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State Of The City reports
Ritter: Putin won't waste any nuclear bombs on Britain, its self-destructing all on its own
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
June 14, 2024, midnight
– George Galloway, Workers Party censored in election coverage Claire Daley, MEP,out…Craig Murray on why he joined The Workers Party – Gaza.
– ‘Vaccine producers are like Nazi armaments companies’. Nigel Farage answering questions on things candidates for The Reform Party have said.
– George Galloway ‘The SYSTEM is making people sick’! Voting for the lesser of two evils means evil wins!
– Northern Ireland and British secretstate manipulation. How repeated IRA bombing of the City of London brought peace: Ben Lowry:
– 20 biggest UK Barclays branches smashed to bits, red painted, over finance for arms to Israel
– Palestine Action smash Barclays banks up UK: Pro-Palestine activists smash windows at twenty Barclays branches over Israel arms links
– Report by Campaign against Arms Trade, Palestine Solidarity Campaign War on Want – Barclays bank: Arming Israel’s Apartheid and Genocide –
– Hedley Rees – Inside Pharma. MHRA Cut Corners Dropped Inspections in the Covid Vaccine Supply Chain, Putting Public at Risk by Hedley Rees
– AstraZeneca Covid jab now discontinued. FUNNY THAT! Article explaining secret paid advertising by pharma ‘independent experts’ on BBC etc
– In April of this year, AstraZeneca admitted for the first time in court documents that its Covid vaccine can cause a rare and dangerous side effect.
– The following month, it emerged that the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid vaccine is being withdrawn worldwide.
– David Miller’s quote against Pharma propaganda Science Media Centre the SMC was already embroiled in controversy over its activities.
– St Petersburg International Economic Forum this week – not covered in Western press hardly at all. G7 agrees to give more money to Zelensky
– President Vladimir Putin delivered the keynote address at Russia’s showcase St Petersburg International Economic Forum.
– Sergey Karaganov thinks Putin is being too soft. Karaganov on how you deal with a dog that bites you.
– First use sticks, (conventional weapons) then shoot some (nuclear weapons) and the others will run away.
– Blowing apart Skripal MI6 Russophobic WWIII lies: MI6 and media propaganda a fake Russian ‘poisoning’ of Sergei and Yulia Skripal
– General Sir Patrick Sanders on war with Russia – F16 fighter jets near border with Russia – WW3. NATO Chief Rob Bower –
– Scott Ritter, at The Schiller Institute conference, on the unequal nuclear deterrents of different Countries and The West ripping up nuclear treaties.
– Emergency Press Conference: The Danger of Nuclear War Is Real, and Must Be Stopped The World on the Brink: For a New Peace of Westphalia!
– UN chief Guterres in Jordan on how Gaza is the worst war induced humanitarian crisis the ‘West’ has ever supported. Gaza: ‘high time’ for ceasefire
– WHO chief Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO, on the UNon Gaza? WHO concerned about escalating health crisis in West Bank
– False flag: Mossad bombed their own London Israeli Embassy on July 26 1994 former MI5 officer Annie Machon –
– Natalie Minnis, of Purposeful Path blog, on how she can’t get back in to her Facebook account after ditching Google *Alert! Natalie Minnis
– Jerusalem as centre of future New World Order? David Sorensen Stop World Control -plan to make Israel the centre of a one world government –
– NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
Part One – Local and National News Review

George Galloway, The Workers Party – shut out of election coverage? Claire Daley, MEP, pushed out…. Craig Murray on why he joined The Workers Party – Gaza. George Galloway says he should be allowed on TV election debates The Workers Party of Britain is fielding candidates across the country George Galloway says it is ‘completely wrong’ that he has not been invited to take part in televised general election debates. The Workers Party of Britain leader, who became Rochdale’s MP earlier this year following a by-election, says he should be included. Speaking to the Manchester Evening News ahead of the ITV debate on Tuesday (June 4), Mr Galloway said his party is planning to field candidates in 326 constituencies across the country at the general election. This is just over half of the total seats available in the UK. ITV hosted the first head-to-head general election debate between Conservative Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer. On Friday (June 7), the BBC will host a TV debate between leading figures from the seven biggest political parties in Britain. The list includes Conservative Party, the Labour Party, the Liberal Democrats, The Scottish National Party, Plaid Cymru, the Green Party and Reform UK. ITV will then host another election debate on Thursday (June 13) with the same seven political parties set to take part. Mr Galloway was invited to give his response to the first debate on ITV News. He said this is was an ‘outrage’, but ‘better than nothing’. He told the M.E.N.: “It’s completely wrong, especially before [Nigel] Farage came back into the game, for the Reform Party, which has no elected MPs and is not standing in very many more seats than we are, that they should be on the leaders’ debates and we have 100 per cent more elected MPs than them and 50, 60 per cent more elected councillors than them. And yet they’re on the debate and we’re not.” Reform UK, which was founded by former UKIP leader Nigel Farage as the Brexit Party in 2018, had one MP before Parliament was dissolved. Former Conservative MP Lee Anderson defected to join the party earlier this year, as have several Conservative councillors. Speaking after the debate on Tuesday (June 4), Mr Galloway told ITV News: “Viewers would have fallen asleep at the utterly repetitive. He added: “It was utterly banal, repetitive rubbish. It was a flyweight, Rishi Sunak, against a plunky, very overweight, heavyweight Keir Starmer who can’t think on his feet and who was being pummelled by Sunak every time he got him at close quarter. “The overwhelming feeling in the country will be, these people truly are, in Galloway’s words, two cheeks of the same backside.”

