past two years, while the United States has increased its rhetoric
– Walter Veith, South African preacher and writer, on the Vatican creating Islam. The Islamic Connection (part 2)
– The horns are also a representation of the moon the sickle moon so in later religions or from Babylon itself esserian style
– NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
Puppet election 2024: “The Goodies Rule – O.K.?” is a Christmas special of the British comedy television series The Goodies. With the nation in chaos, a general election is called (featuring comedian Kenny Everett in a cameo as one of the candidates), but is won by a party advocating no enjoyment whatsoever, populated by shop window dummies. With entertainment now illegal, the Goodies become Robin Hood-style outlaws, travelling the nation giving impromptu variety shows and hanging out in “jokeeasies” where they plot to overthrow the government. However, it is not that easy­the entertainers have been banned for so long that they cannot remember their old routines. Finally, the Goodies manage to oust the dummies and the entertainers take power­but with their memories gone, Bill suggests another option­a puppet government.

Part One – Local and National News Review

Crispin Flintoff, of ‘Not the Andrew Marr Show’, joins Tony and Martin. Not the Andrew Marr Show is a weekly Zoom show that has grown from an audience of 100 people to over 500 people. And we are continuing to grow. Our live shows tell the stories that are ignored (or avoided) by the mainstream media and we cast a critical eye on the news we are spoonfed. As well as updating people on the news, we offer a platform for discussion at the end of each show and encourage more people to speak out. Although we are living through a difficult time, it’s not all doom and gloom when we have such a fantastic audience participating in every show.

Why has a general election been called? Andrew Bridgen MP on how Sunak has told the Army Council he ‘doesn’t want to be a war Prime Minister’ and because UK soldiers are firing Storm Shadow missiles into Russia that Britain is at war with Russia now. UK MP Andrew Bridgen makes a bold statement, suggesting that the UK is already at war with Russia, a fact that has not been officially communicated to the public. This video delves into the context behind his statement, analysing the geopolitical tensions, military engagements, and the potential implications of such a claim on international relations. Thank god there is at least one sane politician. If he put a party together of real experts (not the clowns we have now) and stood for PM, well, I’d vote him in, no problem. He is honest and principled. Party politics be damned – what is needed is men and women of vision, compassion and who know their stuff. Now we know for sure that the Deagal predictions could be right. UK population prediction for 2025, 15 million down from almost 70 million (if you include recent immigration numbers) Although I don’t think Putin is stupid enough to use nuclear weapons, but the Americans are. Remember it wasn’ t too long ago when our south asian unelected British Prime Minister just tested the water by putting the feelers out so to speak of who would fight for their country and to no surprise to anyone really the response to that from all ages, nationalities and the many duel passport holders living in the UK was laughable. As an English person now of advanced years who still remembers the fighting over toilet paper in the British supermarkets, should war come the amount of British citizens abandoning Britain to go back to their own countries will be unprecedented.

You must let us fund your parties! Behave yourself or die! PM of Georgia Irakli Kobakhidze’s life is threatened over the phone by EU ‘Mafia’ Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi. EU official explains Georgian PM death threat warning Oliver Varhelyi has claimed that his reference to the assassination attempt in Slovakia was “misunderstood” European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi has claimed that his comment to Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze, described by the latter as an assassination threat, had been taken out of context. In a social media post on Thursday, Kobakhidze described a recent phone call with an unnamed EU commissioner who reportedly referred to Slovakian PM Robert Fico, who survived an assassination attempt by an opposition activist last week, by saing “you see what happened to Fico, and you should be very careful.” The EU has blamed “political polarization” in Slovakia for the incident, rather than the criticism of Fico coming from Brussels. “I would like to express my very sincere regret that a certain part of my phone conversation was taken out of context,” Varhelyi said in a statement released on Thursday, addressing Kobakhidze’s words. Georgian PM accuses EU of ‘blackmailing’ him with assassination threat READ MORE: Georgian PM accuses EU of ‘blackmailing’ him with assassination threat According to Varhelyi, his words were “not just fully taken out of context” but “also presented to the public in a way which could give rise to a complete misinterpretation of the originally intended aim of my phone call.” Varhelyi had phoned Kobakhidze to urge him to abandon the Transparency of Foreign Influence Act, passed by Georgia’s parliament last week. He argued that this would “inflame further the already fragile situation” in the country and “could lead to further polarization and to possible uncontrolled situations on the streets of Tbilisi.” “In this regard, the latest tragic event in Slovakia was made as an example and as a reference to where such [a] high level of polarization can lead in a society even in Europe,” Varhelyi wrote. Georgia does not want to become second Ukraine – PM READ MORE: Georgia does not want to become second Ukraine – PM Georgia’s government has tried to rein in thousands of non-governmental organizations, media outlets, and activists by proposing that anyone who receives 20% or more in funding from abroad would need to register and disclose their donors. Critics have denounced the law as “Russian,” ignoring the far more draconian US law on foreign agents adopted in the 1930s.

