This week’s radio show happens to fall on a 5th Friday, meaning it is time for The Thunderbolt’s Greatest Strikes! This is the best of the best from all these years. Listen at your own risk.
This is a production of Dancing Angel Media. You are free to rebroadcast as long as you are a non-profit — just please let us know if you do so.
You can find the Thunderbolt archives at
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This program is best listened to through high-quality headphones at a very high volume
Part 1:
Disclaimer / Station ID 00:00—00:31
TB Intro Music: Focus 00:31—03:29
Club Fed (Originally Aired June 5th, 2013) Music: Mike Oldfield 03:23—08:49
The Long Game (Originally Aired April 21st, 2017) Music: Capsule 08:47—14:47
Camp Kill the Jews (Originally Aired June 6th, 2014) Music: Paul and Linda McCartney 16:47—22:45
Baboons With Chain Saws! (Originally Aired September 4th, 2020) Music: Fred Schneider & B.J. Nelson 22:45—27:22
Part 2:
Disclaimer 27:22—27:59
Good News — Bad News (Originally Aired November 15th, 2013) Music: Bryant Jones — D’Gary with Béla Fleck — Hugo Montenegro — Temas de Tv — Boston Pops — Yngwie Malmsteen 27:59—42:30