‘Vaccine producers are like Nazi armaments companies’. Nigel Farage answering questions on shocking things candidates for The Reform Party have said. Mass immigration fuelling support for Reform Party. Nigel Farage being rude about Sunak not understanding our culture when he left D-Day event early. LBC – Farage on a Reform Party candidate likening Muslims to Nazis. Farage defends Reform UK candidates after anti-Islam and far-right comments exposed Nigel Farage has defended comments made by Reform UK candidates after LBC exposed one who said ‘Islam and Nazis are the same thing’ during a public rant in 2017. Mr Farage said it was ‘utter cobblers’ that Reform UK candidates had voiced ’Nazi sympathies’ as he took calls from listeners on LBC this morning. He was confronted on air with comments made by individuals standing for Reform UK, including one who described the pandemic as a ‘health holocaust’ and a another who said vaccine firms were like ‘Nazi armament companies.” Mr Farage dismissed the remarks, saying: “People chuck stuff around on Facebook and they like comments.” On keeping the candidates in the party, he said: “I can disown them but I can’t deselect them.” Nick Ferrari confronted Mr Farage after LBC unearthed comments made by Reform UK candidate Steve Chilcott, who said ‘Islam and Nazis are the same thing’ during a public 2017 rant. Earlier this week the Times reported on a Reform UK candidate who said Britain should have been ‘neutral on Hitler’. Ian Gribbin also praised President Putin and said women should be denied healthcare. The party has stood by him, but Gribbin later apologised saying his comments had been “taken out of context.” Reform candidate rants that ‘Islam and Nazis are the same thing’ in unearthed footage Asked this morning about Reform UK candidate Steve Chilcott’s comments, Mr Farage said: “Never heard of him.” He angrily replied to Nick: “They are ordinary people. That’s how people out there speak. That’s how they feel. “People are allowed to have opinions. People are allowed to express views. “I’m scared of all fanaticisms. A very prominent businessman who happens to be a follower of Islam has joined our party.” “What is worrying is Islamism, extremism.” On the prospect of disciplining candidates for their views, Mr Farage said: “What can you do? The name is on the ballot paper I can’t remove it.”

George Galloway ‘The SYSTEM is making people sick’! Voting for the lesser of two evils means evil wins! Sky interviews Sunak and Starmer – Starmer called a robot. Reform Party have a lead over Tories. Starmer on military intervention action generally and Northern Ireland. George Galloway Full Speach @Campaign Launch of Dr. Khalila | Candidate For Stretford & Urmston – George Galloway: ‘The one thing they want more than any other is to see the back of me – that’s my tactic’ Sitting in his Rochdale town centre office, George Galloway has spent much of the morning dealing with ‘real complications’ that have been developing with his party’s campaign in Blackburn. Four weeks out from the general election, he is busy preparing a list of candidates to stand in seats across the country. It’s been 100 days since the 69-year-old Scotsman won the Rochdale by-election to become the town’s MP. He is now hoping to be re-elected for a full five-year term on July 4 – but the Workers Party of Britain leader has grander political ambitions too. As it stands on Tuesday (June 4), when he speaks to the Manchester Evening News in an extended interview, his party hopes to field 326 candidates in just over half the total seats available. “Which therefore, notionally, means I’m running to be Prime Minister,” he grins. “Notionally.” A little over a month earlier, Mr Galloway stood outside Parliament flanked by dozens of his party’s candidates, including former England cricketer Monty Panesar. The following week, Mr Panesar pulled out, saying he needed more time to find his ‘political home’. Then, the snap election was called. Mr Galloway had predicted the poll would be held in May, and when it wasn’t, he guessed January. “Nobody expected this turn of events,” he chuckles. “Least of all the Tory party.” In April, Mr Galloway said the Workers Party intends to field a ‘full slate’ of candidates across the UK, with the exception of Northern Ireland – where he believes no British political party should stand – and Scotland where they will be ‘lighter on the ground’. The party would also not stand against MPs they support, including former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, who is now running as an independent. But with the deadline to nominate candidates having passed on Friday (June 7), the Workers Party appears to have fielded candidates in far fewer constituencies than Mr Galloway hoped for. According to Elections Map UK, the party has candidates standing in 151 seats. Some of the target seats he hopes to win are in Greater Manchester. Oldham East and Saddleworth is third on the list, he says, while Ashton-under-Lyne – Labour deputy leader Angela Rayner’s seat – is fourth, with Manchester Gorton also in the top 10.

