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Program Information
Steppin' Out of Babylon
Richard Moore
 Sue Supriano  Contact Contributor
Feb. 18, 2007, 8:58 p.m.
Moore makes the point that things are almost never as they seem. There's a direct connection through the Bushes and they're really re-building the Nazi regime in the USA. 9/11 is a direct replay of the Reichstag Fire that started WWII.
Sue Supriano's Steppin' Out of Babylon is a radio interview series covering a broad range of important issues in today's world: peace and war, human and civil rights, communication, the media, the environment, food security, racism, globalization, immigration and matters of the spirit.

Richard Moore is the author of Escaping the Matrix-- How We the People Can Change the World. He talks about the 6000 years of the history of civilization which, in human history, is a story of ever evolving hierarchical systems ruled by elites arriving now at the point there is one regime that can rule the world. "Civilized" man is synonymous with "domesticated' man-the 'masses' do the work, fight the wars to consolidate the take-over of others and consolidate empire. Since it's "we the people" who care about ourselves Moore thinks that the only way we're going to take care of ourselves and our welfare in these challenging times is by creating a truly democratic society for ourselves.

One of the main points Moore wants to make in this interview is that things are almost never as they seem. He talks about the 20th century--just before WWI a strategy was formed by Britain and the US based on their understanding that when they control the buying and selling of oil they also control global finance and then control the world. About 1928 they made an agreement and set up a collaborative scheme (a cartel) for exploiting the oil industry which is basically a British American operation and it's still going. There also was collaboration all through the war between Nazi's and US financial interests. Ford, GM and other US companies were in Germany throughout WWII where they were manufacturing weapons which were used against American Troops. When supplies of oil were needed sometimes they'd be given to US and sometimes to Germany. The US and Britain also got together with the English and US bankers prior to the war to create the Federal reserve System in order to fund the war effort. President Roosevelt had to confiscate some of Prescott Bush's companies under the trading with the enemy act since he was one of the main people to handle the Nazi finances. There's a direct connection through the Bushes and they're really re-building the Nazi regime in the USA. 9/11 is a direct replay of the Reichstag Fire that started WWII. The names they're using like "homeland security" are patterned on the Nazis. The IMF (International Monetary Fund which used to be the Bank of London) and the World Bank were set up to control global finances and are controlled by the US and Britain as an extension of their banking systems while the United Nations is getting transformed into something that is really an extension of US foreign policy. All this was orchestrated and the "matrix" is, among other things, what people take for history-i.e., what we read in history books about personalities and other lies when, in truth, it's the bankers and their story that is determining things-- the lies that the powers that be think need to be told in order to get people to go along with their plans. Moore says the UN is a vehicle to create a world government and take sovereignty away from all nations.

Moore points out that civilization today is heading for disaster and direct engagement of citizens is crucial for our survival now. There is nothing we can do in our current system, ruled by elites, which is set up to divide us from one another and then allow us to choose which brand of elites will control us. We, the people, have to learn to work together and those who disagree need to learn how to solve problems together. Mostly, we don't know how to do that. Moore thinks that the technology of communication is very useful, but most people aren't exposed to it and training them would be most helpful. Moore has had experience that leads him to know that it's possible to take any twelve people from at random and put them together for three days and facilitate dialogue between them and at the end of the three days they'll have bonded, will know and respect each other, hear each other's valid concerns and can start working together to make collaborative decisions. He thinks it happens almost every time if people have a facilitator and stick with this process. For him it was a breakthrough concept and he was so excited he worked on how this could be used for helping us create an entire democratic society. His idea is that groups of twelve people go through this process and we keep doing this and the community gets an emerging sense of itself as community. He also believes that democratization is only possible on a small scale-no more than 3000 people. With dialogue at this small scale the people could make decisions which would be in the interest of the majority of the community members. In Moore's model there would then be agencies to carry out the people's wishes at that small scale but no government and no delegation of power. Since we haven't had democracy for 6000 years anyway this would be a huge improvement in creating real democratic economies and communities.

Moore's websites are: and

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RichardMoore01 Download Program Podcast
00:56:00 1 Nov. 1, 2006
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