Jeremy Corbyn to run as Independent candidate against Labour. Workers Party. Why didn’t Corbyn win 2017 election? Kier Starmer as part of elite. Jeremy Corbyn on what he’s achieved in Islington. FPP vs PR. Ann Widdecombe, Reform, on the rise of immigration.General election: Former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn confirms he will stand as independent in Islington North Appealing to life-long Labour voters, Mr Corbyn said: “I am here to represent the people of Islington North on exactly the same principles that I’ve stood by my whole life: social justice, human rights and peace.” It ends months of speculation about the former Labour leader’s political future after he was suspended from the party and effectively barred from standing for it again. Mr Corbyn told the Islington Tribune that he would fight to retain a seat he has represented for 40 years, adding: “We have to stand up and defend our rights.” Appealing to life-long Labour voters he said: “I am here to represent the people of Islington North on exactly the same principles that I’ve stood by my whole life: social justice, human rights and peace.” He went on to say that “these principles are needed now more than ever before”, vowing to defend “a genuine alternative to the corrupt years of this Tory government” including rent controls, public ownership of energy and water, the abolition of the two-child-benefits cap, a Green New Deal, and an ethical foreign policy based on peace and human rights.

Nicholas Jones, ex-BBC journalist and author, on Wapping strike, newspapers changing from hot metal to digital, and mining crisis. The Lost Tribe of Fleet Street – Whatever happened to the labour and industrial correspondents? Edited by Nicholas Jones Published March 2011 – The Lost Tribe of Fleet Street records the exploits of the Labour and Industrial Correspondents’ Group, a once elite and prolific band of journalists whose demise has passed by almost unnoticed. The Labour governments of Clement Attlee, Harold Wilson and Jim Callaghan were their heyday when trade union influence was at its highest. Reporters well versed in the affairs of the wider labour movement were able to elbow aside political correspondents and gain direct access to Prime Ministers and their Cabinets. Margaret Thatcher’s Premiership, although a decade of catastrophic defeat for the unions, was another headline-grabbing era for journalists on the industrial beat. But the growth of the City of London as a world financial centre finally put paid to the authoritative reporting of old. In recent years business news has ruled supreme and now dominates the way the fortunes of Britain’s major employers – and their employees – are reported by press, radio, television and now the internet. A hostile take-over bid or volatility in exchange rates and share prices is far more likely to capture the attention of the news media than an in depth examination of a pay dispute or the impact plant closures and redundancies. Contributors include Geoffrey Goodman, former Daily Mirror industrial editor, Nicholas Jones, former BBC Radio labour correspondent, John Lloyd, former Financial Times labour editor and Stefan Stern, former Financial Times management columnist.

Housing: How will Country fare under Kier Starmer? Wesley Bear, Acorn, on why they’re protesting against TSB. Laura, Acorn, on Police liaison. Old guy in bank on how house prices have changed in his lifetime. Culture of home ownership in UK. TSB campaign win! We’re delighted to announce that following ACORN’s day of action on Saturday, TSB have agreed to drop a rule in their buy-to-let mortgage policy that causes insecurity for renters! Following actions at 30 branches & hundreds of people taking part in our online action, we met with TSB at their London HQ on Wednesday. We’re pleased to say that after positive negotiations they will be changing the rule in their mortgages that limit tenancy contracts to 12 months. These short contracts leave tenants vulnerable to no fault evictions, more exposed to rent rises, and put renters in a situation where they have to renegotiate their living arrangements or look for a new home every single year. Together, we’ve changed that. TSB have agreed to extend the 12 month limit in their buy-to-let mortgages to a 3 years, which provides much more security and stability for renters, and they have also agreed to investigate and continue dialogue about making this open-ended. That we got this high street bank to the table, and making this decision, within just a few days of our action is a clear demonstration of strength we have when we take organised, collective action. “TSB ending their unfair practice against renters shows that when we come together we win. Action was taken by our members – normal people all up and down the country from Portsmouth to Newcastle, ages 1 to 80 to demand insecurity for renters ends. It is so inspiring that normal people can take on a bank and win. Things can change and they will if we come together. Never been prouder to be apart of our amazing union ACORN.” Chelsea Philips, ACORN National Chair