Northern Ireland and British secretstate manipulation. How repeated IRA bombing of the City of London brought peace: Ben Lowry: Events after Canary Wharf show that the IRA’s London bombs focused minds In 1996, I lived in Hackney, three miles northwest of Canary Wharf. The bomb was not such a big worldwide media moment, but it was an event of huge significance in the timeline of events that led to a political settlement. One day we might find out what the IRA high command thought about that attack. Perhaps they were divided. I have long suspected that some of them felt unease at the murders of RUC constables David Johnston and John Graham, shot dead at point blank range by brutal killers (now dissidents?) in Lurgan in June 1997. It brought to a close the lapse in the ceasefire, which was restored in July of that year. Tony Blair, who was by then prime minister, was keen to push things along towards a deal. The following month, August, Mo Mowlam announced that Sinn Fein could enter the talks. The Belfast Agreement was signed the year after Canary Wharf, which echoes the way in which the 1985 Anglo Irish Agreement was signed the year after the 1984 Brighton bomb. In both instances, the deals were not of course merely the result of the preceding bomb spectaculars. They were the outcome of a complex set of factors and they had their origins years earlier. But the explosions did focus minds in London. The three big bombs that were aimed at London commercial targets caused damage costing a total sum approaching £2 billion, and incalculable harm to the capital’s reputation as a safe place to do business. By early 1995, well before the last of those three bombs, an apocryphal story was doing the rounds about how Japan’s ambassador to Britain had told John Major that it was intolerable that there were bombs going off in the City of London and that the UK needed to get to grips with the underlying issues. Whether or not such a discussion ever took place, it does seem obvious that major investors in London would have been concerned about the threat of blasts. We have for decades now been told that the City is seen around the world as a dynamic place for global commerce and that it is at the heart of Britain’s economic success. Protecting it as such a place would be a high priority for any government. In the immediate aftermath of Canary Wharf there were calls for a ring of steel to be erected around the City.

Palestine Action smash Barclays banks up with sledgehammers and throw red paint on Barclays Banks. UK: Pro-Palestine activists smash windows at twenty Barclays branches over Israel arms links Activists threw rocks and sprayed red paint on 20 buildings from Edinburgh to London in protest against the bank’s ties to firms supplying arms to Israel Pro-Palestine activists threw rocks and sprayed red paint on 20 branches of the British bank Barclays over its ties to arms firms supplying Israel in its ongoing war on Gaza. Protest group Palestine Action claimed responsibility for the targeting of the buildings on Monday, adding it worked in coordination with the climate group Shut the System. In a statement, the group said it “aims to halt the Palestinian genocide by undermining suppliers of weapons to the Israeli military… along with financial companies involved with these weapons suppliers”. Palestine Action has previously targeted the Israeli arms manufacturer Elbit Systems in so-called direct action protests, which involve physical damage and occupation of British properties associated with the company. The group says it has “adopted radical direct action tactics which include sabotage of key infrastructure to physically prevent continued support for destructive and lethal business operations”.

UK Banks Funding Gencide report by Campaign against the Arms Trade, Palestine Solidarity Campaign and War on Want – Barclays bank: Arming Israel’s Apartheid and Genocide – Israel is engaged in a genocidal assault1 on Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip. Across the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, Palestinians are facing a surge in attacks by Israeli armed forces and settlers,2 while Palestinian citizens of Israel are subject to a campaign of discriminatory arrests, harassment and intimidation by the state of Israel. – UK banks and financial institutions are facilitating and profiting from Israel’s attacks against the Palestinian people by providing investment, loans and underwriting3 to companies supplying Israel with weapons and military technology. Our previous research, released in July 2022, demonstrated that Barclays, one of the UK’s largest high street banks, had shareholdings in, and/or provided loans and financial services to, at least nine companies known to be producing weapons and military technology sold to Israel and used in its militarised attacks on Palestinians. – This updated report reveals that since our previous research, Barclays has substantially increased the level of its financial ties with these nine companies, despite Israel’s devastating and unlawful attacks on the Palestinian people. Barclays is facilitating Israel’s war crimes and grave violations of Palestinian rights. It must take the immediate actions detailed at the end of this report, including ending all investment and provision of financial services to arms companies whose equipment has been used by Israel to carry out unlawful attacks on Palestinians.

