Teach-in material from Alternatives weekend retreat held August 26-27, 2000 (http://www.alternatives.ca)
Session 3 facilitated by Georges le Bel features Brian Dominic (Z Magazine), Roque Penoze (Alliance for a Responsable and Solidary World), Gaetan Heroux (OCAP), Hector de la Cueva (Mexican Action Network), and Q & A segment.
This session examines the resistance and grassroots-led struggles in Ecuador, Mexico, the US and in Quebec, providing a portrait of their strengths and weaknesses. All speakers simultaneously translated into English.
Producer: gretchen k./ben bernard Uploaded by: Ben Bernard
Georges le Bel is an Alternatives Activists and professor at University of Quebec at Montreal
Ontario Coalition Against Poverty - OCAP
Translators are Magaly Sala-Skup, Daniel (Working on his last name), and Carlos Torres