Nick Bano, barrister, and author of ‘Against Landlordism’, at Transformed Bristol conference. Against Landlords: How to Solve the Housing Crisis by Nick Bano / 240 pages / March 2024 / 9781804293874 When landlords always win and renters pay the price, what can be done? Housing means prosperity and security for some; poverty, precarity and sickness for others. More people live in private rented accommodation than ever before, and rents rise without apparent reason. Homes are smaller every year, and nearly 20 per cent of tenants live in hazardous conditions. Homelessness is at a new high. Yet the government’s only solution is to promote homeownership. Against Landlords shows that this crisis is not the product of happenstance or political incompetence. Government policy has intentionally split British citizens into homeowners and renters, two classes set on very different financial paths. In the UK, one out of every twenty-one adults is a landlord, and it is this group, and those who aspire to join it, represented by the political class. In his radical new interpretation of the housing crisis, lawyer Nick Bano explains how this environment set the conditions for the Grenfell Tower fire and how it means a life of anxiety for the nation’s renters. It is a problem that stretches far beyond London and one inherently racist in nature. Building more housing is not the solution. It is firstly a problem of the law, Bano argues, and reforms must sweep away the landlordism at the heart of the housing crisis and British political life.

Alistair Campbell on how to win the election. Goodies election Christmas special 1975: Goodies Rule Ok? The man who altered the notorious Iraq war legal advice ‘dodgy dossier’ Alastair Campbell breaks down Labour’s election strategy | LBC analysis – Alistair Campbell has told LBC that Labour have to ‘fight like they can lose this’ after Rishi Sunak called a surprise General Election for July 4. Labour are about 20 points ahead in the opinion polls but Tony Blair’s former strategist insists Sir Keir Starmer’s party cannot afford to be complacent. Speaking to Andrew Marr, Mr Campbell said: “You will know about something called the Queensland strategy, which is a strategy operated in Australia. “In Queensland, where the incumbent, who everybody said was going to lose, basically did the message; ‘don’t give these guys a blank cheque, don’t give them the landslide that they think they’re going to get.’ “And guess what happened? The landslide never happened and they lost.”

The message of Israel’s torture chambers [whistleblowers CNN report] is directed at all of us, not just Palestinians By Jonathan Cook 24 May 2024 ‘Black sites’ are about reminding those who have been colonised and enslaved of a simple lesson: resistance is futile On a misty November morning 21 years ago, I was desperately trying to remain camouflaged. Concealed in the foliage of an orange grove in Israel’s rural Galilee, I hurriedly took photos of a drab concrete building not marked on any map. Even the original road sign identifying the site as Facility 1391 had been removed after a local Haaretz newspaper investigation revealed it housed a secret prison. I was the first foreign journalist to track down Facility 1391, most of it hidden within a heavily fortified complex built in the 1930s to suppress resistance to British rule in Palestine. For decades, Israel had secretly held mostly Arab foreign nationals captive at the site, unknown to the Israeli courts, the Red Cross and human rights groups. Many were Lebanese citizens kidnapped during Israel’s 18-year occupation of southern Lebanon. But there were also Jordanians, Syrians, Egyptians and Iranians. This site would soon be known as a “black site”, a term popularised by Washington’s invasion of Iraq that year. Drawing on techniques refined by Israel at Facility 1391, the US would, in the coming months and years, torture Iraqis and others at Abu Ghraib and Camp X-Ray in Guantanamo. No one knew how many captives were held in Israel’s Facility 1391, how long they had been there or if there were more such prisons. However, the first testimonies from inmates revealed horrifying conditions. For most of the time, they were kept in a state of sensory deprivation, made to wear blacked-out goggles, except for when being tortured. In one case that later came to court, a Lebanese captive had been sodomised with a baton by “Major George”, the facility’s torturer-in-chief. Major George would go on to become head of Israeli police relations with the Palestinian population of Jerusalem.