Hedley Rees on the mis-regulation of pharmaceuticals by the MHRA. Celebrity Doctors promoted vaccines without revealing payments during Covid pandemic. Follow Hedley Rees on Substack – Inside Pharma. MHRA Cut Corners and Dropped Inspections in the Covid Vaccine Supply Chain, Putting Public at Risk by Hedley Rees Errors in the pharmaceutical supply chain can harm patients, even kill them, if safety checks and protocols are not in place and observed. Did the breakneck speed in assembling supply chains for COVID-19 vaccines put patients at risk? That will only become clear when MHRA physically inspects the companies producing the Covid injections and acts on its findings. For those not familiar with supply chains, they bring us the food we eat, the cars we drive and the mobile phones we use to communicate. In fact, every product we consume must come to us via a supply chain. It is the series of stages a product must go through to be converted from raw materials into a finished product. This applies as much to medicines as to any product we consume. The added complication with medicines is that they go inside your body, but unlike food, they start off as an unknown substance. No-one knows what the medicine will do to you, or what your body will do to the medicine as it is broken down when inside you. It may come as a surprise to some, but the body can convert an apparently safe medicine into a toxic one if it collects in some vital organs. A company developing a new medicine must first construct a supply chain to produce a known quantity of the medicine’s active ingredient, typically 10 kilograms or litres. Nowadays, large pharmaceutical companies use contractors to develop and produce medicines, so it can take months, even a year or more, to get all the agreements in place. Once that is done and the supply chain is operational, the medicine under test is sent off to study safety in animal models. The average timescale to get all this done is three years.

AstraZeneca Covid jab now discontinued. FUNNY THAT! Article explaining secret paid advertising by pharma ‘independent experts’ on BBC etc REMOVED BY TELEGRAPH – Celebrity doctors promoted Covid vaccine without declaring payments TV viewers not told they have previously received thousands of pounds from AstraZeneca The pharmaceutical watchdog MHRA has been urged [but will it? ed.] to investigate after a string of celebrity doctors took part in discussions about the Covid vaccine but failed to declare they had been paid by AstraZeneca. In recent weeks, several high profile doctors have taken part in debates about the company’s vaccine on primetime television shows, but viewers were not informed that they have previously received thousands of pounds from the pharmaceutical giant. In April of this year, AstraZeneca admitted for the first time in court documents that its Covid vaccine can, in a small percentage of cases, cause a rare and dangerous side effect. The following month, it emerged that the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid vaccine is being withdrawn worldwide. The revelations prompted a fresh round of debate about the vaccine, with celebrity doctors invited on to television shows to discuss the fallout. Dr Ranj Singh, who regularly appears on the BBC as a talking head, was paid £22,500 by AstraZeneca in 2021, according to records from the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI). Last month, he led a discussion on the BBC breakfast show Morning Live about the safety of the AstraZeneca vaccine and the “serious but rare” complications associated with it. He failed to declare his payments from the pharmaceutical giant to either the BBC or to viewers. A BBC spokesman said they were unaware of the payments ahead of the show, adding: “The segment on the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine was balanced and covered reported risks and benefits. We became aware of Dr Ranj’s 2021 work for the manufacturer after this segment aired and have now addressed this within the show.” Dr Nighat Arif, who became a familiar face on television during the pandemic including on BBC Breakfast, was paid £10,000 by Astra-Zeneca in 2022. In April, she appeared on ITV’s This Morning to discuss possible side effects of the AstraZeneca vaccine such as blood clots, and reassured people that these are “very, very rare”. An ITV spokesman said that Dr Arif’s analysis was “fair, accurate and balanced”, adding that: “In her capacity as a medical professional [she] described the scientific process by which the vaccine could cause a blood clot. “She indicated that this was ‘rare’ on the basis that the number of people who had been identified as having suffered a clot as a result of the AstraZeneca vaccine was statistically small in comparison with the millions of people who had received the vaccine. This is in accordance with information published by the Government this year. She also referenced the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines within the discussion.” Dr Phillipa Kaye was paid £12,500 by AstraZeneca in 2020 and a further £9,000 by the same company in 2022.

David Miller’s quote against Science Media Centre. The Royal Institute. mRNA jabs for cancer coming soon. Within months of its launch the SMC was already embroiled in controversy over its activities. On the issue of genetically modified (GM) foods, it stood accused of operating ‘a sort of Mandelsonian rapid rebuttal unit’, and of employing ‘some of the clumsiest spin techniques of New Labour’. These claims arose out of allegations of a ‘secret campaign to discredit’ a BBC drama relating to GM crops. The connections of the director of the SMC to the Living Marxism network, and the SMC’s funding, have also attracted critical comment. The SMC provides a link from its home page to the Progress Educational Trust as a “source of information about assisted conception and genetics”, a body which has made Fiona Fox an adviser and has other links to the LM network through current and former staff. Dr David Miller of the Stirling Media Research Institute is amongst the SMC’s critics. He is quoted in an article in The Guardian as saying: The Science Media Centre (SMC) is… not as independent as it appears. It was set up to provide accurate, independent scientific information for the media but its views are largely in line with government scientific policy. The SMC made much of its charitable status, yet its charity number is the same as that for the Royal Institution (RI); in other words, it is almost synonymous with the RI. Similarly, its independence was supposed to be guaranteed by the fact that no more than 5% of its funding comes from any one source; yet 70% of its funding comes from business, which could be said to have similar interests. The SMC has since had the removed from its email address after complaints that only academic institutions that were not corporately funded were entitled to this were upheld. In a critique of the SMC in Nature journal, the science policy journalist Colin Macilwain said the SMC “offers the media a clearing house for scientific briefings and packaged quotes from scientists” and commented on plans to set up a Science Media Centre in the US: The London SMC’s narrow approach to risk assessment — if you want to hear about the risks of nuclear power, say, just ask your local nuclear engineer (see Nature 471, 549; 2011) — sits happily with the prevalent ethos of British journalism. This was, of course, immortalized by the otherwise-obscure poet Humbert Wolfe: “You cannot hope / to bribe or twist, / thank God! the / British journalist. / But, seeing what / the man will do / unbribed, there’s / no occasion to.” Macilwain goes on to question whether the SMC is even needed in the UK, given that the British press — led by the BBC, which treats the Confederation of British Industry with the deference the Vatican gets in Rome — is overwhelmingly conservative and pro-business in its outlook. It is quite unperturbed by the fact that SMC sponsors include AstraZeneca, BP, Coca-Cola, L’Oreal, Monsanto, Syngenta (as well as Nature Publishing Group) but not a single environmental non-governmental organization (NGO) or trade union.
Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard | Tony on Brexit & The Traitors of Arnhem | Evolution | War between God & Lucifer | Plan for three World Wars | Nuclear Armed IDF Doomsday Cult | Armageddonists I have known: Nick Land (1975-8) | George Monbiot (1995-8) | Aanirfan | Manna for the Revelation Generation: CONSPIRACY CLASSICS, longer interviews/lectures
Part Two – International news review, Accelerationist, Armageddonist reports and investigations