International Criminal Court say Netanyahu and Gallant are war criminals. Netanyahu reply. Opulenza poem. Unpacking the ICC arrest warrant bids against Israeli and Hamas leaders – MEE breaks down the charges and evidence used by Karim Khan in his application for arrest warrants against Netanyahu, Gallant and Hamas leaders Charges against Israelis – According to the prosecutor, there are reasonable grounds to believe that Netanyahu and Gallant have criminal responsibility for the following crimes: – Starvation of civilians as a method of warfare as a war crime – Wilfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or health, or cruel treatment as a war crime – Wilful killing or murder as a war crime – Intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population as a war crime – Extermination and/or murder, including in the context of deaths caused by starvation, as a crime against humanity – Persecution as a crime against humanity – Other inhumane acts as crimes against humanity The evidence used to support the investigation include “interviews with survivors and eyewitnesses, authenticated video, photo and audio material, satellite imagery and statements from the alleged perpetrator group”. The charges are mainly associated with the war crime of starvation of civilians as a method of warfare. This is connected to the total siege imposed by Israel since 7 October on the Gaza Strip, which involved the closure of crossings and “arbitrarily restricting the transfer of essential supplies – including food and medicine – through the border crossings after they were reopened”. The prosecutor also noted Israel cut off cross-border clean water supplies to the Palestinians in Gaza, blocked humanitarian aid, and attacked civilians queuing for food and aid workers. Khan said the evidence collected by his office “shows that Israel has intentionally and systematically deprived the civilian population in all parts of Gaza of objects indispensable to human survival”. The prosecutor reiterated evidence from international aid groups that famine is present in some areas of the Gaza Strip while other areas are facing imminent famine.

Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard | Tony on Brexit & The Traitors of Arnhem | Evolution | War between God & Lucifer | Plan for three World Wars | Nuclear Armed IDF Doomsday Cult | Armageddonists I have known: Nick Land (1975-8) | George Monbiot (1995-8) | Aanirfan | Manna for the Revelation Generation: CONSPIRACY CLASSICS, longer interviews/lectures

Part Two – International news review, Accelerationist, Armageddonist reports and investigations

Tim Cohen, author of ‘The Anti Christ and a Cup of Tea’, joins Tony and Martin. As a Christian Zionist he thinks Jews have a right to the Promised Land. He thinks Israel has been behaving Ok in Gaza, and it’s God’s wish. He thinks this is all part of God’s plan. Gaza’s Philistines, Edomites, Canaanites et al. are NOT innocent, as THEY have empowered Hamas and other terrorist factions, allowing them to remain. The whole Promised Land, including all Gaza, belong to ISRAEL, and shortly (years from now) The God of Israel and Christians will END Islam and all other false religions globally, and all Israel will turn to God through Christ Jesus, so that Israel’s survivors are then saved. (Two-thirds of Israel in Judaea will first die.) The surviving “Palestinians” who are then in Israel’s midst, whom The LORD allows to live in Israel’s (full) land, who also shall then be newly born-again Christians, will be Israel’s SERVANTS AND SLAVES until their natural deaths, though children born to them following coming judgments, will be like native Israelites in the Promised Land, with all the same rights, etc.

Scottish Chief Executive MAP, Melanie Ward, aid worker in Gaza on LBC, is witness to how terrible it is in there. 22 charities welcome ICJ order to halt Israel’s military offensive in Rafah, urge UK to uphold its measures “As an aid worker in Gaza the current situation is deeply distressing. The feeling of helplessness and frustration is overwhelming. Our primary mission is to help those in need, but with the borders closed and no aid coming in, our hands are tied. We are acutely aware of the worsening conditions and the urgent needs of people, and it is heartbreaking to witness their suffering without being able to provide the necessary support.” On 24 May 2024, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered additional provisional measures regarding Israel’s alleged violations in Gaza of obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. The court ordered that, in light of the worsening conditions in Rafah, Israel must immediately halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah governorate, which may subject the Palestinian population in Gaza to conditions of life that may lead to their physical destruction, in whole or in part. The court described the conditions in Rafah as ‘disastrous’ and is ‘not convinced that the evacuation efforts and related measures that Israel affirms to have undertaken to enhance the security of civilians in the Gaza Strip, and in particular those recently displaced from the Rafah Governorate, are sufficient to alleviate the immense risk to which the Palestinian population is exposed as a result of the military offensive in Rafah.’ The ICJ reaffirmed provisional measures indicated in its orders of 26 January 2024, and 28 March 2024, applicable throughout Gaza, including Rafah, and called for their immediate and effective implementation. This includes the unhindered provision at scale of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance, and the maintained opening of land crossing points, particularly the Rafah crossing. The Court also ordered Israel to allow unhindered access for any commission of inquiry, fact-finding initiatives or other UN bodies to investigate allegations of genocide. It also reiterated calls for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages. Israel is required to submit a report one month from today, outlining all measures taken to comply with these orders.

President Raeisi of Iran is killed in a helicopter crash – but is this foul play? Some insight from Times of India about yesterday’s Iran president ‘crash’ – fact there was no distress call, if true, points to foul play, these choppers are known to be reliable beasts and have a ceiling of 18,000ft which should put them above bad weather and cloud. Also if engine fails or similar, they can autorotate and come down reasonably slowly giving plenty of time for distress calls… Is anyone in Israel saying ‘God killed Iran’s president’? I bet they’re all thinking it and this spiritual aspect is IMO a major motive for the West to deal emotional psyop blows by bumping off ‘enemy leaders’. And capitalising on it at home… Ie ‘God is with us’. Even though Mossad MI6 and the CIA are, in fact ‘god’ carrying out heaps of covert actions. Welcome to ‘the summer of hate’….?

China says US should leave Taiwan alone. Klaus Schwab retiring – our great technical future. Slovakia. Georgia, Estonia. China has escalated the scale of its military exercises in the Taiwan Strait over the past two years, while the United States has increased its rhetoric in support of the island. Beijing claims sovereignty over Taiwan. The Democratic Progressive Party, which has championed a separate Taiwanese identity, has secured a third presidential term. President Lai Ching-te said in his inauguration speech that Taiwan is already a sovereign nation. Beijing has responded angrily with the latest round of military drills. So where does China go from here? And how far is the US willing to go in support of Taiwan? Presenter: Tom McRae Guests: Fang-yu Chen – Assistant professor of political science at Soochow University, Taiwan Victor Gao – Vice President of the Center for China and Globalization Tomohiko Taniguchi – Special adviser at the Fujitsu Future Studies Centre. He advised Japan’s cabinet during Shinzo Abe’s administration

Walter Veith, South African preacher and writer, on the Vatican creating Islam. The Islamic Connection (part 2) Because the Koran was a directly dictated book so it is not just transcribed by a prophet so they teach but is the very word of god and therefore it must always remain in its original arabic language that is what is taught in the Islamic religion the symbol of Israel Islam is the sickle moon and the star the star within the sickle moon now where does this symbol come from and who is Allah well let’s go to some interesting quotes also from encyclopedias of religion and etc Allah he was the moon god who married the sun goddess together they produced three goddesses who were called the daughters of Allah these three goddesses were called al-lat al-uzza and manats the encyclopedia of religion mentions that Allah is a pre-islamic name corresponding to the Babylonian bell fascinating so this is an ancient pagan religion and bell or Baal is the deity we read in morals and dogma page 451 the Arabian word el debaran means the foremost or leading star and it could only have been so named when it did proceed or lead all others the year then opened with the sun in Taurus and the multitude of ancient sculptures both in Assyria and Egypt wherein the bull appears with lunette or crescent horns and the disk of the sun between them are direct illusions to important festivals of the first new moon of the year and there was everywhere an annual celebration of the festival of the first new moon when the year opened with Saul the sun and Luna the moon in Taurus and the symbol of Taurus is that one over there the crescent and disc combined always represent the conjunctive sun and moon that means basically the male female deity adoration of the celested cow made is the all-seeing eye the eye of Osiris here are the horns there is the disc in the horns and it also represented the plunging of the sun god into the womb of the mother to be born by Isis so the horns are also a representation of the moon the sickle moon so in later religions or from Babylon itself esserian style there you have the half moon with a solar disk in it and the same over here enlarged note that this is Baal haddad the birth of the sun if we go to Mesopotamia we’ll find the old symbol of bow and bell was exactly the same the half moon and the star in it representing the birth of the sun Isis and Osiris the male female aspect so this would be ashtoret and tammuz or Isis and Horus the male female the same you find in Egyptian as we have already discussed it this is baal worship this is lucifer worship in his male female form now the papacy has exactly the same thing because the pope is today the representative of the Babylonian religion
#1 - Complete 3hr 45min show - [right click to download]
Full interviews with...
#2 - Former correspondent Nicholas Jones on Wapping 1985 MI5 Spycops and General Election 2024 - 01:15:00
#3 - Jeremy Corbyn announces he is standing as an independent candidate for Islington North - 00:03:00
#4 - UK PM Rishi Sunak Opp Ldr Keir Starmer General Election 4 July 2024 - 00:12:00
#5 - Bristol Transformed Housing Crisis Against Landlords Nick Bano KC - 01:00:00
#6 - ICC prosecutor requests arrest warrants for Netanyahu, Gallant and three Hamas leaders - 00:05:00
#7 - Walter Veith Did The Vatican Make Islam - The Islamic Connection to Catholicism - 01:00:00

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