St Petersburg International Economic Forum this week – not covered in Western press hardly at all. G7 agrees to give more money to Zelensky. Putin lays out a peace offer for Ukraine – discarded. Russian President, Vladimir Putin delivers an address at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. He has accused Ukraine of using US-supplied rockets to shell civilian targets in the Russian Belgorod region.Maria Zakharova, a spokeswoman for the Russian foreign ministry, claimed HIMARS rockets had been used and women and children had been killed Putin is joined by Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwais and Bolivian President Luis Alberto Arce Catacora. Chairing the session is Sergey Karaganov – a Russian political scientist.

Vladimir Putin delivers keynote address at St Petersburg forum MOSCOW, June 16 (Reuters) – President Vladimir Putin delivered the keynote address at Russia’s showcase St Petersburg International Economic Forum. Here are some quotations from Putin at the event, translated by Reuters. RUSSIAN ECONOMY: “Positive macroeconomic trends are gaining momentum… I agree with those of our experts who believe that growth (this year) will be… somewhere up to 1.5%, and maybe even (just) under 2%. And this will allow our country to keep its place among the leading economies of the world.” “The dynamics of non-oil and gas revenues attracts attention. In January-May they grew by 9.1%, which is noticeably higher than expected.” RUSSIAN DEFENCE SPENDING: “Today, our public finances are generally balanced, there is a small current federal budget deficit… Naturally, additional funds were needed to strengthen defence and security, to purchase weapons, we are obliged to do this to protect the sovereignty of our country.” EXIT OF FOREIGN BUSINESSES FROM RUSSIA: “I will say that if foreign manufacturers want to return again, come to our market, and we hear such conversations more and more often, we are not closing the doors to anyone… “You know very well that we have never driven anyone from our market or our economy.” NATIONAL CURRENCIES IN INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS: “Today, about 90% of settlements with the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union are in roubles, more than 80% of settlements with China are in roubles and yuan. We are actively developing trade in national currencies with other states, too.” Initiated by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, the two-day summit at the Swiss Alpine resort of Buergenstock aimed to find a consensus on how to end the war in Ukraine. RETURN OF ASSETS TO RUSSIAN JURISDICTION: “I ask the government, in contact with the business community, to expedite the return of assets in key industries to Russian jurisdiction … This must be done before December of this year.” WESTERN FREEZE OF RUSSIAN ASSETS: “The situation where funds are earned in Russia and then deposited in foreign accounts carries obvious and often unacceptable risks not only for the state, but also for Russian business itself. Many of our businessmen… were surprised to find that their accounts and assets were frozen in the West.” DE-DOLLARISATION: “We have never had, and do not have, the goal of de-dollarisation of the Russian economy. And we have never had, and do not have, the goal of influencing the de-dollarisation of the world economy. The influence of one or another currency on the world economy is connected with the economic potential of the country that is the issuer of that currency.” OPEC+ AND RUSSIAN ENERGY SECTOR: “All decisions within OPEC+ to reduce production … are of a depoliticized nature, they are not connected either with Russia’s special military operation or with any other opportunistic considerations, they are related to issues of economic feasibility for both producers and consumers”. “In general, the Russian oil and gas market is in good condition and has excellent development prospects.”….

Sergey Karaganov thinks Putin is being too soft. Karaganov on how you deal with a dog that bites you. First use sticks, (conventional weapons) then shoot some (nuclear weapons) and the others will run away. Putin on hyenas. Putin ending his speech at economic forum – Mnangagwa offers hyenas to Putin who says “we’ve got enough in Europe” ‘We have no problems with them, but they breed a lot, and if there is anybody who wants them, we are ready’ Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Zimbabwean counterpart Emmerson Mnangagwa shared a laugh during a tense debate on nuclear diplomacy on Friday, as they discussed how to deal with the real and metaphorical “hyenas” threatening their countries. During a plenary session of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), political scientist Sergey Karaganov urged Putin to update Russia’s nuclear doctrine to allow nuclear retaliation against countries that strike Russia with conventional weapons. With multiple Western nations – including the US, France, and Germany – recently giving Kiev permission to use their missiles in long-range strikes on Russian territory, Karaganov argued that these countries have grown complacent and need to be reminded of Russia’s nuclear capabilities. “They have gone mad, especially the Europeans,” he told Putin. “It’s how animals behave. If there is a herd of hyenas or wild dogs and you’ve got a stick, you can keep them at bay. “But there’s a high chance that they will tear your clothes, and if you get tired they will bite you to death. If you can kill a couple of them then they will disperse.” “President Mnangagwa knows about the behaviour of hyenas,” Karaganov continued, before asking the Zimbabwean leader: “Do you agree Mr. President, that this is how you deal with hyenas?” “We do have lots of hyenas in Zimbabwe, but we keep them in the national parks,” Mnangagwa replied. “We have no problems with them, but they breed a lot, and if there is anybody who wants them, we are ready to donate,” he added, to laughter from the audience. “Well we’ve got hyenas of our own in Europe,” Putin responded. Russian nuclear doctrine has not changed since 2010. It allows for the use of atomic weapons in the event of a nuclear first strike on its territory or infrastructure, or if the existence of the Russian state is threatened by either nuclear or conventional weapons. “I do not believe that it is the case now,” Putin said, adding that Russia “needs no nuclear weapons to achieve victory” in Ukraine. However, Putin noted that changes to Russia’s nuclear doctrine “are not ruled out.”

Blowing apart Sergei and Yulia Skripal MI6 Russophobic WWIII lies: MI6 and London media propaganda around a fake Russian ‘poisoning’ of Sergei and Yulia Skripal in Salisbury Wiltshire on 4th March 2018 Russophobia The Saker website has stopped. Skripal affair dossier by The Saker The Alternative Skripal Narrative by Michael Antony for The Saker Blog The recent titbit fed to us by Bellingcat (reputedly close to MI6) that a third Russian agent was booked on the flight from Heathrow to Moscow on the night of 4th March 2018 — the flight taken by the two alleged GRU officers filmed in Salisbury — but didn’t show up for it, has pointed to a possible solution to the baffling Skripal puzzle. What if the third man, or perhaps the man who was supposed to take his place, was by then lying in Salisbury Hospital in a coma from opiate poisoning? What if Sergei Skripal was a triple agent trying to escape back to Russia to tell the world the truth about the Steele Dossier, which he had helped to concoct as a scurrilous, obscene joke and which had unexpectedly become the new bible of the insane war party in Washington? …..The thing that proves this was a British crime not a Russian one is the fact that Yulia was a prime target. The Russians had no motive to eliminate her, but if they had, they could have done it in Russia with a simple road accident with no questions asked. Only the British had to do it in Britain, since they didn’t have the resources in place to do it in Russia. And if she was not a prime target but collateral damage, why was Sergei not attacked when he was alone? Why wait for her to visit him? The fact they were both targeted the day after she arrived in Britain puts MI6’s signature all over it. She was a danger to MI6 because she knew of Sergei’s plan to return to Russia and trash the Steele Dossier, and she had to be stopped from revealing this to the world when he was killed. Silencing her at the same time was just as important to MI6 as silencing him…..

General Sir Patrick Sanders on war with Russia – F16 fighter jets near border with Russia – WW3. NATO Chief Rob Bower – NATO weapons striking inside Russia. Is NATO Prepared for WAR? ft Rear Admiral Dr. Chris Parry Rear Admiral Dr. Chris Parry is a former Royal Navy officer, currently running a strategic forecasting company as well as appearing on news and media outlets as an military and geo-political analyst. We discuss whether NATO and the UK are prepared for war with Russia. Should we defend Ukraine, have we spent enough on defence, how would war start, diversity within the military, and much more. Conservative Renewal is dedicated to providing engaging politics podcasts, political insights, political interviews, debate, and conservative content. Join us as we delve into politics, topical issues, and champion a renewed commitment to conservative values. Our channel represents a fusion of libertarianism, conservatism, traditionalism, small government, low taxes, and personal liberty. And what is conservative thinking, where is it going, and most importantly, how to have a renewal of conservatism, especially with the young. With inspiration drawn from influential figures such as Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Boris Johnson, Nigel Farage as well as the Conservative Party, the Republican Party, and the Reform UK Party, we offer thought-provoking podcasts, captivating interviews with conservative politicians and thinkers, and insightful commentary on political and topical matters. Our content challenges prevailing narratives and stands against the prevalent “woke” culture, advocating for rational thought, individualism, and traditional values.

Scott Ritter, at The Schiller Institute conference, on the unequal nuclear deterrents of different Countries and The West ripping up nuclear treaties. Russian war ships in Havana Cuba. Emergency Press Conference: The Danger of Nuclear War Is Real, and Must Be Stopped The World on the Brink: For a New Peace of Westphalia! · Scott Ritter: former U.N. weapons inspector and U.S. Marine intelligence officer · Col. (ret.) Richard H. Black: former head of the U.S. Army’s Criminal Law Division at the Pentagon; former State Senator, Virginia (Speaker’s views are not those of DOD or its agencies) · Ray McGovern: former CIA analyst and co-founder of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) · Helga Zepp-LaRouche: founder of the Schiller Institute Host: Schiller Institute On June 3, the U.S. State Department prevented U.S. citizen Scott Ritter from boarding his flight to St. Petersburg, Russia, and seized his passport. Ritter, a former U.S. Marine officer and United Nations weapons inspector who has become a prominent opponent of the current war policy, was traveling to participate in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), which is being attended by an estimated 19,000 people and 3,400 media representatives from some 130 countries. Ritter was subsequently able to participate in the SPIEF panel via Zoom. In addition to the clear First and Fourth Amendment Constitutional issues raised by the Ritter case, the content of what Ritter was going to discuss is key: the need to improve U.S.-Russian relations and stop the escalating danger arising from NATO’s current posture towards Russia, as seen most starkly in Ukraine, which is dragging the world towards a nuclear World War III. The May 22 attack on a critical Russian early-warning radar system at Armavir, purportedly by “Ukrainian” drones, could have been the event which tipped the balance towards war—because it could have confirmed for Russia their stated belief that NATO and the West are intent on “blinding” Russia’s early-warning system in preparation for a possible “preemptive decapitation” strike by the U.S. and NATO against them. Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly stated exactly this concern, publically, and it is the height of arrogant foolishness of the West to dismiss this as a “bluff,” as so many in Washington, London and other NATO capitals are now doing. As dangerous as attempting to blind Russia’s early-warning radar, are the efforts to silence opposition voices who function as a kind of “early-warning” system in the domain of policy deliberation—those who are warning of the danger of nuclear war, and are presenting alternatives to a policy of confrontation. On Wednesday, June 12 at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., a distinguished panel of four experts will each make brief presentations on these topics, and will respond to questions from the media, both in person and over an international Zoom link (with simultaneous interpretation into German, French and Spanish for audiences in those countries).

Guterres in Jordan on how Gaza is the worst war induced humanitarian crisis the ‘West’ has ever supported. Gaza: ‘high time’ for ceasefire and hostage release, says Guterres | United Nations UN Secretary-General António Guterres addresses the plenary session of the High-Level Conference “Call for Action: Urgent Humanitarian Response for Gaza” in Amman, Jordan. A comprehensive ceasefire in Gaza linked to the release of all remaining hostages cannot come too soon, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Tuesday, as he welcomed the Security Council resolution adopted a day earlier seeking an end to the war there. Speaking in Jordan at an international conference prompted by the catastrophic humanitarian situation in Gaza, Mr. Guterres insisted that after more than eight months of intense hostilities, “the horror must stop”. “I welcome the peace initiative recently outlined by President Biden and urge all parties to seize this opportunity and come to an agreement,” the UN chief said. “And I call on all parties to respect their obligations under international humanitarian law. This includes facilitating the delivery of humanitarian aid both into and inside Gaza, as they have committed. All available routes into Gaza must be operational – and the land routes are absolutely crucial.” On Monday, the United States-drafted text urged Hamas to accept a ceasefire proposal announced on 31 May by President Joe Biden that has already been accepted by Israel, according to the White House. The text urges both parties to fully implement the terms of the proposal “without delay and without condition”. It was adopted by a large majority with 14 votes in favour and Russia abstaining – choosing not to exercise its veto power.

WHO chief Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO, on the UN coming to an agreement on Gaza? WHO concerned about escalating health crisis in West Bank WHO remains concerned about the escalating health crisis in the occupied Palestinian territorys, including the West Bank, where attacks on health infrastructure and increased restrictions on movement are obstructing access to health care. A spike in violence in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, since the war in Gaza started has resulted in the deaths of 521 Palestinians, including 126 children between 7 October 2023 and 10 June 2024. In addition, over 5200 people, 800 of them children, have been injured, adding to the growing burden of trauma and emergency care at already strained health facilities. As of 28 May, WHO has documented 480 attacks on health care in the West Bank since 7 October 2023, resulting in 16 deaths and 95 injuries. The attacks affected 54 health facilities, 20 mobile clinics and 319 ambulances. Fifty-nine percent of the attacks occurred in the cities of Tulkarem, Jenin and Nablus. They include attacks on health infrastructure and ambulances, detention of health workers and patients, obstruction of their access to health facilities, use of force on health workers and militarized searches of ambulances and staff. The closure of checkpoints, arbitrary obstructions, and detentions of health workers, rising insecurity, as well as the siege and closure of entire towns and communities has made movement within the West Bank increasingly restricted, impeding access to health facilities. Extensive infrastructure and housing damage, particularly in the northern West Bank, have compounded the situation by obstructing access for ambulances and first-aid responders. The long-standing fiscal crisis faced by the Palestinian Authority (PA) is further impacting the health system and has been worsened by Israel’s increased withholding of tax revenues meant for the occupied Palestinian territory since 7 October, and the overall deterioration of the economic situation in occupied Palestinian territory.

False flag: Mossad bombed their own London Israeli Embassy on July 26 1994 former MI5 officer Annie Machon – bombers …. 1994 London Israeli embassy bombing Convicted Samar Alami, a Lebanese-Palestinian woman and daughter of a banker, graduated with a BSc in chemical engineering from University College London and an MSc from Imperial College London. Jawad Botmeh, a Palestinian student based in London, graduated with degrees in electronic engineering from the University of Leicester and King’s College London. MOJUK: Newsletter ‘Inside Out’ No 36 Sad News Justice has been Denied Again Jawad Botmeh and Samar Alamihave lost their attempt to have the verdicts overturned. At the Court of Appeal, Lord Justice Rose, sitting with Mr Justice Hooper and Mr Justice Goldring, announced the decision to a packed court. The Court of Appeal also refused to reduce Samar and Jawad’s 20-year sentences. The ruling was greeted by cries of “shame” by supporters of the appellants in the public gallery. As the judges left the court some waved large banners declaring Samar and Jawad’s “innocence”. ‘New evidence’ The two denied involvement in the bombings or in any terrorist organisation and argued that new evidence which would exonerate them, had come to light. Their counsel, Michael Mansfield QC, earlier accused the Crown Prosecution Service and the Home Office of wrongly throwing a blanket of secrecy over intelligence agency information, which defence lawyers believed could clear the pair. Botmeh and Alami claimed that “suppression of evidence” rendered their trial unfair and their convictions unsafe. They further asserted that non-disclosure of relevant information was a breach of Article Six of the Human Rights Convention.

Natalie Minnis, of Purposeful Path blog, on how she can’t get back in to her Facebook account after ditching Google *Alert! Natalie Minnis can no longer access this account, so she’s set up a new one.* This is the real Natalie Minnis, but I can no longer get access to ‘my’ Facebook account, so my friend Tony Gosling kindly offered to post this on my behalf. I’ve set up a new FB account with a slightly different name – Natalie Menace I invite you to send me a friend request on that. It’s not a fake account! Natalie Menace may be an alter ego, but it’s _my_ alter ego. She is the real me, honest! I took a photo of myself scowling and made it into an avatar because I’m really not happy about this situation! But it is me. I lost access to the account when my phone developed a fault and I had to send it away for repair. That was back in April. I got the phone back in May, and I managed to get my WhatsApp account back, but not my FB.

Jerusalem as the centre of a future New World Order? David Sorensen of Stop World Control -The plan to make Israel the centre of a one world government – This film exposes something so nefarious, so evil, so mind-blowing that many will find it hard to believe. Yet it is true. The shocking secrets unveiled by this incredible documentary will shine a blazing light on the criminal entities who have always been hiding behind both the state of Israel and Hamas. This film has the power to deliver a fatal blow to the satanic elites, who want to establish a one world government from Jerusalem to enslave all of humanity. We inform humanity about the globalist agenda of world domination. We also expose crimes against humanity committed by financial elites. And we offer hope for a better world, without tyranny and corruption. Make sure to explore our eye-opening films and reports. Please share this website. Make sure to follow us on X by clicking the icon below.
COMPLETE SHOW AND FULL INTERVIEWS [right click to download]
#1 - Complete 3hr 10min show - [right click to download]
Full interviews with...
#2 - Ex ambassador Craig Murray standing in Blackburn for George Galloway's Workers Party - 00:10:00
#3 - George Galloway launches campaign of Dr Khalila candidate for Stretford and Urmston -00:18:00
#4 - Vladimir Putin Sergey Karaganov plenary St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 07Jun24 - 01:30:00
#5 - Emergency Press Conference Scott Ritter, Col Richard Black, Ray McGovern, Helga Zepp-LaRouche Danger of Nuclear War Is Real, and Must Be Stopped - 02:20:00
#6 - Rear Admiral RN Dr. Chris Parry Is NATO Prepared for WAR - 00:10:00
#7 - UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres demands Gaza ceasefire - 00:10:00
#8 - UN WHO Director General Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus global health update - 00:35:00
#9 - Admiral Rob Bauer Chair of NATO Military Committee on Ukraine war, European security world order - 00:30:00
#10 - Natalie Minnis Facebook fascists, Caledonian Sleeper nightmare -00:35:00
#11 - As above
#12 - The mystery of Israel solved Jerusalem one world government David Sorensen Stop World Control 00:55:00

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